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  1. I used to do water chemistry testing for large industrial complexes and had many times run across differences in test results that didn't make sense. Look into age of reageants as a start. Some test kits may sit on shelves for extended periods of time so even though they are "new" to you they may be quite old. I have had this happen on a few ocassions. if you can cross-check with another or a fish friends testing reageants against your own results. I have also bought reliable testing kits only to have bad reageants in the kits. Don't rule anything out when it comes to quality controls with some companies. Good Luck, hope you get to the bottom of this. 👍
  2. Both your tanks look amazing. I hope my tank looks half this good when I am done. I have no sense of aesthetics 😃
  3. Nice to meet ya! Would love to see some pictures once you get your angels. Thinking of some cory's for my 29 gallon. Love the salt and pepper cory,s
  4. I have always been interested in out finny friends but have never had the time to devote to the hobby but being semi-retired has loosened up my schedule. Started out VERY small with a 3.5 gallon Betta tank (Blue and Purple Crowntail).He seems to be doing well but I always catch him hanging around my inlet filter sponge. At first I thought he was stuck but he comes and goes as he pleases especially around dinner time. I have a 29 gallon long that I haven't started yet due to lack of funds and ideas. I keep changing my mind about what I want to keep in it but it will be a "planted tank". Looking forward to learning from the group as I journey further into fishkeeping. See Ya around,
  5. Trying to keep on topic with this would dosing 1/2 a squirt of Easy Green add to my Nitrite level in @ 3.5 gal Betta tank? About the time I did this my water test showed I had a pretty significant spike. Possibility or just coincidence?
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