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Everything posted by Zac

  1. Hey all, I’m using sand for the first time and I could’ve sworn I rinsed the sand out good enough. I think I was outside for probably 10-15minutes. Anyways, I’ve attached a photo of my problem. When I filled the tank (I tried to do it as gently as possible) this happened. It’s been like this for roughly a day. I have an old HOB that I don’t use to hopefully clear the muck a bit. Even then. There’s a fine layer of brown stuff (I’m assuming dirt) that settled on the bottom. I’ve decided to take a couple gallons out every so often and top it off. Any other suggestions on how I can clear the water and get the layer of dirt off the sand?
  2. Hey all, I’m in the process of setting up a planted tank and I’d like to get a bristlenose pleco. I’m avoiding Amazon swords because I don’t want to risk it being eaten. Will a bn pleco be able to eat the algae off of smaller, thinner leaves like on dwarf sag.? Or will it’s mouth be too big?
  3. For those who have the nano air pump, would it supply enough air for a medium sponge filter in a 29 gallon? I’m considering running 2 for easy cycling of a quarantine tank
  4. Hey all, I’m looking to add some frogbit to an aquarium with low/med light plants. What are decent ways to manage it so it doesn’t block out all the light in the aquarium? Are there certain places I could put it where it will minimize the light blocked out?
  5. What makes slate better in your experience?
  6. Hey all, I have a 29 gallon tank I’m doing an overhaul on. This is my first time doing serious aquascaping. I’m torn between slate and seiryu stone. My goal is to have a more rocky side and more woody, open side with some driftwood. I’ll have live plants in the mix. Do you guys recommend slate or seiryu? And what size rocks do you recommend for a 29 gallon? I’d prefer to get only one type because they are crazy expensive. Feel free to post your scaped 29 gallon tanks here as well! I need some inspiration!
  7. For those that have purchased aquarium co-op’s Java moss, is it possible to remove that wire mesh it is attached to? I would like to put it on a coconut hut and Apisto cave but I would rather the wires not be sticking out/visible
  8. For those who have a mix of water column feeding and root feeding plants, when you use root tabs, do you place them around the roots only or do you place them throughout the whole tank? And how do you determine when you need to replace the root tabs?
  9. Zac


    That’s unfortunate. Hopefully everything works out
  10. Zac


    How often will they breed if the male is left in? Will they breed again before the fry are of selling size? Is there ever male on female aggression? I had a pair of angels and they laid eggs, ate them multiple times, and the male almost killed the female eventually (they were in a 29).
  11. Ah okay that makes more sense. I interpreted it as you already had an established tank
  12. Zac


    Any suggestions with getting Apistos to breed? My idea is to spend a little more to hopefully get an adult male and female so I don’t have to buy 5-6 fish. Would a single male and female be an issue if conditions are right?
  13. I wouldn’t dose it daily. Just enough to get your aquarium cycled and have the established bacteria/plants do the rest (besides water changes of course). Ammonia spikes/cloudy water can be caused by a drastic increase in bacteria so I think you’re probably fine to not dose it every day. Plus it can get expensive if you’re treating the whole tank every day
  14. Zac


    Hey all, I’m considering remodeling my 30 gallon and getting completely new fish/plants. Here’s my planned plants/fish I want to keep. I am new to plants so I’ve done a lot of research. The tank will be around 80°F Fish: 2 apistos (haven’t decided on species) 3 hill stream loaches 5-10 pencil fish Plants: Dwarf Sagittaria cryptocoryne wendtii pogostemon stellatus octopus java moss water sprite apongoneton crispus sort of anubias I would like to get 2 apistos to breed and send the male into a 10 gal quarantine tank so the mother can raise the fry. Will the mother act too aggressive towards the pencil fish? Since pencil fish mouths are small I’m not too worried about them eating the fry. Will the fry be okay in a 30 gallon or would it be better to leave the pencil fish out and just have loaches and apistos? I would like to cycle the tank with plants as well so any advice/input on that and the above would be great. I’ve watched all the aquarium co-op videos on it and Irene’s but any other tips they may have not addressed would help
  15. Been doing hours of research on them. I’ve tried a couple times but with no luck and I’m hesitant to start a planted tank even though I’m well aware of the benefits and relative ease of care when you know what you’re doing
  16. Does it matter which specific hygger it is? Maybe my plant had a different issue. It had very dull green leaves but not quite yellow and it was wilted
  17. What are your guys’ top picks for grow lights? I have a hygger general LED but I’m not sure it’s doing the job
  18. Zac

    Offloading fish

    Where do you put the male and female? Individual tanks? Community tanks? Also, what size tank do you grow the fry in? Once the mother is done raising them?
  19. Zac

    Offloading fish

    Would taking the male out an alternative so the fry don’t have to be moved? What size grow out tank do you use for the fry and what size are they usually sold at?
  20. To those who breed fish (especially slow growing ones). How do you manage and balance it? I eventually want to breed apistos but I’m not quite ready yet. My biggest issue is figuring how to not get overrun by fry. So how do you balance the breeding/selling? If apistos take a few months to grow and apistos breed every few weeks. How do you grow out the fry and sell them in time? Are there usually multiple batches of eggs to manage at once with a single pair? Any details would be great
  21. For those that are very familiar with plecos. Here’s my question. Whenever I’m doing a water change my clown pleco doesn’t seem to be bothered by my hand or the water. Sometimes he zooms away but sometimes he won’t budge. I try to poke him or gently pick him up and move him because he’s in my way but he’s adamant on not moving very much. He’s chubby and eats. So does he just not feel threatened? He doesn’t display his fins like he is agitated. This behavior has been going on for a few months so I don’t think he’s sick. Anyone familiar with this kind of behavior?
  22. No issues of ammonia coming from the waste in the media?
  23. Should I be squeezing out filter media every week? I seem to always have a very small amount of ammonia (around .1 ppm) would squeezing it out every weak damage the biological filtration? I’ve been trying so many different things but just can’t seem to get rid of it. The tanks been up for around 6-7 months
  24. Hey all, Ive been running a tank for quite some time now and I’m still struggling a bit on how to get the most out of my weekly water changes. It’s a 29 gallon and I have a siphon for 29-75 gallons. I don’t have any live plants. I usually take out the ceramics and drift wood and vacuum around the plants. Should I be taking them out every week? Would it put unnecessary stress on the fish taking everything out every week? The siphon empties the tank rather quickly so it can be difficult to get everything.
  25. The sick fish isn’t eating though so would that work? I’m using Kanaplex
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