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Everything posted by JE47

  1. I agree with you that it is a rotala because I have some. I believe it is a Rotala Rotundifolia but I will tag @JoeQ
  2. So I was browsing through my local fish store the other day and happened to see some of their corydoras they stock about 15 different types and I got to wondering what kinds of corydoras do other people keep. So if you would like to answer please tell us What is your most active corydora? What is your easiest corydora to breed and take care of? or Which one you think is the cutest?
  3. I enjoying quilting as well with a little crocheting a skill I learned from my grandma who is now gone. I also enjoy reading especially Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre hence the username.😀
  4. The first one looks like Bolbitus Heudelotii aka African Water Fern to me
  5. Did you find some brackish water fish or plants?
  6. I would be too she looked like a stunning kio betta
  7. Then I would say the wood is not the culprit for whatever caused your betta's unfortunate passing.
  8. I am sorry for her passing. I would highly doubt that the driftwood is the culprit unless it came from a different tank that had a illness and it somehow was transferred somehow.
  9. Maybe @Colu can help you
  10. Besides whirling around are they acting normally? Are they still eating their normally amounts?
  11. @TheSwissAquarist Yes here you go So tiny I may move this topic over into journals to document my journey with white clouds
  12. Walstad refers to a method which relies on plants to provide filtration for a fish tank as opposed to using a machine for filtration
  13. So I know emersed plants a grown partially underwater with most of their growth i.e. leaves grown above water and submersed are plants grown completely underwater. Now for my question is it better to buy emersed grown plants or submersed or is there even a difference?
  14. Thanks for the imput. Yes I did discover after the fact that the minnows prefer cooler temps than a betta oops. I do keep the tank on the cooler side than the betta might prefer by four degrees to help keep the minnows more comfortable. I do try to keep a constant eye on the inhabitants in case of illness because they are both outside their comfort zones in temp a little but so far they seem happy with an unending hunger for food.
  15. I have not considered using panda garras but I have now. Does anyone have any experience with panda garras and how many I could keep?
  16. That depends on how long a little while is. If you mean a couple days then I would say no but if you mean a couple hours then its probably fine if you have an airstone they could go longer.
  17. I have peppered corydora babies and gold white cloud mountian minnow babies as well. Congrats on your babies!
  18. Hi, again I was hoping for some help concerning this product from all the experienced aquarium plant people on this forum. So I have a planted aquarium that is starting to become more densely planted with hopefully some more plants to be added soon. Recently as I have added more plants I have noticed that there is less growth happening and I was wondering if that is because their is less CO2 to go around (I blame the Water Lettuce). Anyways long story short I was wonder if this would be a helpful product to introduce more CO2 with out having to install fancy equipment which I do not have the funds for. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Your tank looks amazing and I am sure all your inhabitants are loving all the space. I know having a betta being introduced to a community aquarium can be stressful like will they go on a murder spree or not but it is nice when they turn out to be peaceful. I also have a betta in a community setup and he has not killed anyone yet. I will be excited to see your corys I love corys they are so goofy and derpy looking.
  20. Thanks everyone for all your advice I have managed to breed the white clouds with twenty or more free swimming fry. They are currently in a different tank from their parents can't wait to see them grow!
  21. Here are some pics of the setup. This time I managed to catch my camera shy pleco and one of my male amano shrimp.
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