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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Okay. Got it on. The wider glass section goes in front. So that’s a problem. Going to need to reposition your handle. The 2 small side clips go in the back, next to the hinge. With the curved part going down. The long attachment goes curved side down in the back attached to the shorter glass panel. As do the 2 medium pieces. Curved side down as well. I won’t be using those because I run a hob filter and need space for it. The long attachment at the back has notches for your cords to run through. after dropping it in 2 or 3 times to figure it out. It seems relatively stable once in place. The back part is raised about 1/4 inch above the front panel. Didn’t care for that at first, it was unbalanced. But when you get all the attachments on, it rebalances ok. Not that tight fitting of a lid. But for a multipurpose lid, it’s not horrible. Could be better. I may take and saw the 2 medium pieces down until they fit snugger. This is true. And this lid is not as tight as I would prefer.
  2. Another thing to think about is maintenance. Low tanks are much easier to clean. Some tall tanks or column tanks are more difficult because your arm is only so long I have a column hex. It can be problematic to get to the bottom
  3. Really the easiest way to raise kh is by water changes. Unless you happen to be in a place that doesn’t have any in their water. You ca also supplement it with some additives as well. Fertilizer won’t work. Kh is the carbonates already dissolved in your water
  4. Give me a couple of hours. I bought one yesterday.
  5. No contraindications: can be used with all of our other products and meds that’s from fritz’s website on the expel-p. since Fritz also makes Maracyn 2 I assume you can do both at the same time. That would give you a good antibacterial med added to a good antiparasitic med. but let’s ask and be sure. @Colu
  6. Okay. Well that eliminates that then. I find that’s the key most times. Whittling away things until we get an answer. Would definitely keep in mind what colu said though. He’s our health and medication expert
  7. More places for large batches of cories to school
  8. Two questions. Are these the only guppies in your community tank? And so far only the guppies have died or had symptoms? ok I guess 3 questions. Where did you buy your guppies? If no other fish has died, it may be a guppy only kind of problem. when purchasing guppies from big box pet stores they can have major problems. Their genetics has gotten weak. They are more susceptible to disease and sometimes get weird tumors. I was never able to keep them alive for long. I switched to higher end guppies and problem solved. Current batch is 3 months old and breeding for me. So it’s very possible it’s a guppy issue and not a tank issue. but keep a close eye out. In case it is a tank issue. and invest in a testing kit to make sure your water is safe for your animals
  9. Oh. Yeah, never used aqua soil. So can’t help there. Have a bag of it. Been sitting for 2 years now. for wood, I usually don’t worry about the ph from it. Ph usually doesn’t do much. As long as it’s a consistent level
  10. You could try shipping in a higher quality of betta. Prism bettas has some very nice looking ones Jason Adams. Prime time aquatics was talking about them a couple of weeks ago
  11. Yeah. I do that occasionally as well. It’s the only way I could keep guppies alive. Some really good online shops. And incredible selections. Just way expensive to overnight fish I have my daughter conditioned for that as well. She gets to go to gymnastics meets. I get to go to fish stores. Which is cool. We’ve been to some neat little shops. Shipping is expensive. But lots of different fish
  12. I usually get mine from either. But just be aware they usually don’t last as long from there. It’s a rough life for them. And genetically they’ve gotten off a bit. They develop weird tumors and seem more susceptible to disease. They usually only last 6 months to… I think my oldest is 2.5 years old now. I figure I have some space, and I can get them out of the cups
  13. My experience with skirt tetras is they are nippy. When I was first putting bettas in communities, I almost lost one to them. Found him hiding under some decoration very shredded. and local fish store is all relative. I have to drive an hour for a small store and a big box store. But I also drive 2 hours to Indy or 3 hours to Chicago. I count Indy as local. Haven’t explored Chicago enough yet for fish. Heard of a couple of good places though. I wouldn’t worry about the time in a bag. Fish get transported much longer than that every day. 4-6 hours in a bag is not a problem. The only problem I’ve ever had is I transported some skunk cories and had a stop in between. Apparently one or more released their venom in the bag. When I put them in the tank, they were fine. But I did a little maintenance then. My arm broke out in hives where it was in the water
  14. Haven’t done cherry bards yet. On my list. But they’re supposed to be among the most peaceful fish. You could always try a plakatt male or female. Much faster than regular bettas. Or a trio of honey gourami. Or another schooler. So many combinations to try 🤣 Actually did a refresher on cherry barbs. Not supposed to be that nippy. The bettas behavior is on a fish by fish basis
  15. Should be no problem. And even a male is fine in most situations. They are mostly aggressive against other bettas. I have kept 6 males in 6 different community tanks before with no problems. I’m down to 3 currently. One in a platy tank. One in a completely mixed tank. One in a tank with harlequin rasboras. And for docile females. Depends on the female. I’ve had them be aggressive as well. All depends on the fish.
  16. Depends on how they swim. Most fish swim horizontally. There are a few that just kind of wander everywhere. Thinking mostly of gourami. Slow swimmers and swim everywhere
  17. I have hornwort floating in almost everything. Except my angel tank. Then have dwarf sagittaria, red and green crypts. Tiger lotus, and a few swords. I can grow them, I just can’t get them to look as good as other people’s. 😟 I’ll have to watch that video. It looks interesting
  18. Anubias is great on driftwood, as well as java fern. Both come in several different forms, big and small. And are low light glue ons. Small varieties of crypts should work. Water wisteria or hornwort for floating. With medium light you can try amazon swords. And some of the bigger crypts
  19. Plenty of plants is always great. Keeps down the nitrates and the algae. If you can keep them thriving, it makes everything easier. Unfortunately, that’s not my strong suit. Much better with terrestrial plants. and corys are awesome. So always do corys. 🤣 5 or 6 pandas would be good.
  20. A couple of things. First aqadvisor calculates on bare bones. Not possible to do it with various plant loads. I’d be careful with the otos in a newer tank. They like to eat the same things as the snails. The softer surface algae. Both brown and green, as well as the clear biofilm. You can supplement them with canned green beans. Or zucchini or cucumber coins that have been softened in the microwave. Then just stick them with a clean fork and drop in the tank. You may be able to convert them to algae wafers, but it may take some time. Most otos are wild caught, so when you buy them make sure they have a bit of a pudgy belly. An oto with a shrunken belly is off feed and may not last long. And it’s hard to get them caught up at that point. and if I may, 1 honey gourami would look great with cherry barbs
  21. I think you’re good. One week with no ammonia isn’t going to hurt your cycle
  22. Yeah, quite correct. You could create a hot spot. If all the weight goes to one spot. On the other hand, not going to get a truly heavy rock in a 10g. Just be aware of the possibility
  23. Ok, I assumed you have the 32g flex tank. Possibly not? The baffle is what hold the flex filter and hides the heater and pump. It’s got the top and bottom slotted intakes. My kuhlis decided they didn’t like the front of the tank and decided they were going to live in the back. 🤣
  24. Tony s

    betta fin rot

    0 is best, but it becomes livable under 0.5ppm
  25. Underneath the tank itself? As long as you’re putting it on a flat surface, you really don’t need to. But whatever you put it on, make sure it can hold around a hundred lbs. figure around 10 lbs per gallon including substrate, plants, water, decor, and fish.
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