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Everything posted by DrwHem

  1. I have a 60 gallon moderately planted tank with moderate light (fluval aquasky2.0) its been established now for over 2 years with most of the fish being in there for that time. i currently have 1 rainbow shark was 8, now 6 tiger barbs 6 neon tetras 8 danios was 4 now 2 otto cats 1 nerite snail I recently tried to add 6 khuli loaches to the tank but they all died most likely due to the tiger barbs. When i took them back to pet supplies plus to get a water test the lady there told me i needed to increase my PH and get some API ammolock. at the time my ammonia was around .5 to 1. So i got the ammo lock and in addition i got some seachem alkaline booster. I put a half dose of each in the tank. The night i put the ammo lock in the tank it got cloudy for a few hours then seemed fine. The alkaline booster arrived a few days later so i added it then. Now my ammonia levels are off the charts. I have already done a 30% water change today but all my fish are surface swimming and i already lost 1 tiger barb. im in the process of doing another 50% water change and i will not be using the ammo lock or alkaline stuff until i can figure out what is going on. My normal ph has been in the range of 6.0 with a carbonate hardness of 0
  2. i did notice one of the barbs chasing one of the loaches that make the mistake of squirming around in the open. i try to overfeed a bit to make sure some food gets to the bottom and i also dropped a mini algae wafer the other day. cant tell if they are actively eating or not.
  3. I have a 60 gallon planted aquarium. I try to maintain about 78 degrees and i have a light setting that only has white/green/red light from about 9:30 to 3:30. My last test strips didnt really reveal any issues other than very slightly high nitrates. The ph seems to be around 6. I have 8 tiger barbs 1 Rainbow Shark 6 neon tetras 8 red danio 4 otto cats 2 nerite snails Over the last 3 days 2 of my 6 khuli loaches have died somehow and are just curled up out in the open. im not sure what the issue is. one is currently curled up right now but still breathing and will probably be dead shortly. None of the other fish seem to be having issues and i have already done about a 10 gallon water change and added 10 ml of API stress coat.
  4. I have a planted 60 gallon tank with about 20 fish in it. about a year ago i only had 1 rams-horn snail. Now i have around 35 to 40. A month ago i bought 2 assassin snails and one was DOA but the current one seems to be eating a few a week. Does anyone have any idea how many assassin snails i would need to maintain a pop of rams horn snails around 5 to 10? I know the assassins eat about 3 a week but i have no clue of the breeding rate of the rams horns.
  5. I am trying to correct my fertilizer routine. Up until now I have only been root tabbing 2 times a year. Doing some research on which plants feed thru the water column but can't ID 3 of them. Picture 1 and 2 I have no idea and picture 3 was labeled java fern but it looks different from my other java fern.
  6. I have a pet supplies plus less than a mile from me so I go there for food and cheap fish. Every now and then I pickup some plants but their selection is very limited and most of their plants are unlabeled. I like the look of this thing and need a narrow background plant to replace the wisteria I'm going to remove. Anyone have any idea what this is?
  7. I have a 1 year old 60 gallon canister filter tank. I would say it's moderately planted. This is the current population: 8 tiger barbs 1 rainbow shark 2 dwarf gourami 8 neon tetras 8 unknown danios, forgot what they were when I got them. Around 25 to 50 ramshorn snails. I recently bought some assassin snails to try and curb this. This has been a constant war. Started with 2 a year ago. I used to have cherry shrimp in my old tank but I know the barbs will eat them. Are there any shrimp,crabs, crawfish ect that would be able to live in this setup? I miss the little critters in my new tank. And it would be nice to only have to scrape the glass twice a month instead of weekly
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