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Everything posted by Zac

  1. Hey all, I seem to have quite a bit of rhabdocoela in my tank. I know they’re not planaria so they’re not a danger to my shrimp. However I’m not quite sure why they seemed to explode in population. My ammonia is 0, nitrite at 0, and my nitrates are 40ish. My tanks not dirty either (I’ve attached an image below). They’re not a huge issue but they’re kind of unsightly when you get up close to the tank. I’m not sure how to get rid of them.
  2. Hey all, What suggestions do you have for breeder boxes for guppies? Unfortunately the seller I’m buying from only sells in pairs with additional fry(unsexed). So I can’t get one male to 3 females. I’ll need a breeder box to start out for obvious reasons. What do you guys suggest? I’m thinking the Fluval multichambered box or the ziss box
  3. Maybe try unplugging it for 30 minutes or so if you haven’t tried that. Sometimes they just need to adjust to the water temp. You could turn the temp up slowly until it matches what you would like your tank to be
  4. I only have amano shrimp at the moment. I’m probably going to get some guppies soon so the fish load will get larger. Can you remind me what AR is?
  5. I have 2 medium sponge filters with air stones running in them. The right side pump isn’t working but a new pump should be coming in the mail soon. Hopefully that will help
  6. That’s possible. I have red ludwigia and it’s doing great. No issues with color. You may be right about lighting. I just tested and my tank is just under 40ppm Nitrates. I’m hesitant about upping the lighting because I have staghorn algae I was just able to start killing off with excel
  7. Hey all, My scarlet temple teems to be losing its red on the older leaves. It’s a 30 gallon tank and I’m dosing 4 pumps easy green twice a week, 2 pumps of iron twice a week. And the tank gets 7 hours of 80% light. Plus the time it takes for the light to ramp up and down
  8. Khuli loaches can be great fish, but they are shy so they like lots of hiding places. For 5-6 I’d probably go with 30 gallons. I think 4 for 20 gallons will be okay. But again you may not see them much because the tank is pretty open. Rest sounds great! Maybe consider like 5 amano shrimp incase you end up getting a hair algae problem or some sort of other algae the snails won’t eat
  9. Hey all, For those who remember my previous posts about mulm, I think I finally realized the culprit after some comments on the forum. I noticed a large amount of mulm concentrated underneath the driftwood, along with the mulm building up on the driftwood. I noticed tons of snails on the underside of the wood when I took it out (probably 50+). Are there any suggestions on what to do? Will it whatever is on the wood causing it eventually go away? I’d hate to get rid of the wood because it’s a gorgeous piece I put together myself.
  10. The algae isn’t a huge issue at the moment but it’s definitely growing. I’ll have to order some excel. Will it continue to grow during that 3-4 week period or will it slow down, then die?
  11. Thanks! Fingers crossed I can nip this in the butt before it becomes problematic. Do you spot treat with excel or do you just do a whole dose?
  12. I’ll try blocking the window I think since I don’t have anywhere to move the tank. Hopefully that works. I’ve also read about spot treating with seachem excel. Hopefully the light will do the trick so I don’t have to spot treat. I’ll have to address iron next if that doesn’t work
  13. Yes. There’s a little window in the basement that light gets through. I could try blocking the window but it will be a challenge. How should I get rid of it since nothing will eat it?
  14. Hey all, what are your guys’ favorite air pumps? I have 2 sponge filters in my 29 gallon. I have 2 aquarium co-op nano pumps but they haven’t been reliable for me. They both stopped working, I got 2 more, and the same thing happened after less than 2 weeks. I’m thinking of going a different route. Any suggestions?
  15. Can someone confirm/deny my suspicions that this is staghorn algae? Tanks nitrates are under 40, 1 pump of iron twice a week, and roughly 8 hrs of 80% light. The tank does get a lot of natural light. From what I’ve read, amano shrimp won’t eat it if it’s staghorn algae
  16. I have a decently planted tank. I’m still working on the layout but it should hopefully come together soon. It have a nice dense background of pogo octo. Along with some pearlweed and other plants. I’m working on propagating everything to really give the tank some density but I think right now I should be good
  17. Hey all, Once this heatwave is over I’m going to order some guppies with hopes of doing a casual breeding setup. I have a couple questions: -Will a male harass a pregnant female to mate? -How long can I keep a male in a breeder box to let the female have a break? I have an extra 10 gallon tank but it’s not setup yet. I could set it up but if there won’t be troubles with a breeder box I would rather do that. I don’t know if it’s worth setting up a whole 10 gallon for one guppy that will only be in it sometimes.
  18. I soaked it for about a day, I got it about a month ago, and I see a small amount of snails on the wood sometimes. When there was biofilm on it they were all over it
  19. That’s what I originally thought. I was told by a few people that it was mulm but I also thought it was diatom algae too. I’m using seachem black fluorite sand. Honestly…I’m really not sure. When I removed the rotting plants it seemed to get better. Also I noticed it’s underneath the driftwood. Unless diatom can grow where it’s almost completely dark that I think it’s mulm but now that you mention it I really don’t know lol. I also noticed it reappears almost in the exact spots after I remove it
  20. I’m running 2 medium sponge filters with nano pumps and ziss air stones in them. That should be enough right? I can definitely try that. I’m doing 2 pumps twice a week so I’ll try dropping it around there
  21. Not yet but I was debating on picking some up. Should I add the recommended dosage for a new tank or should I cut it down a bit because it’s partly established? How much were you adding?
  22. Definitely looks like hair algae. Amano shrimp will make quick work of it
  23. Hey all, So I’m having trouble determining if my tank is having trouble cycling or not. It’s been up for almost 4 weeks. I used to have a pretty big mulm problem because some of my plants were dying and rotting. So I removed them, did some water changes, and it’s significantly better now (roughly a week to so later). However I still have mulm, but only a little. I know it’s beneficial when there’s enough bacteria to break it down. My tank has had around a .5ppm nitrite level for quite a while now which I know is normal for a cycling tank and I’m really trying not to over maintenance it (especially because I have no fish). All I have are “pest” snails. I’ve noticed quite a few have died but they usually get eaten by the other snails and only the shell remains. I think it’s either due to nitrites or no food because I’m not feeding them. I’m not in a huge rush to get this thing cycled but I’m starting to get hair algae so I’d like to get some amano shrimp in there before it takes over. All the plants look healthy from what I can see. The octopus plant has lost a couple of the lower leaves recently but it looks healthy over all. -I’ve attacked some pics of my tank and the mulm. Is this a normal amount to have or is it too much? Also if y’all see anything wrong with the plants let me know plz. I dose 3mL easy green every 3 days, 2mL of easy iron the days after I dose easy green, and seachem root tabs once every couple months. The lights on 80% brightness for 8ish hours, but the right side of the tank gets a lot of natural light before it turns on.
  24. You can try buceplant or modern aquarium
  25. I’d try your best to find someone who can take 2 of them. Your tank looks very open. A densely planted tank may help to curb aggression. But Chinese algae eaters are aggressive in general. It’s usually advised to keep only one in a tank unless it’s a pretty big tank
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