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Johnny B. Goode

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Everything posted by Johnny B. Goode

  1. All fish at feeding time.
  2. Just wanted to share this moss ball I picked up at the LFS. It was only 4 bucks! Same price as the ones in the small cups. This one was in with some guppies. Hand for size comparison. Now, I'm 6'2" so you can imagine I don't have small hands. Sorry for the cloudy water. I just did a water change this morning and it hasn't settled yet. I have some moss balls on the way from aquarium co op but, I couldn't pass this one up. When this tank is mature enough to add cherry shrimp they should love this thing.
  3. I read an article some time back that was talking about a betta species that could be kept in groups with more than one male. It was one of the wild type betta if I recall correctly. I can't find the article now and can't remember the species. Does anyone know what species of betta this is?
  4. Ah, yes, the extremes of our hobby....
  5. Scrolling through pictures of goldfish on Google and came across this gem. I couldn't help but see Wilford Brimley and had to make a meme out of it.
  6. I'm looking for powerhead suggestions for a 40 breeder. I want something I can put a sponge filter on and will give a medium-light to medium flow in that tank. I've seen a bunch of them online and their flow rates. Just looking for what others think the best one is and if their flow matches what is advertised. I ended up finding a second 40 breeder so this one is going to be a North American tank with rainbow darters and rainbow shiners to sit beside my hillstream loach and pencil fish 40 breeder. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  7. Hello everyone. First time here. I've been watching aquarium co op on the utoobs like crazy. I'm not new to fish keeping but I've been away from the hobby for several years. I primarily only kept pike cichlids the last time around. This time I'm focusing on smaller planted tanks rather than tank busting carnivores. So I picked up a 40 breeder and stand. After I get it set up I'm going to plant it very very heavily with CO2 injection. Then let it run like that with ferts for a couple months. So for the fish I was thinking a pair of L260, a group of red pencil fish and a group of cherry shrimp. What order should I add the fish in that would be best for the shrimp? Or should I add the shrimp first? Sorry if this seems like a basic question but I've never really done this sort of tank before. The most I ever stocked before were pairs of Atabapo pikes. Thanks in advance for any help!
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