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Everything posted by Uproar

  1. Update: I bought 8 kg Jun Master Soil NEXT. I'm now considering putting it in mesh bags and then capping with black soil on top.
  2. Thank you. I'm looking for more answers
  3. Hello everyone. Hope all is well. I'm about to setup a 20 long. Iwagumi (dwarf hairgrass carpet with vallisneria background) I am confused as to what to go with for the substrate. Here are precisely the two things I need help with: 1. Should I go for: Potting soil + Sand Aquasoil + Sand Aquasoil only 2. If picking one of the aquasoil options, please help me choose one of these: ADA Amazonia Ver 2 Tropica Jun Master Soil Denerlee Scapers Soil Anubias Japanese Soil Platinum Soil Amazon Soil Let me know if pics are any of these soil packets needed as some of these aren't available internationally. I appreciate any and all help, thanks!
  4. Just wanted to add, when treating fin rot, it is important to keep his immunity strong. Feed good quality food and don't let the water temp drop. I can see he's improving. Good luck!
  5. So sorry to hear about your betta passing away 😞 You can plant the anubias in soil I'm pretty sure. Just make sure the rhizomes aren't buried. Alternatively, if you plan on making a terrarium anytime soon, anubias makes for a great choice.
  6. Thank you for the warm welcome 🙂
  7. Thank you! I used tea. A couple days later I discovered we have a huge almond tree in my complex. Unfortunately it's winter so it's got new green leaves. I took some and left them to dry. Will be using them the next time I want to add tannins.
  8. Today I added tannins to my tank to make it false bw. I know it'll be golden for my Betta. Looks super cool too. I also added a sheet of paper inside my bracket light to reduce the brightness. My android camera doesn't do justice to the tank. It's not as bright irl and the water looks perfect.
  9. First try at a baked cheesecake. My dumbass forgot to thaw the cream cheese and hence a very thick batter, causing cracks. I covered it with strawberry compote later though so no one sees the oopsie I made 🥲
  10. I forgot to show the filter modification I did to reduce flow. My internal filter's air outlet also throws out water at a decent rate and it was good current for my guppies. Had to modify it for the betta though. I took a piece of PVC, used my soldering iron to make a hole and tightly pushed it into the filter output. I also rotated the spray bar so it hits the glass instead of pushing the water around. It's a 1 feet cube so it was causing a slight tornado of sorts. Bonus: Nerite taking a shower 🤣 Here's a random pic of Santa chilling in a pot.
  11. Welcome to the community! Just like you I planned (and added) a single albino cory to my tank. Quickly after, I discovered it'd mostly sit still and not move much. I rehomed it to the corydora tank at my LFS and now everytime I visit I see that albino cory super happy and active. This goes out to show that corydoras are all shoaling fish and love company of their own kind. Like Pepere said above, I'd suggest you to get more albino corys. Unlike some species, corys don't really stress each other out so the male:female ratio shouldn't matter, and you should be fine picking up a random bunch of albino corys from the shop. 36g is pretty large so it increases your options significantly. You should get more glo tetras to form a school of 6 minimum. Of course the more the merrier. For centerpiece fish, try some kind of rams (if you want more than one centerpiece fish), or just a single Angelfish for the very reason Pepere stated above. You could look into some kind of cichlids too. Of course make sure to read the care guide for each species before getting them. Good luck!
  12. I usually mix flour and salt and then make a well in the centre. I add lukewarm milk, powdered sugar and yeast in the middle and gently stir. It usually ferments well but this time it wasn't great. Maybe I should only put a little milk for the fermentation and add the rest later. I had used the entire cup of milk for it - might have been what caused it to underferment.
  13. It was good, just heavy. I don't use any improver and I can't source fresh yeast, so dry yeast is all I got. Maybe I should let it prove for longer than just 2 hours to get better gluten webbing.
  14. Today we're making bread, again   pretty good aeration (that's after 2 hours during the 2nd proving after knockback)
  15. I did some more research and asked around a few experts. Turns out I have a halfmoon and not a delta! Lol I had a hard time trying to figure out the 'delta' shape in the caudial fin but I wasn't able to - now I know why! Anyway, really happy about this beautiful boy.
  16. Culinary student here. Hello 🙂 Bread from last week. Proving didn't go well because I tried a new method to ferment yeast and that did not work. Still amazing because I made roasted tomato garlic soup to go with it ❤️
  17. Hi again! Update from last night: After the grey female died, I was left with just a pair of guppies and I didn't want to buy more because nano fishes aren't as hardy as they're said to be. Especially guppies. Hence, I took both my guppies to the LFS, traded them in for a discount on a Betta!!!!!! I now have a red delta betta who is named Santa. Why? Because red, has a nice looking beard, joined my tank in December. Here's a pic of Santa. I was initially nervous if he'd get along with my nerites. He examined them for a while and then left them alone. Santa got a mosquito baby as a treat!
