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Everything posted by Luis

  1. For now I moved him a couple hours ago into a 20 litre quarantine tank with some bits for him to hide under. working until late today so hopefully he’s alright when I get back Yeah, I’m at work now so hopefully I can see how he’s doing when I get back
  2. I need to restock on my test kit, but I doubt it’s a water issue since all my other fish look perfectly fine. I’ll order a new test kit just in case today. and the substrate is trópica active black substrate. Perfect will do. I have always been scared to use aquarium salt with the loaches so I’ll have to read into the doses
  3. Hey everyone, I’ve noticed one of my yo-yo loaches has been acting weird these past 2 days. he was feeding well and then two nights ago he went into a coconut cave and mostly stayed there. he’s breathing quickly, his mouth seems slightly swollen and he just lays around without reacting much. He also looks somewhat pale. does someone have any experience they could share to successfully get this guy back to full health? looking forward to any help thanks, luis. I also did a 40% water change yesterday as that’s my first reaction when I notice a fish behaving weirdly. I also did a 40% water change yesterday as that’s my first reaction when I notice a fish behaving weirdly.
  4. Hey everyone, I’ve noticed one of my yo-yo loaches has been acting weird these past 2 days. he was feeding well and then two nights ago he went into a coconut cave and mostly stayed there. he’s breathing quickly, his mouth seems slightly swollen and he just lays around without reacting much. He also looks somewhat pale. does someone have any experience they could share to successfully get this guy back to full health? looking forward to any help thanks, luis. I also did a 40% water change yesterday as that’s my first reaction when I notice a fish behaving weirdly. I also did a 40% water change yesterday as that’s my first reaction when I notice a fish behaving weirdly.
  5. It’s more that I don’t want it eating any of my barbs 🥺 Looks very cool though and I’m sure would be stunning
  6. I’m scared of predatory fish 😂
  7. Hey everyone, Ive had my 125gal up and running for about 6 months now. Currently stocked with a mixed school of 15 tiger barbs, 4 3.5inch yo-yo loaches, a 4inch red tail shark, a kribensis pair, 4 2inch bristlenose plecos, 1 3.5inch swordtail and 5 Odessa barbs. Ive been wanting to add an electric blue acara but I’m scared he’ll gobble up all my plants as I’ve heard they can do that. does anyone have a cool semi aggressive fish that could go well in this set-up? Or some oddballs like panda garras, some types of catfish…? Looking forward to your replies, thanks, luis 🙂
  8. Mine looked very similar to yours in the picture. When I first noticed her with the full belly, she was gently gripping on to the front glass where I took the picture. Shortly after like 5 minutes, she started laying on her back and then one of my loaches tapped her and she didn’t move. Seeing that she was reacting I put her in a breeder box where she moved for the first few seconds and then went belly up again and I just left her for about 15 minutes and she was still in the same position. so I turned her upright with my hand and she wasn’t moving/breathing, but I still left her in there for an extra 30 minutes just in case. Wasn’t moving or breathing so I removed her from the tank. From the previous reply with the links, I see someone mentioned that it’s somewhat common for BN plecs to have difficulty laying the eggs and then die with a full belly. Do you guys have any advice on how to handle the next time one of my plecs look like that? I would love for them to breed, just hasn’t happened yet since I don’t have a male. Many thanks for the advice 🙏, luis Those links were very helpful to see that I’m not the only one. It’s always stressful when you’re excited about caring well for your fish and then get a sudden death :(. Thank you, luis
  9. Thank you for that. I appreciate it, here’s the image to see if it uploads and you see something you recognise, luis.
  10. Hey everyone, does anyone have experience with successfully keeping young bristlenose plecs (3-8months old)? I took this picture about 30 minutes ago and now the little ones dead. My parameters are all in check nothing out of the norm. I don’t know how this one has somehow managed to get super bloated which I’m assuming was the cause of its death as it kept turning upside down. I have two other females in there (was a total of 3 females), so i doubt it was a pregnancy issue. Does anyone have some knowledge on what this could be? and if someone with experience could point out some key points to keeping a happy group of BN plecs, I’d highly appreciate if you shared some tips. everywhere I look it’s the same information which I’m keeping up with. (my tank is 550 litres, planted, a bunch of driftwood and a good 3 inches of substrate. I keep it at 24 Celsius and do weekly 30% water changes. ) Thanks, luis.
