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  1. The angle fish fry are two weeks old today doing great have had no losses after they went free swimming, last Friday the pair spawned again this time they didn’t eat the eggs I taped paper over half the tank for privacy as soon as they were wrigglers they moved them from the glass to a leaf and then to another leaf lol anyways they are doing great as well maybe they eat them when they start free swimming time will tell I hope not but wouldn’t be surprised if they did
  2. So my eggs survived this time the fry are almost two weeks old from the day my angle pair spawned them am super happy here’s what I did.. the day after I pull the eggs put them in a Quart of water with 3 drops of Methylene blue till I seen them just barley wiggling then I started doing a quarter water change twice a day until my water was clear a few days they were super sticky lol so I then I put them in a one gallon tank and a day or two later there free swimming the cool thing was I got online CO OP order brine shrimp when I seen they were full blown wrigglers within two days after I made my order they showed up at my house an I live in Alaska so ya a Big thanks to Aquarium co-op
  3. My pair spawned agin Monday so this time I took them out as soon as I could they been wrigglers since yesterday morning am not expecting for a bunch to survive but I would be happy if a couple did. Am just going to have to fine tune my strategy it’s fun learning but feel bad at the price the fry babies have to pay have a good day everyone
  4. Everything was going good yesterday till I got off work parents must have got stressed out or something along those lines I could only save about 8 to ten eggs kinda a bummer i wasn’t prepared to raise them my self so I came up with a make shift rearing container so far the eggs made it overnight with none of them turning white, so there’s hope but not much, next spawn am going to pull the eggs about 6 hours after being laid gonna try what fish folk did see if it works for me
  5. Hi everybody I have a pair of angles got lucky only bought two and they paired they have spawned 5 times now the first spawn I left them in tank went to day three and they ate them no surprise there second and third spawn I tried to raise them my self and they made it to the wiggler stage and sadly they didn’t survive, four spawn I left them in the tank they went two days parents ate them, yesterday came home from work they spawned again, Except I noticed there behavior is different like they are slowly learning to be good parents I left the tank light on all last night and the male has stayed with the eggs and fanned then since they were laid he’s never done this before so my fingers are crossed, we will see what happens. the male is named Jupiter he’s almost all yellow and silver with a couple small black spots and he’s blind in one eye, the female name is Juno she is a koi vail figured I give you that info so you guys know what your looking at thanks again love the forum thanksCory
  6. Hi everyone I have a 29 gallon with a breeding pair of angels wanted to join the form to learn more about breeding I appreciate being able to post and shear pics of my tank
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