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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Yes, it does. Kind of annoys the wife. I have 260 gallons of aquariums scattered throughout my house. I have the advantage that I can refill between tanks. You’d need close to 100 gallon on hand to start. Although they also have a 50 gallon tank I believe. Or if you have a heated space out of the way, like in a garage or basement, you could bring in a hundred gallon neoprene tank and accomplish the same thing.
  2. That is correct. In unplanted tank, under 20 is best practice. But yes, nitrates are best described as being in a smoke filled room. A small amount of smoke is uncomfortable. As the smoke increases it becomes unbearable. But not necessarily lethal. I believe I heard of a study where they had live guppy fry in a solution of 800 with no lethality. Large scale African cichlid tanks often get in the hundreds. They have to be overstocked, and no plants. but for the health reasons mentioned, higher is not preferable, but not lethal But then the algae goes nuts. Which is weird, I have large glow fish tank, unplanted, no algae
  3. These are the products I use 2 age water. 30gallon trash can with wheels. They make a lid also. Small sump pump inside. Cheap. Does a good job. But I learned it doesn’t have enough lift to my second floor angel tank. So I had to upgrade. First floor was great. Volume out is slow enough it’s not blowing the tank apart. Food safe garden hose. Was worried about contamination. Python hook at the end. With a hose valve from hardware store for a shutoff. At python end. Works really great. They make smaller sizes for the can. For large tanks the pump could draw water from the tank as well. Watching for the fish of course The aged water should return to its natural range. Might take a day or so.
  4. Yes there are. Although coop doesn’t appear to have any at the moment. Things like hornwort. Water lettuce. Red root floater. Salvinia. Comboba and baby tears can be grown as floaters I use hornwort in a lot of my tanks. It’s really good at keeping the nitrates down
  5. I had tried the Monte Carlo. It looks great. I did mine in a small gravel and it eventually let go. Had floating Monte Carlo for 9 months maybe. It did really well floating, kind of looked like a bigger leaved duckweed. I really liked the look, but was having to scoop it out with a fish net. Every week or so. If you have aqua soil it should stay put for you. It’s just so tiny, the roots need tiny sized substrate to latch on to.
  6. I have a question, how long have they been together? I have begun calling my glo fish sharks. They absolutely shredded a betta I tried with them. Betta has recovered. They may be doing the same to the guppies. Slower moving, with tasty fins. if both of them come from big box pet, it may just be a sourcing issue. Glo fish are tough, but not always from that kind of store. As for the guppies, they can be hard to keep alive from there.
  7. Don’t stress the nitrates if it’s causing you issues. Nitrates under 50 is what’s recommended for planted tanks. My lfs isn’t concerned about them around 80. You have absolutely normal water for over half of the US. Your guppies have to be very happy in it. The real question is the kanaplex. Most plecos are very tough little fish. Common plecos can even take brackish water. I assume they’ll be just fine. I haven’t had to do that, but I don’t see a reason why not. Just keep a close eye on them
  8. White skirt tetras may be too large for your shrimp. Even the fully grown ones. They’re not always known to play nicely. They can be very fin nippy with regular fish as well. I’ve had them shred a betta before. Luckily I got him out in time. Same thing with the killifish. Even possibly the greens are too big for shrimp loose the shrimp and you should be good. Or larger numbers of smaller fish. Possibly the yellow shrimp with a large group of chili Rasbora? Say, 30 or so. Really small fish need very high numbers, just to be seen
  9. My absolute apologies. I misread that entirely
  10. Yes, that works fine depending on the orientation of the floor joists. Perpendicular joists hold much more weight. I have a 75 on top floor out of 3. Perpendicular joists. Load bearing. Could have done a 125. Should have. if it’s not load bearing or perpendicular it could be a serious problem. Old houses are also a problem. They weren’t designed to hold that much load Really needs to be checked. If it’s on first floor. It can be braced from underneath Parent willing Case in point, we have a house we rent out. The floor joists were oriented correctly but the bracing was set on a 75 year old tree stump.
