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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. Yes you are correct. know for sure man himself had something to do with their creation 😆
  2. I assume you have someone reliable to take care of the fish while you're away at school. Yes
  3. I thought Rainbow Darter looked good. The Rainbow Dace look beautiful. Awesome job breeding them.
  4. https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/double-orange-flash-apistogramma-with-fry.697248/A pair from few years back.
  5. I don't know about multiple pairs with the exception of the Shellies. Possibly a harem with a Apistogramma specie. Had a pair Double Orange Flash Apistogramma that claimed a 20 long for territory.
  6. My wife hated the smell as well 😆
  7. Depending on the specie of fry most of my aquariums has plant's or algae. This helps because fry will seek out the microorganisms that we can't see lol. Not saying not to feed but a extra food source. I hope you sort everything out with your fry.
  8. People sometimes create fancy names to get the same fish to sell. I recommend just pick out the best looking one that appeals to you 😉
  9. Took me some time to find pic of the fry.https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/grow-outs.656061/post-8196403
  10. I've personally had Senegal bichir spawn with 2 different groups. The most important thing is observing them daily. You have to collect the eggs asap or the adults will eat them. Unfortunately I couldn't keep the fry alive 😕 If I decide to try to raise fry again I will be ready hopefully. https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/senegal-bichirs-spawned-d.650595/
  11. This is how the eggs in the pouch looked the first time. He is hiding so I will take a pic tomorrow or the weekend. Some random pics
  12. Lighting for plants depends on what plants because some species such as Anubius,Java Fern, and Java Moss don't require bright light. I personally prefer sand but it's your preference.
  13. Have a young pair that I ordered from the Wetspot Tropical Fish. The pipefish spawned about 3 weeks ago. Don't think the eggs were placed properly or secured because the eggs all released prematurely. This time noticed a difference of the pouch looks covered 😆
  14. Oh okay if the worms glide across the glass glass they are planaria. Do you have a magnifying glass on hand? If so observe closely and if planaria they will have a triangular shaped head. Did you collect the bladder worms yourself?
  15. I think the bumblebee gobies if not found got sick as well and the planaria cleaned up the remains.
  16. I personally have a 20 long under my 55gal. metal stand. It's been there over 5 years now without any issues.
  17. I personally would place a sheet of plywood cut to size. Great suggestion.
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