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Everything posted by Colu

  1. What I would do is stop the medicated food and dose the tank with kanaplex do one full course then give an update
  2. Am not seeing any Redding to the edges of the fins that would indicate fin rot it could have been a previous infection and the fins haven't fully grown back what I would do is add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties are really beneficial to Bettas and monitor I think it just need some time to grow back fully @Courtney S.
  3. From what I have read it can be caused by a number of things an injury nutritional deficiency or neurological issues from prolonged exposure to poor water quality it might start get better given good water quality and varied diet I would just monitor for next couple of weeks see if there's any noticeable improvement @Elyse
  4. Increase the level of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons the salt will aid Gill function and increase surface agitation Gill's will need some time to heal fish can suffocate due to damage to there Gill's caused by the chlorine
  5. The best thing to do is what you have already done water change add dechlorinator and a small amount of salt I would add an extra air stone as chlorine can damage the sensitive Gill tissue and damages the slime coat on your fish making it more likely to get secondary infection I would just keep a close eye on your water parameters just in case you get another ammonia or nitrite spike keep eye out for any gasping at the surface that would indicate damage to the Gills
  6. If you have a quarantine tank I would treat him on his own and add an extra air stone during treatment
  7. Sponge filters aren't the best at removing mulm when ever I have used a sponge filter in breeding quarantine or grow out tank I always seem to get a build up of mulm you could temporarily add a small hob or small internal filter to help with remove the mulm
  8. Could be a tumor or a benign growth you could do a course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties and I would also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties if your seeing not improvement if he goes down hill and you think he's suffering then I would consider euthanizing him with clove oil @Fishy101
  9. Yes I would move in with the endlers ick X and kanaplex should sort him out hopefully you won't have any reoccurring issues with your Cory's
  10. What medication have you added to quarantine tank for endlers if you have added medication that will treat a fungal infection then I would consider putting it in with them
  11. Your vet might have flubendazole or fenbendazole both are effective at treating flukes the medications I like to have to hand are Fritz expel p active levamisole prazipro active ingredient is praziquantel or paracleanse active ingredient is praziquantel and metronidazole maracyn2 and kanaplex both are broad spectrum antibiotic treatments ick x active is malachite green that effect at treating ich and aquarium salt these medication Will treat most commonly encountered parasites and bacterial diseases
  12. If you can get praziquantel what I would do is still dose the salt it will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes salt is only removed though water changes so I would just water change as usual so if you did a 1 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in
  13. You could be dealing with Gill flukes as you have live plants what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for two week or you can do salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days give him a break after 5 days to let him de-stress then repeat for another 5 days you could contact a vet to see if you could get a prescription for praziquantel
  14. What I would do is leave it a week with salt at that level then give us an update if your seeing no improvement I would recommend getting holed of maracyn2 or kanaplex just to have to hand
  15. Yes you can use aquarium salt I would do 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and you can add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties
  16. You can get stingy feces with a parasitic infections you can also get stingy feces that will hang from the fish for a long period of time when your fish is constipated
  17. Your water parameters are fine Looking at the depth of the split in the tail fin I can see some Redding to edge of the split I think it would be worthwhile doing a course of kanaplex it's a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment just in case there's a bacterial component
  18. It depends on what type of parasite's your dealing how quickly it kills
  19. Could be a parasitic infections or constipation what you can do is Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days if you can't do Epsom salt baths what I would do is add a small amount of plain epsom the tank one table spoon for 5 gallons for a week as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve constipation if your still seeing issues then I would follow up with a course of paracleanse once every two weeks for 6 weeks
  20. I wouldn't open the bag straight away that will cause ammonia to spike I would float the bag to temperature acclimate them and then I would add them straight to the tank
  21. They will eat scuds and older brine shrimp there's less nutritional value in older brine shrimp
  22. They predominantly eat live food pest snails black worms brine shrimp daphnia micro worms you can transition them on to frozen foods such as blood worms and brine shrimp it can be difficult to get them to take dry food like pellets or vibra bites I would recommend adding some vita-chem to there food to provide extra vitamins and minerals to there diet @KittenFishMom
  23. Little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH temperature @Alex S.
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