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Everything posted by Colu

  1. 1 table spoon for 5 gallons of salt is fine use with Cory's it's not getting worse you could wait till the other fish have finished quarantine and then treat him in the quarantine tank
  2. If you don't have a quarantine tank I would treat with a lower level of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants
  3. Low KH and GH can cause a lot of health issues in liverbears due to lack of minerals typically you want half pound of crushed coral for 10 gallons to raise KH and GH
  4. Your KH and GH are low for guppies I would add some crushed coral in a media bag to your filter or you can mix it into your substrate to help increase your GH and KH what I would do if you can is quarantine the guppy with the lumps on it's fins and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for weeks it could be lymphocystis that a viral infections there no treatment
  5. I have water spite and Elodie and water lettuce in my goldfish tank at the moment have tried planting the water spite and Elodie they kept getting up rooted by my goldfish I leave them floating water spite and Elodie grow like a weeds
  6. What exactly are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature how long has it had these lumps and have they got worse over time or stayed the same is it eating ok @Khi
  7. What I would do is add a double of prime to your water before adding it to your tank when doing water changes to help detoxify any ammonia
  8. It could be their getting outcompeted by your cardinal tetras and didn't get enough food and became weak what I would do is feed them a small pellet food once a day such as hikari micro pellet along side the frozen food you can add repashy super green for your Otto and your Cory's will also eat it when i have kept Cory's in the past I have always feed them twice a day to make sure there not getting outcompeted when you have fish that eat quickly such as tetra or barbs very little food will make it to the bottom i would monitor them for next couple of weeks with the increased feeding then give an update nothing else is just out at me disease wise given the time between deaths and no deaths amongst your tetras
  9. How often are you feeding and what foods are feeding
  10. How long have you had the Cory's before the first death any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food erratic swimming sunken belly @jessicaspeigel
  11. the co-op treat protocol is a preventive I would treat following the instructions on the box if you don't have enough medication I wait to start treatment till you can get more paracleanse
  12. It can take upto 7 days when treating with antibiotic before you see any improvement the red spot looks a little bit small to me
  13. It's difficult to say for sure as the onset of symptoms was very short period of time to his death what stands out is you have some ammonia and nitrite they are extremely toxic even in small amounts what I would do is test daily if you detect any ammonia or nitrite do a 50% water change and add a double dose of prime till it constantly stays at zero he could have been weak and the ammonia and nitrite been to much for him have how long have you had the long fin danios have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food erratic swimming suken belly in any of your fish @finbean3
  14. You can use paracleanse with aquarium salt the salt will add essential electrolytes and aid Gill function and add an extra air stone during treatment just leave the salt in two weeks
  15. What I would do is treat with paracleanse do three full course of treatment two weeks apart so treat on week 1 week 3 week 5 I would treat all the fish in the main tank as well
  16. Any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly how long from the onset of symptoms to them dieing @IsisP
  17. I feed newly hatched bristlenose a selection of tropical algae wafers smaller size sak algae based pellets EBo spirulina paste and EBo youngster grow paste some cucumber blanched spinach and lettuce have plenty of wood with biofilm and I feed frozen brine shrimp daphnia blood worms I raise mine with the adults and remove them when they get a size were I re-home them
  18. Colu

    Molly bloating

    first I would check your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature just to make sure nothing off that doesn't look good if you have a quarantine tank I would move her to that and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce any possible fluid buildup causing the bloating and treat with a combination of maracyn2 and metroplex in food and add an extra air stone during treatment more than likely dropsy that can be caused by a number of things such as organ failure internal bacterial infections parasitic infections causing bloating the treatment I recommended is the most effective treatment I have used for symptoms associated with dropsy @Nathans
  19. I have just reread the thread just in case I missed anything only other thing I could suggest is treating with prazipro once a week for 3 or you can treat with paracleanse every 2 weeks for 3 full course of treatment to rule out Gill flukes and add back in a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons @tetra
  20. What I would do is course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component or you can quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons @ShineOn75
  21. I use aqua-one silicone grease I grease every 3 months I have contacted oase they think it's a problem with the head and they are going to replace it I have tried this after i contracted the seller it didn't have any effect on the flow
  22. Everything you mentioned is fine it's got me stumped this one
  23. Just swapped out the impeller no change in flow must be an issue with the motor what's odd if it were the Motor I would have expected more noise from it
  24. With what your describing I would follow up with a second course of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear
  25. Sudden change I think it's the motor that's the problem am going to replace the impeller I have a spare one if that doesn't work and going to get in touch with oase @nabokovfan87
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