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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. 😂 yeah just go for it. If it is 3 bucks definitely!
  2. Yes I agree. I would just not stress it and continue!
  3. Never seen that before..I bet it is healthy if it is lava rock. Definitely I would say. Lava rock is even better than like other liquid products! @Charestv I would get it but maybe someone else has other input.
  4. I see no problem with that. But don’t over feed obviously. I see no issue at all! Just keep feeding the same and ya that’s it. @Mercfh
  5. Ohhhh… .5 ammonia is prob no problem but continue to monitor! I hope I didn’t throw you off on that! Sorry, @Charestv my bad! But yes monitor monitor. That is super important!!
  6. I hate it! It is sooo bad and ugly! @Knew tooth is
  7. Yeah I am planning to get white cloud minnows. They say those are the most hardy fish around! Btw people are very helpful on here! I reccomend asking Qs on this forum! @Tony s is helpful too! I have gotten a lot of good information from him!
  8. No offense, @Charestv, u are doing 10 times better than what I did!
  9. Yeah that is good recommendations by the store! Never had that kind of assistance before at petsmart…yah clarifier is def not going to do anything but clear it which doesn’t matter right now. Yes I waited maybe 2 hours and didn’t even ACCLIMATE MY BETTA. NOBODY SHOULD DO THAT! Patience is what u need now sadly, @Charestv. I hate it. But I am enduring it with one of my tanks . Anyways I hope it turns out good in the long run! Good luck! 5 ammonia is no good. Never want that. U should do a water change immediately. That is super super toxic to fish. @Charestv. Maybe a 30 % or 50 but look it up for clarification. My suggestion.
  10. Yeah that is usually the best decision! I use just normal cartridges for the tank I have but prob going to switch to the replacement black sponge cartridges or whatever they are! 😆.
  11. Ummm…we’ll probably. It absorbs phosphates which plants need so maybe no. Maybe I am mistaken though…maybe someone will chime in soon
  12. @Charestv, welcome and sorry about that. I did the same exact thing and all I put in was decor, plants, (not live) and water and fish and water conditioner…it didn’t go well as I lost my betta who was the only one in there in the first month or so…I have learned and I understand the cycle and I would def like o help u if I can..jus like @Rewcolee1 said I am not super smart on this kind of stuff but I have learned a ton and hope to help you @Charestv! I suggest getting a bacteria booster for this tank as this can quick start the cycle of the in fish cycle. How is your remaining fishes health? What conditioner did you use? How long did you wait toput fish in? I hope to help..but trying to think of better Qs but hope you can answer these so I can do my best!
  13. What kind of minnows? White clouds? Rosy red? Just wondering! 😂 @Fish for Nothin!
  14. Welcome, @Fish for Nothin!! Here to say hi!!! Cool about all those tanks btw!
  15. Ok I got a update @Odd Duck, so I just tested my water. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrates and a ph of around 7.4 or so. His stomach is huge so I need help. Plz @Odd Duck! Here is some pics ⬇️
  16. Yes that is the problem but it’s fine. U have time to save it! 1-2 doses per week will do! I am glad to help and good luck @Knew tooth is!!
  17. How much fertilizer do you use? And what kind? @Knew tooth is
  18. I have a 5 too. I meant Buce plant btw. Hope your betta does better! Plz give us more updates if you can!
  19. Yea the narrow leaf Java fern is better for smaller tanks but u can’t get it on AC. But other online places that are good u can. Buce plan is good but no sure if they have narrow leaf….
  20. About the plants if u get em and u want success…get Java fern and anubias nana or anubias nana petite, and u should be just fine. Those two are the 2 best beginner plants out there IMO. Get some easy green fertilizer and test paremeters u should be fine @VioletT look it up and ya 👍
  21. Yes u learn from your mistakes @Creedmoor Aquatics. Thanks for advice and better luck next time for sure. Yes thought about letting it die but…thanks anywho
  22. Yes I agree. I have prime and I hear it helps to detoxify the ammonia and nitrite for a lil bit. Yes I would get like micro sword or dwarf Sagitaria if u don’t have any of these.
  23. 30%percent water changes prob. @mabowman89. A newbie here too kinda…😉
  24. Already watched that btw! 🙂 It has beeen 20 mins….it is prob almost dead now @Creedmoor Aquatics It wasn’t going to live…trust me.
  25. Hello! This forum is THE BEST FORUM ON EARTH! You will like this! Off the topic about tank ideas but welcome!!! @VermontBlogger
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