  11. My tank has some yoyos that would demolish them. Hahah, but very true, snails in general do a great job with all sorts.
  12. Very detailed answer! thanks a ton. Here are some pics to see if you recognise this specific type:
  13. Hello, i have this issue where all of my plants have some black algae. My Java fern and specially cryps are getting affected quite a lot in my planted 50 gal. Im pretty sure it’s due to being located in my living room where there’s a lot of natural light and the way that the frames of the windows are set up, I can’t get any solid curtains to block out the light over night. does anyone have a fix to this? Suggestions? I really think the tank is set up super nice, however the algae takes away from it soo much. all replies will be appreciated, thank you!
  14. I’ve posted some pictures for you to see when you can. Let me know what you think 🙂
  15. Also this would be used in my case to feed a 55gallon mostly adult barb tank, with a 3.5 inch RTS and krib. The one that worries me is the fourth image, the black elongated one. thanks!
  16. Here are some pictures of what I caught with a couple swishes with my net in under 2 mins. Do you all reckon it should be safe? If so, I’m not the anal retentive type of guy however I do want the best for my fish. Does anyone have a process I should follow or is it really most likely safe and just feeding it with a baster? thanks for the replies once again! hopefully this gives more clarity to others in the hobby too
  17. Thanks for this! Maybe what I have so much of is not daphnia?! hahaha, I’ll get a picture of the catch tomorrow and post it up for you to see!
  18. Have you had any die offs or bad reactions from feeding that? thanks for the detailed responses
  19. Just went to a well hidden local pond that has (no fish as it dries up in the summer) to collect some live food to see if I could culture some daphnia. I managed to get tons of daphnia with a couple scoops with the net, however I’ve also caught a bunch of other stuff like some small black worms, mosquito larvae, and other stuff which I don’t have a clue they are. I wasn’t planning on introducing this freshly caught live food to my fish until like 2 weeks in. Should i be scared of what I introduce? Or do all those critters pretty much have the same effect? I can’t really find valuable info anywhere so if anyone knows a good clear chart of common critters found in ponds in the UK, any previous experiences and any helpful links would be highly appreciated. thank you!!
  20. Jungle Val, Amazon Swords, Vallis, Java fern are the most abundant. athe Amazon swords specially are the ones taking a hit. The bigger leaves are brownish and like melted. Any other tips you’d suggest? thanks to everyone’s responses
  21. Hello I’ve had my planted 40 gallon for a while now. the plants for the past months have shown deficiencies of potassium, iron etc. so I took it upon myself recently to buy some Tropica Plant Care Fertiliser as well as seachem potassium. ive dosed the recommended dose for the past 5 days. I just wanted to know how long should i expect it to take for the fertilisers to take effect? Any valuable links with HQ info would also be appreciated. thanks
  22. Hello, I have a sick fish with a decentely sized red sore on its tail. I quarantined him by himself and did some water changes for the past week. he hasn’t really been getting better and is slowly looking less active. i was just about to put in 2 tablespoons of API aquarium salt into the 45 litre quatrantine tank. until I thought, how long should the salt stay there? can someone advise me on whether it’s better to add the salt as I planned or if it’s better to just give the fish a 5-10minute bath? thank you
  23. I do weekly water changes to my 250litre tank. The way I do it is literally empty out 30% off water with a siphon, and then I fill up a 25 litre bucket with the dechlorinator and pour it in little by little with another bowl. this is very tedious but I’ve just done it like this without thinking too much as it’s worked fine for me. right now I’m getting busier and I’m finding it hard to carry out my weekly WC this way. for next time should I put the dechlorinator in once I’ve taken out the water and then just fill it directly with the siphon back in the tank? i don’t want to mess up my aquarium so any help with how I could make my water changes less tedious would be extremely appreciated. thanks!
  24. Hello, I have a planted 180L tank. i have never used C02 or fertilisers. Ive noticed some of my plants like the Amazon swords and Java ferns are starting to get holes in their leaves which end up dying off. Can someone give me a safe solution/ product that will make my plants healthy as well as not harm my fish that are in there? thank you!
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