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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. @Patrick_GWow what an unusual holiday choice but a great way to see a landscape change from modern through to Roman (if you go to see the bits at Chester). How did you land on that tour? Hope you get good weather, I think there was a TV series that covered that route Shropshire Union Canal isn't it.I'll have to see if I can find you a link.
  2. Trim the worst, I would probably treat the same as a display tank plants just do what feels right. The old growth isn't really significant for the test. I would look at number and size of new leaves and root development for the end comparison. Maybe time before new growth showed Maybe decide on a tatty scale and have a when I leaf gets like this its gone approach to them all.
  3. I had fake plants with my goldfish because they pulled up any live ones I added and replanting daily gets old fast. Both set ups look great I'd be tempted to add that purply one back in and see who you could fool. Real plants do bring a new level of involvement with the tank so they are really worth trying hope it continues to go well for you.
  4. I think puffers have to be the stars of their tanks and may not like sharing the limelight. As both these fish types will want your attention they aren't going to be able to avoid each other. If the puffers find out the Bettas fins are tasty she is doomed.
  5. What about garras or hill stream loaches both of these prefer cooler tanks but depending on the type of garra you can find you could have a couple
  6. well more plants fewer water changes so they pay for themselves don't they 😉
  7. Ouch that steep the energy prices crazy everywhere now, new fish can wait as much as it bugs us.
  8. I'm hoping a topping up my substrate will tip the balance for me
  9. yesterday I was taken for drive around the Trough of Bowland and saw a big stone . Also spotted grouse and hares but they were moving to fast for photo's This is the Great Stone of Four Stones The hills are Whernside, Inglebrough and Pen-Y-Gent
  10. I've seen that on ebay and I'm tempted by it but not sure I have strong enough light for such a pale plant That is a very striking plant - if I saw that in a store I'd probably give it go even though swords are a bit hit and miss in my care (my tanks suffer horribly from my impulse purchasing).
  11. I came home from a holiday once to a half empty 60G and a lot of dead fish. That place stank I was ripping carpet out at midnight. This was from an issue with the canister filter hose not the glass tank. Happily my insurance covered this as a leak and replaced everything, but just adding this as odd things can happen and tank water leaks are far worse than a clean water leaks. Landlords are cautious for reasons. And 30G is a lot of water when it gets out of its box.
  12. Oopsey. Yes done it no it didn't cause any issues. I have had to put my filter on the same socket as a lamp and I was in the habit of turning the lamp off at the socket. So yes done this a few times recently never crashed my cycle and it's been off for over 12 hours
  13. I'd say look at tank do you see fish first or plants first if it's fish we are low to moderate if it's plants probably high. I have a low to moderately planted tank and I can go 8 weeks at least before water change becomes needed. So you just need to balance your planting to your routine. Before I pulled all my stem plants the tank could go much longer.
  14. Be careful of what its made of some can be very rough. And others might be really hard to clean. Algae will grow on it but it will be a great surface for bacteria. Snag there being if you take it out to clean off the algae you might hit your cycle hard. Some people use stone tile to keep the ease of a bare bottom but want a look that's a bit more natural.
  15. I think there is a yellowish rotala if you hunt around I can't remember what the yellow variety is called. Most stem plants are fairly easy going but pale colours generally want good light (or not shaded)
  16. If there is no one to eat the eggs I've found Cory numbers generally increase over time (as long as you have at least one healthy female and an appropriate male). I've never pulled the eggs I did find one fry in vase of broken miss balls once that caused a panic . So if you are just after a wait and see yay a few made it must pulling the guppies will probably be enough
  17. I would settle in and be perfect tenants and then after Christmas (because that will save sorting out fish care while you visiting family) broach the subject with the landlord. By then you'll be through the very hectic freshers period and know how intense your course and social life is likely to be and also if you have room for a tank in the apartment (space is very different when you're living in it). And remember to check your flatmate is happy with the idea. Be prepared to pay an additional bond to cover potential water damage and your flatmate might not want to split that with you. Fish and tanks are a pain to move I'd be very reluctant to add one to anywhere before I knew I'd be there for years.
  18. A little rag tag bunch lets hope they have learnt their lessons about fighting with the big kids. Yellow looks great and some tails never heal completely whole again so I would have no worries plopping that one back and the others are all swimming well and in some ways they have less tail to get nipped so they might be a harder target. I would probably add them in on an evening I had plenty of time to check on them just in case they got all scrappy again.
  19. So before you rush to spend money you could check to see if the bubbles occur if you disconnect the power head and run it in a bowl of just tap water, if you get bubbles after initially making sure all the air is expelled then it an weird issue with the head if not then is gasses in the aquarium water.
  20. I have seen people work them into benches and planters with decking planks. nice to sit and watch the fish.
  21. So I thought I'd pick this up again and throw out some more images of the British countryside cause it's pretty great a times and I am lucky enough to be able to get out and enjoy it and I hope you will to. And let me know if there is anywhere you have always wanted to visit - no promises but its nice to get suggestions helps you see new places. I would also like to see your pictures so feel free to show me what I'm missing out on over here. I open with Brimham Rocks demonstrating the beauty of erosion these are in North Yorkshire
  22. the scale definition on the first pic made me think Barb.
  23. Beautiful! Quick question what are the black and white fish in photo three?
  24. I think with the all the work they are doing with Chris Lukhaup I'm sure the EU is next. I would like them to look at countries that struggle to get the basics though like our friend in Costa Rica.
  25. A lot has been achieved with those over the course of human history. Buttering your toast is probably the best use one has been given.
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