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Everything posted by Zac

  1. Made a post about this yesterday. I was able to snap a picture of the worm I found. Now there’s probably 50 or more in the tank. It’s like they appeared over night. I haven’t had any new additions to the tank for 2 weeks when I initially set it up. Only pond snails and plants. It seems like these guys just appeared over night. My hutch is that they’re detritus worms but I don’t want to add any fish unless I know the worms won’t harm them and fish can eat them
  2. GH is around 120 ppm. Ph is neutral. I don’t remember Kh but last I recall it was stable enough to prevent Ph crashes. 5-6ish maybe. I don’t have a test kit for Kh. I try to remove as much plant debris as I can (tanks only been up for about 2 weeks so some plants are still melting a bit. There’s a lot of snail poop so I try to get as much of it as I can. The back of my tank is densely planted though so I can’t really get back there too well. I just leave it because I figure it won’t cause too much trouble. And I have sand and I haven’t gotten the hang of gravel vacuuming it yet. There’s so many tight spaces I have to use just the tube with no actual vacuum. Only the center is a big enough area to use the whole vacuum. A few snails died which I think is due lack of food because I don’t feed them (nor do I want to lol). I want their population low.
  3. -Anybody ever have snails wave their shells back and forth? I read that it’s to shake off irritants on their shell. I don’t see anything on their shell however. Water conditions 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 40 nitrate(plants). My gut is saying everything is probably fine and the tank is safe. -I noticed a little brown worm in my tank. It got away before I could get a picture. It was brown and had a similar structure to a detritus worm which I know are harmless. Was this worm probably a detritus worm? Or are there other worms I should be aware of? I have no fish in the tank right now, but just ordered some amanos.
  4. So I’m doing a plants only cycle and I have pond snails. Now I don’t mind them but now there is snail poop literally everywhere. And I have a pretty densely planted tank so not everywhere I can get to to clean (mainly the back and sides). I mainly have tried to just clean the open areas. I plan on getting some loaches to deal with most of the snails. But should I worry about the amount of snail waste I can’t get to? Ammonia and nitrites are 0. I have noticed some of the snails have started dying. I’m not feeding anything so I’m hoping it’s due to lack of food and not another issue
  5. Lol that’s about all my bio major brain can comprehend. I tapped out of math after calc 1
  6. If you have 0 ammonia it can’t be ammonia poisoning. My guess would be bacterial or fungal because those can create red lesions
  7. Thank you so much Cory! Fingers crossed this works🤞
  8. Here’s a few pictures of the frogbit and their environment. My guess is either condensation from the lid or the sponge filters. I tried to remove all dead plants and all that’s left are the “healthy” ones.
  9. Yeah you can try salt first. Or if you want you can hit it with salt and antibiotics. That’s what I would do personally. If his poop was normal color I’d say it’s probably not parasitic
  10. Hey all, My frogbit isn’t doing too well. Most of the leaves are turning brown and dying. I only have a few healthy leaves left with roots. I noticed my tank was only at 20ppm nitrates so I started to increase my fertilizer dosage. Every other plant in my tank seems to be fine. I do have 2 sponge filters with air stones in them (30 gallon tank). Could the death be caused by too much surface agitation? I noticed most of the leaves are partly wilted under water. Even the healthy ones. Is this possibly caused by nutrient deficiencies or too much surface agitation? I’d prefer not to lose all my frogbit
  11. I would try treating with antibiotics just in case. You can try feeding him peeled peas in case he is constipated
  12. Trying to figure out if this brown stuff is diatom algae or something else. I’d like to add shrimp soon. Attempting a plant only cycle but I do have pond snails.
  13. So my sponge filters tend to push my frogbit out of my light and into the corners/edge of my tank. They seem to be growing okay tho. I posted a picture of where they usually sit. Are they getting enough light?
  14. Depends. I usually leave it unless it becomes detached from the main plant
  15. Any recommendations on websites to buy them? I see so many different ones and I want to avoid imposter amanos
  16. Some dwarf chain loaches and guppies
  17. Hey all, I’d like to get some amano shrimp for my 29 gallon but idk how many I should get. I’d like for there to be enough to take care of algae, but not too many that they hog all the food. How many should I get? I’m debating between either 5 or 10
  18. Right. I’m trying to get 6 that’s the problem. I don’t want 4 or 8 lol
  19. Where did you get yours from? I want 6 but it seems websites are either out of stock or only sell in groups of 4
  20. Hey all, I’d like a snail eater for my 30 gal to keep my population of small snails in check. I definitely want them, but I’d like to not be overrun. They came in on my plants. Does anyone have any suggestions for snail eating fish for a 30 gal other than a pea puffer and assassin snails?
  21. There’s a procedure where you can snip away at the excess tissue. But that’s like a last resort and you’d want to find an expert
  22. I’d probably remove the Ram and put him in with the new discus, then run meds if you notice anything worsen. Then you’re treating the ram and discus
  23. Zac


    Hey all, I have a thick layer of biofilm on my driftwood. If I get amano shrimp, will they take care of it?
  24. Scarlet temple. The person I got it from kept it short and it looks amazing!
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