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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Yes, primarily they feed through the water. Tabs may help the roots get established
  2. It's probably best out of the pot. actually, I think I'd float it for a while and not plant it. It's supposed to have a week root system. maybe floating it help its roots to develop further
  3. I might add some root tabs. it's not going to do any harm. and it may give them the boost they need. No, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. but the substrate may be too coarse for microsword. only time will tell
  4. you're probably fine. just keep an eye on that spot, good thing about 10g, not a look of pressure behind the seem
  5. Run your finger along the outside, if the glass seems to be uniform and the same from top to bottom, it's probably fine. where the glass buts up to each other if you can't feel a gap or bubble, you should be good. The parts where the glass meet is where the strength is. the interior round bead is to smooth out the main seem. and it does add a small bit to waterproofing, but not much
  6. Yea Yeah. Your water is mostly good, middle of the road. I see people advocating for gh down to 100 and kh of 0, ph of 5.5. That’s not really sustainable for the average person. Unless you’re east or west coast. You can raise almost all fish. There are a few, like discus, German rams, and apistogramma that are going to be a problem. You can raise African fish very easily. Shell dwellers and kribensis. And all of the African cichlids. Most good community fish are going to be no problem. Live bearers will love you
  7. They make an egg tumbler, supposed to work really well for Cory eggs. Keeps them mostly suspended and moving until hatched.movement is via airflow, so you set the pressure. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/breeding-supplies/products/ziss-egg-tumbler
  8. Yeah, I looked them up. They only eat shrimp fry
  9. It absolutely does eat algae. But that’s not all Not a true herbivore like an otocinclus
  10. Your water should be just fine. You’re on the right side of the gh kh balance. It’s easier to acclimate soft water fish into hard water than hard water fish into soft water. Osmosis wants to even out the kh gh. Kh and gh going out of a fish creates pressure easier and can damage your fish. So they’ll actually adapt relatively easily for you. Honestly, your water is not really that high. Mostly average. Mine is 260 gh 160 kh. 85% of US waters ranges from your water to mine. Only 15% of water in US is softer than yours. Via USDA hydrology maps. The ph range should be fine. But yes, you could temporarily lower ph. But you’d want it consistent. I’m not sure I’d worry about it. But check with your seller.
  11. Unfortunately, even your siamese algae eater will eat shrimp if given the opportunity. Most colorful shrimp are the neocaradina and caradina. Both of which are 1 to 1 1/2 long and very tasty
  12. If it’s empty and clean turn it over and rinse it out. If you’re worried about it, use a clean scrub brush and rinse it again. I don’t think there’s anything in there that will stick to the tank
  13. Yeah, for empty tank. You should be good. I’m probably too paranoid. Depending on cleaner of course
  14. I find I’m actually liking the mr clean eraser trick. I hadn’t known about that until a couple days ago. But if the tank is empty just rinse it out. If you’ve got it redone already. Just water change until you feel comfortable.
  15. sorry got called away, this is Irene’s explanation on easy green
  16. Yeah, that’s a problem, may have to do a couple changes. Wouldn’t need to dechlorinate. Just dilute. The refill again, dechlorinate with prime. I hope that works. Best when cleaning tank, just use water. Can use an unscented mr clean eraser. Same for cleaning outside the tank. No soap or windex.
  17. May actually not be enough fertilizer. Nitrates should read closer to 50 when done dosing
  18. I love the look. But…. My wife does not. Makes some of the fish just glow
  19. Only by pre-soaking or boiling. The bigger the piece the harder it is to boil. It’s not at all harmful, actually beneficial. Has some antibiotic properties. After a month of it in my 75g, I gave up and used chemipure green and cleared it. Charcoal may do the same thing over time.
  20. But if you try to remove it too soon, it’ll just bleed back. You could have boiled the wood to remove the tannins looks definitely tannins. I used mopani. Took over a month.
  21. How diy are you. You could build it relatively cheaply
  22. It does go away. Water changes help. Or go ahead and, if it’s cycled, use it. The tannins are beneficial. If you’re okay with the look. My wife wasn’t, so it took awhile, it finally cleared.
  23. And how furniture like do you want it, or do you want bare bones 2x6 frame
  24. Oh, I agree completely, but…. Dining room. He probably better ask the wife.
  25. That was my first thought. Works really great. But for the dining room the stain/polyurethane method is closer to finish grade. That and it takes a bit more time, puttering around and all. Adds a project in the step. Which is not a bad thing. Gives something else that’s also fun to do.
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