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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Not at all, thanks! Yes I will come up with a plan to get rid of it! Thanks!
  2. Thank you! Oh noooo! Yes I hate it, by hand, with my minnows like, “what are you doing!” And swishing all the water around freaking out my snail, i my get some fritz slime out too. I e heard that it helps soooo much.
  3. Thanks. Yes it seemed it was, but for one month now, it is a flat 0 on ammonia. I believe I am finally cycled. Yes I always Wanted to breed these guys. I know, I am a lil bored but I don’t want to overstretch my limits with this 10g. Thanks again!!!! Thanks! Thanks a lot!! Was thinking of a honey, thanks @Tony s. lol yes thanks! I was thinking shrimp as the best idea. Thank you guys, I am leaning towards breeding them, or shrimp. I appreciate the reply’s!
  4. Update: my minnows again are still thriving! My snail is happy with all the algae too! Here are just some good ole pics of the tank. Have not posted pictures in a while. My red flame sword is kinda struggling. But idk we’ll see, I put root tabs in there every month and ferts every weekend. Weird. The algae is insane. I will lower my light to see if that helps I guees.
  5. Hi everyone, just curious again, lol. What can I keep (if anything) with my WCMMs. I have 5, and a nerite snail in a 10g tank. Cycled, no ammonia, nitrite and 10 nitrates. Ph is 7.5. It is heavily planted. Can I have anything else in there? Thanks
  6. Is this the fish you mean? A buffalo head cichlid? This is a care guide I found on them, the only thing I know is that they are cave breeders. lol Link. https://www.fishlaboratory.com/fish/buffalo-head-cichlid/
  7. Awesome! You would never think what you can do with a 5g tank!! Looks good.
  8. Yes i found no info on the submerged part at all. There is not much info on this plant. Idk why, but yeah. Your welcome! It will do good in both climates im sure. @Billipo
  9. Exactly what happened to my 10g. I thought i might be done, but the nitrites after a dose of ammonia were off the charts!!! Hopefully maybe tomorrow you might be cycled. If not then in the next week most likely.
  10. That is good. Yes patience, the nitrates will read eventually, but not right now, probably a week or so, but it’ll come! Then when you see nitrates that most likely means you are getting close! But every single aquarium in this world is different in some tiny way. So it could be 4 weeks, or less, or 2 months or more, who knows! Trying to speed up the cycle is ok I guess, but for the natural way and best way, try to encourage your husband that in the end, it will all be worth it 🙂
  11. What is the temp in the tank? They can be in tanks, from 68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. And I believe it can be also fully submerged @Billipo. Here is a care guide. https://bantam.earth/sagittaria-latifolia-broadleaf-sagittaria/#:~:text=Sagittaria latifolia%2C also known as,up any type of aquarium.
  12. Again, I will do a section on WCMMs, when I get the chance! By the end of next week sound good @Kunersbettas? I am very busy and will be till next Sunday sadly. So I will work on it when I get opportunity’s!
  13. Reading this topic, i guess i will chime in here! If you are wanting a betta, slow flow and good tankmates (not to mention, a more peaceful betta, a female could work) can make it happen. For centerpiece fish i was going to say honey gorumai but then i read your husband is not a fan lol. Dwarf or sparkling gourimai i say. Sorry for the mistypes it is messing up my writing for no reason LOL. Oh guppies would be great, not reccomended with a betta though. Plant reccommendations. Why is my typing horrible!! lol. Anubias. The most indestructible beginner friendly plant out there, java fern as well. Good carpeting plants for something like a grass like look. Micro sword. Pearlweed. Dwarf Hairgrass. Floater plants. Hornwort, monte carlo even though it is a stem plant, i find it a great floating plant. Stem plants. Amazon sword. Money wort. So on. Sorry if that is to many, but i love me some plants, and planted tanks. But that is my suggestions.
  14. Hello and welcome to the forum @daggaz! Great story, same, i would 100% rather watch fish than a TV!😉 Hope you can share pictures of your tank! I only namw bettas, or snails, if i have one, i learned that schooling fish.....are kinda hard to keep track of, so i went off that idea lol. Again welcome!
  15. Yes out of the two, nerite snail would be much better, as of in size, and actually cleaning up some algae and all. Not saying mystery snails are bad, but i love my nerite, he has cleaned up a ton of algae!
  16. Welcome to the community! Awesome fish! Sorry they passed, yes you will get some very helpful info here.
  17. Awesome, I can’t wait to follow this topic!!!!!! Good luck as well
  18. Convicts is my guess. Or possibly Africans like @Tony s mentioned.
  19. First here are some links to some things similar to your question. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/8822-where-to-store-brine-shrimp-eggs/ So I don’t have experience with LIVE BBS, I have experience with freeze dried brine shrimp cubes. But yeah hope the links help. 🙂. Maybe someone will chime in here with better info tho.
  20. That would be good. Nerite or mystery snail crew would be great.
  21. Awesome tank! I will following along your journey!
  22. Razerblade or hack saw is my recommendation. Agreed.
  23. I attempted a algae wafer and he got some of it yes. He might be constipated. How much algae is in your tank? So you added only 1 algae wafer before? Idk much about snails, but i am very interested in this, as I am trying to learn as much as i can about my nerite. Does he move around a lot? Mine, likes to get on plants and clean them off. This morning he was cleaning off my anubias. The poop is gone now and there is no algae on him. Might be slowing your nerite down, remembering how you added cuttlebone in another topic correct? Calcium is so important i have learned. @Guupy42
  24. Yeah, I saw it this morning, and I was like, just poop. Then I kept seeing it and I just stopped and said, will not hurt to ask. lol Thx lol
  25. Ok thanks, nothin like clarifying. Case closed. lol
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