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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. And now we're back to @FLFishChik first choice. so..... diamonds and congos🤣 they're really both stunning fish. I went with marble and koi angels for my first 75. my wife's favorites. and mine. but man can they turn into anger monsters when they're on eggs
  2. so... what's your opinion of the best, showiest, most fabulous tetra. It's our job to make this decision impossible for @FLFishChik 🤣
  3. you know when to say when. apparently I didn't. I get sort of feverish, and end up with 14 tanks
  4. no, just the once. you can add more salt when doing a water change, but only for the water you take out. if you take out 3 gallon, only add enough salt for those 3 gallon. salt doesn't evaporate. if you only do top offs just add straight water, no salt
  5. i know, it's a tough choice. and it usually gets made 65 times, 3-4 times a day for me🤣. that's how you get to 14 tanks
  6. they should be okay with just hob. they won't grow near the stream. but they should be fine in the rest of the tank. hob filter streams only cover that small area and then most of the flow is straight down. one of the problems with hobs is they produce a vertical flow near them and not much lateral flow. so almost perfect for duckweed and they should grow back hopefully? depends if you want them or not🤣
  7. ouch, maybe try and pull him and dab some methylene blue on the damaged area. being careful to avoid the eyes. this should eliminate the fungus. if any. which would be my main concern. Then, it's all on him and how much he can heal the missing tissue. maybe not a lot, but some. besides keeping an eye out for fungus, not a lot you can do either. maybe softening out the place where he got stuck or making it bigger so he can't do it again. i might add in a few catapa leaves as well. they'll darken your water, but help prevent infections.
  8. i Know you were thinking about lemons as well. I've never gotten mine to color up like you see in pictures. glass cats would be cool. but sort of invisible. I'm a member of Jason's channel and he has talked about having overstocked a tank of silver tips temporarily. they made a kind of silver fish cyclone
  9. try this if your interested in schoolers. my favorite was the brilliant green rasbora. my daughter was playing with these at the lfs. they were chasing her hand around the tank in a very tight school
  10. I've never seen them full grown. very impressive with the sparkles and much bigger than i thought. but I've also heard they were very loose schoolers, if at all.
  11. I know ro. With my high iron I’m mostly trapped there. And of course it’s a genus. One with lots of variation in its care. There are people in Chicago that bring them in to sell that won’t use ro. Because their customers don’t have ro. I myself am fascinated by the idea of apistos. The same as I’m fascinated with gbr’s and discus. But, really there a tons of soft water fish that grow and breed in harder water. And hard water fish that grow in soft water. All plants and animals have a certain degree of plasticity. There’s a wide degree of what can be done. but, you know. I don’t believe I ever said yes you can or no you can’t. I said ask the breeders. Especially local breeders.
  12. I know the smaller ones do. But I’m not sure the big Florida farms would. Their farms are outside in big casket vaults or actual small ponds. Would be worth asking though when purchasing. Cause you’d want to come close when/if trying to breed.
  13. If you can find a breeder in your area, and that’s a possibility, not a certainty. You should be able to breed them just fine. Breeders are not going to use ro water at any level. It’s just too expensive. They’ll either pull it from the ground, or get it from the crystal springs, and I’m not sure that’s allowed
  14. Maybe one more,then just watch. I’d do fertilizer later if parameters stay stable
  15. Oh, most definitely then. So about your fishy friend. He probably got down under a plant. They look so very tiny when they pass it would be very easy to miss. My snails help out with that. Sometimes for me, there’s nothing left to find and parameters are doing better?
  16. I don’t believe he’s lost anything. To my knowledge he’s got 6 wcmm in a 10.. I’m very sure he’d notice.
  17. No, rabbit snails breed much slower 🤣
  18. If you can find apistos bred in local water you should be fine. Or at the very least you could ask the growers. The toughest apistos for hard water appear to be panduro, macmasteri, and cacatoides. I think if you are open to mixing your tap with ro, you can find a great many more. Maybe 50/50 to get your kh dKh to 3 and your dGh to 7. You should be mostly fine at those levels
  19. Probably. Gh is a measure of calcium and magnesium. Kh is a measure of the carbonates in the water. Calcium carbonate is usually the form of calcium. But it doesn’t have to be. There are other ways to add carbonates not adding calcium. So the numbers can be uncoupled from each other
  20. There may not actually be anything wrong with him. I have glow fish danios over 2 year’s old that look like that. I tried a lot of different things at first. No results. So I gave up. They’re now over 2 years old. But I’d be checking the side scales to see about pine coning. If she looks like she has scales pointing out, then probably dropsy. dropsy is not really contagious, it’s usually a sign of bad water quality. And not really curable. I’ve never been able to cure it anyway you could start with aquarium salt. Possibly at 1 tablespoons to 5 gallons for a week. And see what happens
  21. Yeah, your silicone has probably deteriorated after 15 yrs. Good news, after getting your shrimp moved. You can strip and reseal this one. Then you could use it for a different color. Pumpkin or blue dream
  22. You could add on just to the back side, but you’d need to get a 4x4 post as 2 x anything would only be 11/2” wide cut it to true 2 x width and screw it onto the side. Oh, and btw, nicely crafted on the first iteration
  23. The medications. Only at your local fish store. More than likely. Or via Amazon
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