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Everything posted by MartyO

  1. Ideally you don't want a tank that is higher then 28" as then maintenance becomes tedious and you won't want to do it. So this means your tank will become a mess and eventually just die from improper care. Depth I would say the same thing though 24" as with your arm and say a scraper this still takes some effort. Max size I would do, would be a 120-125 because of their dimensions. Anything bigger unless you are an absolute fish junky you would get tired of the effort it takes to clean the glass and equipment. Ryan the owner of BulkReefSupply is vlogging his tank and the amount of thought into his tank is crazy. So really any tank can be fun to have as long as you have put in a lot and I mean a lot of thought into the tank so as to not to look at the tank as a chore and actually enjoy and become Intune with it.
  2. Do you recommend a certain brand? While doing research on the fish I plan to keep, seemed Fritz was a popular one people were using. I get plants are a big help, unfortunately I have no plants at the moment to throw in a quarantine tank.
  3. So I have never used bottled bacteria to jump start a cycle. Was wondering since it seems lots of companies now have some type of bottled bacteria if it would actually be a benefit as in the tank would cycle a lot sooner then normal (4-8 weeks) if not longer. I would like to get a quarantine tank going in the next few days and I might be able to get a hold of the fish I want a few days after that. So basically if I got a bottle of one of these bacteria would the tank be ready to hold fish within a week or 2?
  4. Ordered a Finnex Stringray light, airline tubing, never clog air stones, and 4 pack of dual sponge filters. Just need to order a new pump and then wait for everything to arrive and setup a quarantine tank and also start looking for a local shop that carries the fish. The next week or two are going to be slow and boring lol.
  5. SOOOO I decided on CPDs with Pygmy corydoras. Now I just need to get a light and some filter media (polyfil). Still might also have to downgrade the pump or figure out how to cut it back. I'm going to fill the tank on my next day off on 3-10-21. At this time it should tell me if I need to get a different pump. I know Biocubes are generally equipped for saltwater tanks which have higher turnover. Any recommendations on a pump? Looked at a few on BRS just to get an idea. I think the lowest one was about 72 GPH which is still X7 turnover but a lil better then X10 currently. Also will be picking up gravel on Sunday, was thinking of cleaning with 4-5 cups of bleach to make sure it's really clean. Person has it in a 5G bucket and have no idea what to expect when I go to pick it up. Have a few plants in mind as well mostly low light Anubias and Crypts.
  6. So tested my tap water today. It tested out to GH 120, KH 80-120, PH 7.0-7.5. Was wondering what fish would be the most compatible with these water parameters. Also is there a chart somewhere to check compatibility?
  7. So tested my tap water. GH 120, KH 80-120, PH 7.0-7.5. No detectable Nitrites or Nitrates. Let me know what fish this is good for.
  8. This is the tank AIO Biocube. Needs a light thinking a Finnex Stingray to fit into the hood. If the Finnex won't work may take the hood off and go with a AI Prime Freshwater light. Might also downgrade the current pump as I think it might be to much, or could also maybe make a DIY spray bar. Also for inhabitants thinking of doing Aquarium co-ops centerpiece fish idea with a gourami and tetras. I'll post more info once I test my tap water and see where that stands or might have to use my RODI water and re-mineralize it.
  9. I was thinking of doing one of the CO OPs ideas. Which was a centerpiece fish tank. A Gourami with tetras and such. Which I thought was a neat idea.
  10. Usable area comes out to roughly 10 gallons, total would probably be 12 gallons. I have my own RODI system. Was thinking of using it and then just re-mineralizing the water. Though if my tap water isn't horrible after I test might just go that route, less chemicals to buy and doing mad scientist stuff lol. I'm actually in the process of upgrading my saltwater tank from a 40 breeder to a 90 gallon SCA tank and am thinking of maybe making that into a German Rams tank.
  11. I'd have to get a light and water in the tank and let it run for a few days to get an actual idea of the water temp. Though with prior experience with AIO with lids they can get decently warm easily 80+ even with LEDs.
  12. Rams are definitely my goal fish for freshwater, always have been, but knew they were more of an advanced fish. If the pump is to strong thinking maybe DIY spray bar might work
  13. No, but just from experience with using the AIO tank even with LEDs it can get decently warm about 80+ sometimes. I was actually going test my tap, but had to google if I could use my saltwater test kit to get parameters of it, which I found I can luckily. Never really had to test water since I use RODI for my saltwater tank. I have a Biocube think it's between 10-15 gallons. no light in the hood so would need to retro fit a light. Thinking a Finnex Stringray may work.
  14. Hello, So I'm thinking of starting a freshwater tank for the first time since I was a kid. I have a saltwater tank and have had one for about 6 years now and on an off for about 12 years. Thinking using a AIO tank, think it's 10-15 gallons, to start since I have one laying around. Let me know if this a good option or if I would be better off with a basic tank with hang on filter or sponge filter. If I use the AIO tank I would prefer fish that can handle warmer water as it would be in my room and it has a lid so very little ventilation. I possibly could do open top, but I really wanted to keep light spill to a minimum. Let me know what you think. Appreciate any and all feedback.
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