  11. Use your current filter if at all possible even if you have to jury rig it. Not a problem if it’s a sponge. Otherwise you’ll need to just monitor and water change as needed. You can then dechlorinate with prime. Which should help keep the ammonia toxicity down as well. if you have a hang on back. You may be able to get a small tote from hardware store which it could hang off of. instead of your 5 gallon bucket. if you can get your filter moved temporarily. You should be good for a while
  12. Yeah, I suppose that's true. all red on one side and all black on the other. would be a really cool animal.
  13. Then I guess I used the wrong terminology, my bad. it would be more proper to say let it age and return to its normal ph. as apparently that's what it's doing in the tanks anyway. Better to do that instead of adding the lye infused high ph water. happy now?
  14. Yeah! you have fish! after waiting so long, patience is not my strong point. Well done!
  15. I use a round 30-gallon trash can as a stock tank, even has wheels on the bottom. You could age your water in something like that. Let it gas off and return to normal ph before using. then use a hose and a sump pump to move the water into the tank. You may not even need a dechlorinator after that, as chlorine should gas off as well. but I'd test a few times to make sure.
  16. Come to think of, that's exactly how we did the doors and trim in our house. been 20 years since, I didn't even think about that. Which is weird, since we built everything (literally by hand) but the exterior brick.
  17. You know, you could use stain to color it and then use polyurethane to finish it. That would make a very nice finish. The wife would be happy with that. Almost professional looking. I believe most outdoor deck stains have polyurethane imbedded in anyway, but regular stain and top coats of poly would be a better look.
  18. yeah, there is that as well. he could extend it up and put the top shelf on top. but he'll have to do the water changes on a ladder, which would be no fun at all. and cleaning... whew, ugh. but really 1200 lbs on floor joist. most older homes are not built for that. It really needs to be on concrete.
  19. That is true. I'm guessing it's closer to the 1:100000. A male chimera (cats that have the split face, color dividing line down the middle) contains 2 complete set of DNA to start with, and one of those sets has to be the triploid. the 1:3000 to 1:10000. It's usually fertile from the other set of DNA and not the triploid set
  20. It depends on the look you want. if you want it high gloss and tough, slick surfaces, then enamel. latex would be softer surfaced and softer sheened You could do outdoor deck stain, that wood show the grain, even if black. and be waterproof
  21. yes, i know. the first time you see it, it really freaks you out. I had a 2" layer on my mopani wood.
  22. Bacterial bloom. perfectly normal for driftwood. not harmful to fish. you could take it off, but its eating something on the surface of the wood. so, it will just come back. wait a week or so, then you can siphon it off.
  23. Most of these fish are tiny. The pandas are small for corys. Probably 11/2 long. Otos produce little bio load. They’ve been together for almost 2 years now. Algae doesn’t really grow much in this tank.so it’s relatively balanced. Just requires a bit more water moved out. This is a learning tank. Still has blue gravel (my wife and daughter picked) and 1 fake plant arch. Old anubias, with long rhizomes. Java fern and small sword. Not really any fast fish, or very large fish. So it’s all good. Next 10g. same age, 2.5 years old. 1betta, 10 harlequin Rasbora. 2 mystery snails. Same blue gravel. Lightly planted. Absolutely no algae, I have to feed the snails or I lose them. Fake rock arches and a stacked cube thing. so the worry about overstocking is real, but honestly it just takes a tiny bit of extra work, and constant paying attention. Most african cichlid tanks have to be overstocked, it spreads out the aggression. And they can’t be planted. It just requires a bit more work.
  24. The reason male calicos are sterile is that they have triploid genes. not xy any longer but xxy. and the extra x chromosome is what carries the second color. triploidy also causes then to be sterile as the chromosomes no longer match with the female cat.
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