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Everything posted by Revaria

  1. I have to say the Norman Lampeye Killi. They are low in price, small and easy to take care of and when well fed in a planted tank, a large school of them is quite appealing to the eye.
  2. I never tried the can o cyclops, but I have a can o bloodworms laying around which I got from a fish convention a while back. If you don't want to continue freezing batches of the can you can purchase frozen cyclops which are pre-portioned for you. There's also a decent amount of storage ideas on the amazon reviews section, I liked the ones where they made a thin frozen sheet of cyclops then just broke bits off of that to feed.
  3. If you are an aquarium coop member, I just listened to a great talk about egg scatterers by Randy Carey which he gave a year ago explaining how they breed and how to do replicate it as well. A high protein, fat and heavy diet will help condition the fish and higher temperatures definitely play a role in spawning. Usually egg scatterers only spawn during certain times of the year and you have to replicate those conditions to trigger them to spawn. Usually it happens during the rainy seasons which involve more abundant food, higher temperatures followed by a quick temperature decrease due to rain.
  4. That's one healthy looking cray, its nice to see it wandering the tank instead of hiding all day lol.
  5. Welcome to the forum and good luck with the gold rams! I have been quite unfortunate with the blue ones so far.
  6. Wow thanks for all the photos and that image of the saffron shiners is absolutely amazing if you can have an entire tank and let them get that intense coloration. And the bluenose shiner looks really interesting as well with the different patterns on its body. And sure I am always willing to learn about more species of fish lol. How many of those do you plan to keep? Ahh the killifish species, I always wanted to try the blue gularis, but never really found an opportunity where I had a couple of spare tanks I could dedicate to them, but I have bred the Norman lampeye killi for a short period of time. I really do wish more people would keep crayfish, they are such interesting pets. Though you do have to keep that lid shut, they escape at every possible opportunity which usually ends terribly unfortunately. I myself have been breeding some of the papua new guinea species for a few years now, but took a break recently.
  7. Wow that is a host of beautiful fish, I really like the colors on the first two pictures. are they available in the hobby? Its a shame our native fish are not more popular or available. The only native fish I hear about are the rainbow shiners and the okefenokee sunfish as well as the different colored procambarus alleni species.
  8. I personally never kept them, but they are on my list. I didn't realize they were heavily into live foods, that's quite interesting? Do you think that the later generations will be as picky or were yours already tank raised?
  9. It's pretty disappointing to hear that aquarium coop will no longer be selling their heater, I got two of them recently and they seem to have been doing well granted one of them keeps falling off the side of the tank. I especially like the size difference compared to your standard heater. But looking at the AQQA heater it appears to me that other companies have already found the company that Aquarium coop was using and starting putting their own logos on them. Didn't the coop create their heater by finding a manufacturer they liked and did their own testing before adapting it into their lineup, rather than creating one from scratch with their own specifications? Also, I am pretty sure that the other retailers they are working with will still sell the stock they have, April's aquarium had a few for sale when I was there a few weeks ago.
  10. Ideally storing fish food in a cool dry area away from moisture and light should be good enough. If you want to be super extra, reducing the exposure to oxygen will also help, so if you have large containers you can break them down to smaller containers and remove the air content via your method of choice. Some companies buy large amounts of feed and then sell them off in their own vacuum packaged containers after packing it themselves. Generally as a rule of thumb once you open a package it would be ideal to use the food within 6 months and toss the rest as exposure to air and light can cause the food to go lower in quality, rancid or alter the flavor of the food so the fish may refuse to eat it, but its also just a rule of thumb. Many in the hobby akin the food to a bag of potato chips where its only good for a little while after opening. Pellets are also thought to last longer vs flakes as only the surface is exposed, but this really gets into the nitty gritty bits of the hobby. As for myself I am currently just using the cool dry area away from moisture and light bit, it would be nice to get a bunch of the super fancy oxygen removing containers one day though or a dedicated fridge/freezer. A man can dream!
  11. Wow, that's pretty crazy. Thanks for the warning.
  12. Thanks for the update, I'm glad that it worked out.
  13. I think they took it down to edit the prices, when I last checked the scratch and dent products they did not reflect the current prices on the site and were discounted based on the old pricing.
  14. How long have you been playing? And yeah I'm kind of in that spot too, but there's other stuff going on as well career wise. And yeah that's the shopping fun going on right there lol.
