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  1. Three months after Rick Bunn started this topic I've gone from one puffer in a 5g to eight puffers in a 29g. As of right now they all appear to be female, but that may change as they mature. Turning my lone puffer into a colony has added a whole new dimension to puffer keeping. Watching them group up, explore, rove around like girl gang and then have a spat and split apart is endlessly entertaining. Sometimes I just grab a drink and pull up a chair in front of their tank. This week I added seven neon tetras to their tank after another tank sprang a leak and they're doing well, so far. Highly recommend the puffer colony!
  2. I'm a little late to the party here, but I stumbled on this post and got a chuckle out of it. I had a very speedy, palm-sized mystery snail that would chase bottom dwelling fish around. He was the most aggressive thing in the tank. He had so much personality we had to name him.
  3. Very nice! I just got my first platies about a month ago. Today I noticed two little fry swimming around trying to eat the grown up fish food.
  4. Yeah, I'm probably $1500 in on the free 125 gallon with stand my husband's boss gave me 💸
  5. Pet Supplies Plus is doing it AGAIN. This sale is through Feb 24. My local store is very good about having tanks in stock for these sales. *Shakes fist in the air* Darn you to heck, Pet Supplies Plus!
  6. Thanks for sharing. I've been looking for alternatives to fast fashion.
  7. Found this on the Fritz website. I'm treating ich right now and I use Complete, so I need to grab a different water conditioner while I'm out today. Has anyone had any experience with this?
  8. "It didn't end well" seems to be how most convict stories go 😃
  9. Love the Kuhlis! Loaches are so much fun. I have yoyos and clowns with my adult angels.
  10. What odd choices of dither fish have you tried? How did it work out? Yesterday I bought three beautiful, juvenile marbled angelfish--at Meijer of all places--to increase the size of my small angel gang and hopefully decrease aggression. The new angels are about half dollar sized and healthy looking. When I introduced them to my current quarantine tank, a lightly planted and snailed 29g THEY FREAKED THE HECK OUT! They were terrified of me, blood worms, flake food, light, darkness, gravel, plants, snails and existence, in general. I decided to reassess in the morning and possibly employ the dither fish strategy I saw in the recent Coop video. My little grocery store angelfish had not improved by morning and still would not eat the very scary, high quality food stuffs I tried to feed. Enter: the molly fry gang. I added four 1/2 inch black molly fry--too big to be eaten. They have all the confidence and general boisterousness of their adult counterparts on a much smaller scale. It worked. Within a few hours the angelfish were moving with confidence in the tank, even when I approached. When I threw some Fluval Bug Bites in the tank they greeted the food with the kind of piranha-like enthusiasm I've come to expect from angels. Now they have taken up the angelfish hobby of repeatedly testing all flotsam to see if it's edible. If I were a better photographer I could show you how beautiful my new angels are. It's truly a test of will not to go back and buy up the lot.
  11. My grandma gave me her Roomba. We call it Bonk. It does such a good job of keeping the car hair under control I'll never been without one again.
  12. My angelfish do a great job of controlling the molly population. A week after they've scarfed an entire spawn of mollies they're still patrolling the tank looking for more.
  13. Thank you for starting this topic. I have always read and heard peas are aggressive fish that need to be kept alone. I've often thought my girl, Beatrix Puffer, is bored. I think I'll try her in one of my community tanks and see how she does. Unfortunately, peas are hard to source right now or I'd be buying more.
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