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  1. @JoeQ Thanks for the pictures! It's definitely what I have. Online pictures were throwing me off because so many have really curly leaves, and mine are barely curly. But my plants match what you posted! I also tried rotala in the past and it just died off. I though stem plants were cursed, but I think it just needed a more seasoned tank perhaps...
  2. Hi! I got this mystery plant earlier this year, it came with my shrimp for them to hold onto during shipping, and I absolutely love it. It's doing great in my tank and I'd love to figure out what it could be. From my own research I'm thinking some species of rotala? It has those flat conical leaves. It was super dark green when it came to me and after planting it became lighter as it got taller, and now its yellow with orange tops.
  3. Gotcha! I read the IDing thread last month and thought I remembered fin shape being important. I don't care about what sex they are either way, I'm just happy to finally get a honey! 🥰
  4. Like others are saying I like to have two sponge filters on each end. I did this for my 20 high and again for my 20 long and it works great for me! I also use the second sponge filter as a backup or in my quarantine tub so I think having a second filter running comes in handy personally. Hope you figure out what's right for you! 🤗
  5. Hello everyone! The thrilling conclusion to my honey gourami hunt! LFS called me yesterday to say they got in some honeys! So, made a day of it with my fiancée and drove down to get a fish (just one, I decided.) I'm pretty sure they're male, based on that spikey little dorsal fin. But they're the cutest shade of pale yellow and orange with a shimmery belly. I've had them in quarantine for a couple hours now and they've colored up and are swimming good. The new addition. Not naming them until they're cleared from quarantine, feel free to drop suggestions!
  6. Hi! I didn't end up keeping them. Took them back to my LFS and told them they were not honey gourami, and a manager confirmed they looked like paradise fish to her. If I had the space for another large tank I probably could have kept them! I'm still waiting on news about my LFS getting in honeys as well, but I've started another semester of college so I'm fine with waiting since I'll be busy now. 👍 I did have my shrimp give birth though! Lots of tiny babies swimming around, so maybe adding a honey if I got one would've been bad 😅
  7. I'm wondering that now as well, especially after looking around at my other plants and my java ferns are starting to show some holes with black edges. 🤔 The population goes up and down. Right now it's very low, maybe around 50 snails in the tank because I've reduced feeding and am cleaning the sand regularly (as well as removing snails to put in my snail only 3gal). The population was at a point where you flick the lights on in the morning and the tank walls were just snail, snail, snails everywhere on the glass! It was crazy for awhile 😅. I haven't actually seen the snails munching on anything other than mulm or food the corys miss, I just threw that out there in case it's a possibility.
  8. Hello everyone! My dwarf aquarium lily has recently developed holes in its leaves, primarily the lily pads it's sent up, but also some on the submerged leaves too. My tank is 20 gallons and my parameters are as follows: 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrites, 5-10ppm nitrates, 75ppm gh, 80ppm kh, and ph is ~7. I dose 10ml leaf zone (5ml tuesdays+thursdays). 1ml flourish (sundays after water change), and there are ~3 broken up api root tabs underneath the lily itself (put there 2 weeks ago). I also use a hygger light that I leave on for 8hrs a day. I'm trying to figure out if I have a nutrient/lighting issue, because I'm noticing stunted growth from my dwarf sag and swords as well. There are ramshorns in this tank so I'm not sure if they're not just munching on the leaves 😅 holes in the lily pads: picture from july 14 (left) vs august 8 (right): as well as a full view of the tank:
  9. Called my LFS. The girl that answered looked at their orders and said they absolutely have not gotten any paradise fish in at all, so if they're not honeys then she's confused as to what they could be. She suggested they could still be stressed from shipping and skinny? Either way she said I can take them back within the next 3 days, so I'll keep them another day since I can't make it over there today...
  10. I uploaded a video of them. I'm so confused if they ARE paradise fish, as my LFS didn't have those labeled for sale anywhere. The inhabitants of the tank I bought them from were these guys (labeled Gold Honey Gourami), two pearl gourami, and two powder blue gourami. The girl that scooped them for me even keeps honeys and was telling me how well they do in her community tanks. If they are paradise fish though, my LFS has a 3 day return policy, so I'll be doing that if these guys aren't honeys...
  11. Hello everyone! Another update. They're here! I have my honeys. I got three. They're unsexed juveniles unfortunately, but my LFS assured me that if I had multiple males or any aggression I can bring the fish back for credit. Fingers crossed these guys work out together, they're so cute and they're all swimming around together right now! Here's some individual pictures of each one. Does that darker bottom fin mean male? Or do all juvenile honeys have it. I'm already a big fan of the 3rd one, they have an orange patch right on their forehead that's super cute.
  12. If I'm being honest, I can't really tell a huge difference between the female and male gold honeys colors XD and that's what my LFS is getting in. I think they're beautiful fish either way so I'm really just trying to figure out the best combination of fish.
  13. Hello everyone! Small update and another question. I called my LFS and they'll be getting the honey gourami in next week sometime! Very excited. When I called, the girl on the phone chatted with me about my tank and asked how many I was thinking getting, and I mentioned how I was worried about there being agression if I added a male & two females. She suggested that if I still wanted three gourami to get 3 females and cut out the male entirely. So, my question now, would this work? Are there any behavioral issues that could crop up with a girls only tank? As tax here's a gif of my mama shrimp oxygenating her eggs!
  14. I was considering adding neon tetras eventually, because they're my dad's favorite fish, but wasn't sure how big of a group I could get with the size of the tank and the other fish I have already. I'm new when it comes to community tanks and stocking multiple species. I've only had my corys with shrimp for the last year, so I'm trying to be cautious about how much I put in the tank ^_^
  15. @Fish Folk @Lennie I'm not interested in breeding fish at the moment (my corys are too young to breed from what I've researched), and my shrimp are breeding by virtue of being in the tank haha! I had just read on some different forums that they exhibit more natural behaviors/feel more comfortable in a small group, but if being in a group could bring out aggression then I'll go with a solo male! Thanks so much for the replies!
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