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Taco Playz

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Posts posted by Taco Playz

  1. I haven’t added any fish in about 2 months. I’ll go check my parameters now. About a month ago I had a Cory that did the same thing but ended up dying and I never figured out what happened. Thanks @CorydorasEthan for your insight I’m going to check my parameters I have been dealing with algae problems so idk if that has to do anything with it but I doubt it.

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  2. So I my mom spotted out that my favorite Cory that I call Beth was laying in the wisteria. She is normally very lively but the past few days she hasn’t been as lively as she once was. Please help 



  3. Quote
    3 hours ago, Cory said:

    Dawn soap, I used them to clean the tanks we are installing. Dean has been a fan of it for many years.


    Yes dawn soap is good. Also another good soap is Reef suds which has been tested ok for aquariums.

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  4. Quote
    6 hours ago, SWilson said:

    Just popped up today one of my female endlers has a blood red spot on her side behind the fin.  It’s a bit raised. 
    I’m not having much luck googling what this could be. not sure if this is parasite, internal, or an external injury. 
    My plan is to try a salt bath tomorrow. 
    checking here if there’s something else someone would recommend.

    Other meds I have on hand:

    - maracyn and maracyn 2

    - paracleanse

    - prazipro 

    - IchX

    - pimafix (which I’ve never used, but am now reading some scary reviews on it and not sure I want to)



    16 gal with 3 adult, 2 “teenage” and 10ish Fry - all Endlers, cherry shrimp, mystery snails, nerite, and bladder/pond snails.  
    0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20-30 nitrate. Tomorrow I’ll do a 20% water change too. 



    I've had a guppy a few months ago with that I dosed  aquarium salt in a bucket 15 minutes later took her out, and a few days later she is perfectly fine!!!

  5. Quote
    On 2/16/2021 at 6:08 PM, CT_ said:

    I had 2 cats growing up and two fish ponds and neighborhood cats and none of them were ever a problem.  The most they did was drink the water.  That said we DID have raccoon problem.  I don't know how they do it but they're quite good at swimming and catching fish and destroying plants while they're at it.

    We had a "neighbor" a couple blocks away that used a mini electric fence.  There's also a this sticky pitch like stuff that you can drizzle around the perimiter that sticks to their feet and they hate that (raccoons and cats), but that stuff doesn't last forever so you have to be diligent and its also annoying when you're trying to do maintenance (or playing if you're a kid like I was).

    We also considered pond netting but there was a fear (IDK how legitimate) that a kid or animal could get tangled and drown.  Personally I'd consider it a bonus if a raccoon drowned, I hate those guys with a passion, but I am fond of human children.


    I'm planning on putting the pond in my backyard so no children would  be close to it. Would opossums eat fish? Also if you guys have any cheap bins that you use for ponds. Thanks

  6. I have heard the orange peel thing before. I don't know if  that would work. I like the idea of a net drape do you have a website you have gotten a net drape from. I kinda wanted to put some of my over populated guppy fry in there. Also any big buckets/carts I could use for the pond. I was thinking the big things that @Cory uses in his fish room but I don't know where to find them.

  7. So I have been wanting to set up a outdoor pond. The problem is we have stray cats and our nexdoor neighbors feed them and they keep on coming back. I'm afraid that the cats will start to eat the fish. Any ideas? Thanks

  8. Quote
    2 hours ago, Trish said:

    Those are Ramshorn snails. While some consider them a pest, they can also be helpful tank cleaners.  You will only get too many if you overfeed.  You can hand pick them or trap them with a piece of zucchini weighted to the bottom for a few days.  If I have to many I feed them to my loach tank.  I don't mind Ramshorns at all!  :classic_smile:


    I agree I love ramshorns. The best thing to do is to keep them but if you get way too many you can always feed them to your fish. My Golden panchax Killifish love them.

  9. So I have about 18 baby guppies in a 5.5 gallon and they for some reason about 3 of the first 7 are tucking their fins. Is too months too old for a guppy to become sexually mature.I also have about 20 in my 10 gallon adult tank. My tanks are starting to get way overcrowded. I also do water changes every other week. My LFS only takes them in at about 5 months old and in 5 months I might have 100. I have a spare 3 gallon in the attic that I can use if it comes down to it. Also I have Golden Panchax Killifish that will gladly gobble them up. What should I do? 



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