  15. Good luck with the breeding, once they start they don't seem to start. I've been finding 1-3 fry everyday for the last few weeks. It's been interesting.
  16. It's hard to tell, but they look big for infusoria as you can see them on the foreground as well as on the plants and the background. By chance do you have daphnia? The infusoria in my tank are generally super tiny. You can really only notice them due to their movement and I don't think you would be able to spot them in the background. Regardless if you had infusoria or daphnia in your tanks, I doubt it would hurt them unless the population spiked really heavily in which case you should feed less.
  17. @Kaiju No probs, I hope you have fun especially with the Christmas sales coming up! And thanks for the recommendations, but I think I'm done with games for now. For the last few years I've only been playing games that have a specified ending and try to beat most of them on easy mode to get through the growing list as fast as possible lol, but even now I'm realizing those games on the list are aging off due to the technically outdated graphics and the like. I actually started fish keeping many years ago to ween myself off games and to do more productive things in life. Plus the guitar is super fun at the moment!
  18. Thanks for finding the video! Yeah I never made it in batches large enough to dip large objects into, but it definitely does give me future ideas which might work if the fish end up wanting to graze on the bottom of the tank, maybe in a glass petri dish or terracotta saucer. I'm definitely going to try the stick and the tubifex idea when I get the chance though first. I have high expectations lol.
  19. I was considering this, but I was worried about the fish either getting bored of it an leaving it there to rot or there would be leftover bits stuck inside which would also make it rot. That and fish bullying other fish to prevent them from getting too the food, so a larger surface area would be preferred.
  20. Ahh did you watch the Fiona and Cake sequel I heard it was pretty good, but I didn't get a chance to get to it myself yet. And I heard good things about the live action adaptation, but I also haven't gotten to that yet lol. I have more classic recommendations as well and if you into the whole seasonal anime series, I recommend Gigguk on YouTube as that's where I get a lot of my recommendations from. Hmm a lot of those are multiplayer FPS games, which I actually stopped playing a while ago lol, but what comes to mind is Warframe and Rainbow 6 siege was pretty fun and I still enjoy watching good people play it. Are you into Mech or open world games? If so I recommend Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries and I heard good things about the new Armored Core game that came out. Hmm hack and slash wise I recommend Hollow Knight and Deadcells, if you have never played it. And otherwise general stuff that's been relatively popular, have good ratings or are good time sinks would be Persona 5, the Fallout series, the new Spiderman games, Monster hunter, Rimworld, Subnautica, the Yakuza series, Wasteland series and uh a lot more if you want them lmao.
  21. If you never watched Adventure time or Gravity Falls I would have to recommend those two shows though adventure time has a really slow season 1 which only serves to introduce characters for the most. And regarding anime if you really want to get yourself into a time sink you can go watch all 1000+ episodes of One Piece lol and if you haven't watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood I would have to go recommend that, not to mention Avatar The Last Airbender. Spy family was a huge hit last year if you are in that slice of life mood and other shows similar to Attack on titan in terms of action would be Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen. As for games, I'm probably going to need a genre you would be interested in at the moment.
  22. Wow food within food, that's actually quite brilliant! Do you put in the cubes while its setting or after it has set? Repashy on a stick is a good idea, I thought of it before, but couldn't think of a way of making it without having a lot of transfer loss issues. The suction cups definitely make positioning the final product much easier. Thanks for the video I will definitely take a look.
  23. If your concern is with the air being off for an hour you should be fine unless you are actively pumping a lot of CO2 for a planted tank, but even then your fish should be gasping rather than dead if it even gets to that point. There have been times where I've entered my fishroom after work and the diaphragm for the pump broke overnight, so they were without air for most of the day and they were just fine as they had to wait several days for the replacement kit to come in.
  24. So it's been a few years since I have used Repashy and recently decided to give it another shot, I was just wondering if anyone found a easy and reliable way of keeping it suspended midwater instead of having it sink to the bottom where some species fish might end up ignoring it or roll it into a corner where it ends up rotting.
  25. My last order came in a bit later than I would prefer, but I don't really mind as I only order specialty items from the coop as I also like to support my semi-local store. It is pretty crazy to see the free shipping rate increase this quickly the years, but I trust that Cory knows what he's doing. Not to mention the many different interesting products and information he has brought us over the years, that within itself is quite novel and interesting for an aquarium business. Still to me its crazy how I just bought the aquarium coop heater to try 10 days ago and now it has jumped 8 dollars, just when I was considering getting another one lol.
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