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Everything posted by Zac

  1. I think I want to do a fancy guppy tank with some amanos and nerites
  2. Water is a little cloudy but I think it’ll clear up within a week or so. This is my first attempt at a fully planted tank. I’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out. I had a very nice couple give me all of these plants so I didn’t have to pay anything:)
  3. How was it acting before the meds were added? I doubt the trio had anything to do with it
  4. Looks like some sort of pencil fish. At least the body shape seems similar
  5. Idk it’s not me who has the problem with the moss lol
  6. I wouldn’t even worry about liquid fertilizer if nitrates are that high. However, you may need to supplement certain nutrients if they start to show deficiencies
  7. If you want to get rid of it you could disinfect the sponge filter.
  8. Honestly. You don’t really need to know exactly what it is. If you’re unsure, remove them, and treat them with a trio of meds that covers everything. You’ll end up spending more time trying to figure out what it is rather than treating the fish
  9. They’re brand new. Been in the tank maybe a few days at most. Only thing in the tank is wood, slate, and sand
  10. So I have 2 medium aquarium co-op sponge filters with nano air pumps and a ziss air stone. Every 3 seconds, a single bubbles comes out of the same spot in each of them. I’m not worried about it, but it’s mildly annoying lol. The airline tubes on the inside are almost as short as they can be (maybe an inch or so long). The sponge filters are sitting straight (at least it looks like it). And I don’t believe a nano air pump would really push too much air through a sponge filter. Any other suggestions on how I can fix it? I’ve tried loosening and tightening the air stones. They’re on the tighter side right now but not overly tight
  11. You could a little breeder box or tank divider
  12. I’m probably going to start local but I don't really know how to ship. I know how to pack the fish but I don’t know how the actual shipping process goes. Which one is generally more reliable? Is there a technique to reach a market online? The last thing I want is to buy endlers and then have 100s of babies before I can have a reliable way to offload them. Maybe start locally?
  13. Does anyone know how much N class black bars or 1975 original tank bred endlers would sell for? I recently had someone tell me he usually pays $.50-$1 per fish and I guess that doesn’t seem quite right. I see them going for as high as $10 for a juvenile. So although I love endlers, I’m debating on if a community tank breeding project would be worth it or not in terms of profit. It doesn’t seem reasonable to spend $40 on on 2-3 adults to sell a 2 month old sexually mature fish for less that $5-$6. Can someone clear the water for me on how the market for endlers operates?
  14. The hob is going to be removed when the water is clear. But good thoughts!
  15. Good idea. My plan is to just have 3 females and maybe 1 male. Then hope to be able to offload the fry at the 5 week mark to try and keep the population under control. Would this be manageable for a 29 gallon?
  16. I have a background I’m just waiting until I remove the HOB to put it on. Plants will go in in a few days Would those plants be good for fry to hide in? I’m trying to go for an Endler community breeding tank
  17. Any recommendations on how to get rid of nerite snail eggs? Will they pollute the tank?
  18. I think corys are more bottom feeders. I haven’t really heard of them being reliable algae eaters. Maybe unless they’re starving
  19. What kind of algae eaters would you recommend for a 29 gallon Endler breeder? I don’t want a ton but enough to cover most of algae
  20. Should I worry about toxins in aquarium safe super glue gel (I’m don’t have the one aquarium co-op sells).Also, I thought nerite snails needed brackish conditions for their eggs to hatch. Maybe I’m thinking of something else?
  21. I would try dosing some aquarium salt just to be safe and add antibiotics/anti fungal meds if you want to go the extra mile
  22. Hey all, I’ve finally gotten the water in my tank to clear from the black sand and I think in a few days it’ll finally be ready for plants (the HOB is there just for clearing the water and will be removed). This is my first serious aquascape attempt and I don’t think it turned out too bad (given the fact it doesn’t have plants yet lol). The idea is for this tank to be an Endler breeding tank. 3 females and 1 male until I can figure out how much fry I can handle. Some otos as well for cleanup and maybe nerite snales if I get green spot algae. Anyways…I need plant advice! Here’s what I’m thinking: -A little bit of frogbit at the top -a lawn of hair grass at the base of the tree -dwarf sag in the open space in front of the slate -a lush jungle of Vallisneria around the sponge filters and in back of the tree -I also need something to glue on the tree. I want to try and create either a bush or some leaves -scarlet temple next to the heater (speaking of…is the heater in an okay spot or should I move it?) -some sort of anubias glued onto the cave -maybe a little bit of baby tears somewhere This is my first headfirst attempt at a fully planted tank too so fingers crossed it doesn’t end in a disaster. Give me advice on what I can do to make it better, plants, placement ideas, etc. I’d love to hear what you guys think!
  23. For those that casually breed livebearers, Do you guys eventually run into deformities from inbreeding or do you take the fry out when the mother gives birth to avoid the inbreeding? I’m not looking to get the most perfect fish and cull the ones that aren’t perfect (sure maybe the ones that have a serious defect but that’s it). I’m just looking for something fun to do on the side. I guess I should ask this…how do you guys breed your livebearers?
  24. Hey all, I’m thinking of breeding some endlers for my first fish to breed. For the fun and to maybe make a little bit of extra money. The only problem is I’m very busy, and I worry about the feeding schedule of the fry. I’m not too worried about getting them to breed but fry need to be fed a lot. Here are a few questions: -How often would I have to feed them? -Are there any good alternatives other than live baby brine shrimp? -Do mothers often die after giving birth? I read that the process can be very stressful for them
  25. My sand is seachem black fluorite sand
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