  18. Hi Schuyler, thank you! Definitely different. There's a lot of difference between the Indian fishkeeping hobby scene compared to other countries. I'd say 90% of people here keep fish as decorations. Most common are 'fighter fish' (no one calls them Betta here for some reason), and GloFish. Obviously the overstocked goldfish 'bowls' too. I've been in the hobby for 2 months now and I've built connections with 2-3 LFS and a few friends who are also in the hobby. Aquarium equipment and material are also very very overpriced here due to most of it being imported. All the accessories are Chinese, and horrible brands at that. Fluval, Hygger, etc. are not available here. Live foods are also hard to get, even seeds. I've been trying all this time to get BBS eggs but no luck. Fortunately, Indian fish farms are surprisingly amazing. Most are in the southern region of India where they breed fishes in concrete ponds and rubber ponds. The quality of local bred fishes here are pretty damn solid! For example, you'd find guppies like dumbo ear, purple mosaic, etc. with breeders but not in LFS. Here you'll find crossbred variants only. I've personally made a community exclusively for Indian fishkeepers and I'm in touch with 3 LFS to help me promote the group. It's the first of it's kind (Discord server and WhatsApp group). I gain nothing from it - I just aim to promote this hobby in a much healthier way in India. Indian people are too stubborn and won't deviate from their opinion but slow and gentle convincing sometimes gets the job done!
  19. Thank you! Unfortunately my plants aren't doing too well at the moment. I don't use fertilizer. When doing water changes, I use tapwater + a tiny bit of borewell water just for the nutrients. The plants have been surviving on this but as of recent the brown algae has started competing them for nutrients and evidently the plants look very dull. It's hard to rub it off manually from cabomba leaves too. Just going to reduce light hours and see how it goes.
  20. Hi everyone. I've tried journaling in general several times but failed to be consistent. This time I'm doing a fish tank journal, so hopefully it being my hobby will keep me consistent, lol. Anyway. August 2023. My cousin gifted my little sister a 1 litre fishbowl with a guppy pair. Really beautiful pair. Female was a grey belly with mosaic tail, and the male was a dragon head. The male died in September 2023 and mom asked me to get another one, so I got a leopard guppy. Mom and sister flew away for vacation for 2 weeks in November 2023. Initially, I wanted to give a gift to my sister to make up for skipping many festivals and occasions. So I started planning out a bigger tank. With a very tight budget that was my entire savings, I decided to go with a 8g cube. I got it with fluorescent gravel as substrate and an internal filter. That was it for the beginning. I cleaned it, added water, dechlorinated it and immediately put my fishes in. I didn't know about cycling until 2 days later. I started a fish-in cycle from then. Here's a pic from that day. Yes you're also seeing an Albino Corydora because I was told to get it for bottom clean-up. 2 days later, I DIY'd a lid using sunboard, old CPU fan and a 3W blue spotlight laying from a festival decor. A week later, I thought my tank looks like the horrible fluorescent gravel overstocked glofish tanks. I decided to remove all gravel and switched to white sand. I also got an Anubias trimming, and a good bracket light for a full spectrum lighting. (At this point I had studied a decent bit about PAR and aquarium lighting) A couple of days after, I was told on many Discord communities that keeping the albino cory alone is a bad idea and the tank is also too small for him. So I exchanged it for 2 cherry shrimps. What happens next is actually kind of funny. I add my shrimp and one of them immediately disappears. I spend hours trying to find it but I can't. The next day, I see this. I asked around, experts confirmed my suspicion that the guppy had consumed a cherry shrimp and passed away the next day because of being unable to digest it. I quickly removed the other single shrimp remaining in my tank and gave it back to my local fish store. To replace the leopard guppy, I got this beautiful double swordtail guppy. I also wanted to maintain a 2f:1m ratio so I got another female guppy. At this point my tank was finally how I planned it to be. Although, this female was very pregnant and I had to do something about it. I quickly got a 20 litre water bottle from a grocery store and cut it in half. I also bought some chicken screen and zip ties and put together this. The female guppy somehow passed through the net the next day so I had to make it double layered to make the holes harder to pass, since both layers were offset and would cause the holes to be unaligned and smaller. Meanwhile, the tank got 2 nerite snails. I wish I knew about their bioload before getting TWO of them, haha. Enjoy a pic of them eating a slice of blanched cucumber. I decided to get two plants for better nitrate processing. Here's the weird part. A week after the leopard guppy died from presumably eating the cherry shrimp...... A CHERRY SHRIMP SHOWS UP IN THE TANK! I had already given away the other so there were supposed to be none! So the guppy did not die of eating a shrimp, because he never ate one! I immediately gave this shrimp back to the LFS. Fastforward to 10th December 2023. The grey female guppy (oldest one in the tank) passed away from Nitrite poisoning. I forgot to mention, I've been doing the cycle without a test kit because I can't afford one and it's too overpriced here. Worry not, it's coming in the next month or two before I get my next tank! By now, the pregnant fancy female had given birth at noon! I assume there to be around 25-30 fry. I got an air pump, tubing, air stone, T joint, knobs, and a sponge filter. Aimed to sell these fry so I wanted them to grow real healthy! Here are two pictures from 12th of December. The guppies look blurry, but this is the last time you'll see them....
  21. You know, I was debating if I should sell my old tank when I get my new 3 feet tank but now that I've read your post, I'm inclined to keep it haha. I might switch to just a Betta and rehome the guppies because I don't want babies and keeping only males in a 8g cube isn't a good idea because I can't keep many to distribute the aggression. And thanks so much for the warm welcome, Guppysnail and ScandiDefence
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