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  1. Almost 3 months, some plants were introduced at about 1 and half months with root tabs and simple green. Fish came about a week and a half or 2 later, after the first dose it’s only been SG. It’s a weird size, 35gal I think.
  2. @FrozenFinns thanks for the info, and yes I have live plants. I’ll probably tone down the light and cut back on the ferts along with some scrubbing.
  3. I have a issue with brown algae that my trio of nerites can’t seem to get a handle on. Is there a way to ‘increase efficiency’ or is it a matter of reinforcements?
  4. I’m not a really a fan of P. Stellatus ‘Octopus’(just doesn’t vibe with me🤷‍♂️) but you pointed me in the right direction. P. Stellatus ‘Broadleaf’ is next on my list of must-haves.
  5. I plan on using cuttings to fill space but the bacopa is growing slower than expected. The anacharis on the other hand, has put on 8-10in in a month or two. Just got some wisteria and I’m excited to see it after it’s leaves convert.
  6. Kinda had that feeling, but I wouldn’t doubt there are a few filter-fans cruising around here. Going to see if I can tame the guppy grass like a hedge, if I can’t oh well.🤷‍♂️
  7. Heh, not trying to hide it (would of used anacharis for that) but if I saw nothing but plants I would be happy 😁
  8. Started with 7 Pygmy cories, 12 guppies and a quartet of nerites, lost a snail and gained a lot of guppies.
  9. Thanks! All the hardscape including the sand just came from my yard. The guy who lived here before me bred koi and there is just piles of rock up to the size of basketballs in the corner of my lot.
  10. My first tank in 14 or 15 years (makes me sound old) and the first with live plants. Got it to a point where I could more or less leave the scape alone and be happy. So what do you think?
  11. Got the few plants I had loose glued and the cories I got last night are feeding and schooling up.
  12. First fish in years went in today! Nine Pygmy cories and a mistaken sparkling gourami.
  13. I have known of the critter for awhile (the whole state does boat checks) and I checked immediately after I had read your mention of them. There was a feeling of relief when I read there wasn’t any mussels spotted in my part of the state.
  14. When I read this I couldn’t help but face palm. Last year I took some “wild caught” plants and added them in my garden pond. I luckily dodged a bullet and there hasn’t been any belligerent bivalves spotted in northern California. It was Ludwigia peploides for those who were curious.
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