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  1. Sorry for reviving this thread. Wonder why it died. What did you all do this summer in your gardens?
  2. Maybe she's having trouble with buoyancy? Have you tried feeding her differently or adding some plants to help her swim more easily?
  3. For your 75-gallon planted tank with gold rams and Bolivian rams, start with 10-15 tetras and monitor the tank's bioload and water params. You can add more in a few weeks if all good.
  4. For a 5-gallon betta tank, a sponge filter with an air stone is a good combo. Just keep CO2 levels low (5-10 ppm) and water flow gentle to avoid stressing your betta.
  5. Thus, for the 300-gal Central American Cichlid tank, you should get yourself a standard 10-inch water filter. What you linked to as the A-O Smith Clean Water System is intended for drinking water not fish tanks. Consider these options: API Tap Water Filter Seachem Purfiltrum Aquatic Life RO Buddie Some factors that should however be considered while choosing include the flow rate of the filter, its life and the cost of replacing it. Also, it is pertinent to check that the filter is suitable to your Custom Aquariums 81 gal sump and the overflow drain.
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