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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. That's the side effect of having a betta in a community tank I feel like. Even in a sorority. One female of mine tend to overeat compared to any other girls. People deal with aggression in sorority tank. I deal with a lady who is constantly hungry and willing to slurp the food of everyone 😄 . Feeding them in a balanced way is hard in a community. They tend to either eat a lot or less than they should, and it is very hard to stick with a daily schedule for a specific betta if it's a community tank. I would probably not feed him for a couple days and see how it also goes in addition to Colu's recomendations. I made an assumption of it being a community as it is a 55g. Hope your lil friend gets better soon.
  2. You can check Cory's videos. He usually tapes the part further where auto feeder frops the food to the tank. You will have to play around this for how much food you are gonna feed. This may take a lil time because bettas are very prone to bloating issues and gaining weight. So at the end of whole period with constant overfeeding of auto feeder, you can potentially have a bloated betta, fouled water, or even further worse occasions. Better safe than sorry 👍🏼 Cory also mentiones that, consider fish food as a bag of chips. When you open it it is fresh and crispy. When it keeps sitting, it becomes stale. Even exchange of oxygen during feeding times is making it stale. So in such long holiday, even if you try to go for an auto feeder, the food sitting inside of it will start to go bad. Because autofeeders constantly have a gap open, and the food will be constantly exposed to oxygen. Idk where you live, but summertime also wouldn't help this either. Pets are great but they need serious commitments. This week, it was a 9 day holiday here. I did water changes in all tanks and fed them on saturday. visited my city back on monday for more feedings and BN poop cleaning because they poop A LOT. and on thursday, I returned home again and staying here. Saw 2 guppy males died due to finrot developing out of nowhere in 3 days and developing FAST. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I sacrificed majority of my 9 day holiday for the pets
  3. Yea can be a nice idea to get SAE later on as they love to graze for algae around especially as a young, and they won't find much in a fresh new tank. You wouldn't like them to be lazy constant fish food eaters since juveniles. Of course supporting their diet is a good idea, that's not what I mean. But usually, it is better to let some biofilm and algae to grow before getting algae eaters. Same goes for panda garras, hillstream loaches, otocinclus, etc. 👍🏼 You sound love you are gonna love and spoil your SAE a lot anyway 😄
  4. It is hard to respond to this one. No clue which pellet people take into consideration while making a suggestion. Because betta pellets do have differing sizes. Some are almost the size of 2x of another. 2-4 weeks is kinda big. It would be nicer if you could have someone to come over to feed your fish. I went to a holiday for 3 days and boom, unexpected stuff did occur out of nowhere. You can put the amount of food in something like a pillbox if anyone could visit. Something like this:
  5. Don't do anything and wait for their official response.
  6. I have been having molting issues in my shrimp tanks from time to time over the years. After watching his video I got me Montmorillonite clay. I have never seen molting problems again. It works wonders for me. Maybe because my water softener empties my water a lot, so no matter how much I use gh+ and trace elements, maybe there was something they were lacking in the water column. I dont have Bacter AE but I have a local brand that has a product for similar purposes. I use it like twice a week. Shrimp like to pick on stuff arpund the tank constantly and baby shrimp do need to graze nonstop. Can be nice if you are willing to spend some money. I find Mark very sincere. So I take his suggestions seriously. Especially after he saved me from my years long molting problem directly with making me meet montmorillonite clay. I now use it every tank of mine after water changes, even in those where I don't have shrimp, crayfish or crabs 😄
  7. Besides substrate, you gotta pay attention to the adult size of the cories. Because some grow BIG. In a 10g, I would do only pygmy cories from those three you mentioned due to their size. I used to have my sterbais in 29g. After sometime, when they reached sexual maturity, they went nuts. Upgraded them to 42g tank and now they are chill. Pygmys stay small, so they would be the best choice for you given your 10g tank size. Or you can also check other similar sized small cories, such as hastatus or habrosus(salt and peppers) .
  8. Or like: "If I knew she was gonna stuff me with some yummy worms, I would appear earlier. Stupid me! :c "
  9. I have AC30, 50 and 70. Not the Fluval versions I have never had noise issues personally. All set in my bedroom tanks 🤷🏼‍♂️ They are extremely quiet, I legit hear nothing related to HOB. But I can't say the same for another HOB I have. Or sponge filter bubble noises.
  10. It took a while for you to win this hide and seek game Gup. Or can we even say, you won? 😛 They outplayed you, easy peasy 😄 Him every time you visit the tank and leave:
  11. I have one. While selecting SAE, try to go for the ones with good colors and with a good body structure. I see lots of baby SAE with body deformaties. Abnormal spines. Etc. Also I think saes may have some issues at first in the size you get them. The batches I see are usually weak. Like, I barely lost fish ever in my years of fish keeping, however, after buying 3 SAEs, I lost 2 out of 3 even when I tried to choose the healthiest. Then, my LFS gave me another 2 for free for the ones passed away. This was another batch, and they did much better. Now they are all doing fine and doing well! Another warning is, make sure to check in detail what you are buying rather than what the label says. A lot of fish are being sold under the name of SAE but that are not true SAE! Especially as babies, they may look very similar. flying fox: -has more color to fins. Also slightly more yellowish than SAE juveniles. SAE: in comparison: Chinese Algae Eater ( RUN! 😄) : These have a sucker mouth. Gets quite agressive as adults. Be very careful not to mistake these. The gold version is obvious, but normal vision may look pale at the store and people can be mistaken. Cambodian logsucker: -as you can see, the black stripe does not continue on tail on this one. Here is a pic that includes all four:
  12. I really like sera ones myself. I use test strips ( currently 6in1 Tetra ones, being one of the most recommended ones that is also available in EU) to check nitrite, nitrate, kh. I use liquid kits of Sera for gh, ammonia/ammonium, and ph. Very happy with all of them. That's a good point Ive missed to explain!
  13. Yes. Better utilize what you have in your hand tbh. Otos are never guaranteed to accept commercial foods. My pygmy cories taught them to eat commercial foods. There are New Life Spectrum gel mix you can check. https://www.feedspectrum.com/products/nlsmix Also the last time I visited my LFS, I saw that they are carrying Tropical's gel food mix. There were carnivore, omnivore and herbivore versions. I haven't tried any of them yet. But If you are also from EU, maybe you can find these instead of Repashy as they were all available to me
  14. neocaridina shrimp are much easier to take care of and more flexible when it comes to water parameters. Would be a much nicer start. I have success with keeping black roses and green jellies with my bettas. As they blend better and don't have flashy colors, my bettas don't seem to care about them. But again, everything depends on the temperament of your own betta at the end of the day
  15. Yes. That way, basically you have a chance to reach target gh, kh and ph with the products. For example, if you wanna keep red crystal caridina shrimp, you can use gh+ products to aim the 4-6gh, keep the kh between 0-1, and acidic 6ish ph. Like my tap reads 8.0 ph, 20kh, and 0 gh. It is mission impossible to keep crs if I didnt have my RO. However, in my experience, as long as you are not keeping stuff like caridina shrimp, or wildcaught fish in general which usually require more specific ranges, and if you do get your fish locally they would usually do okay in your parameters as long as your water is not on extreme sides
  16. If you want to rehome them, make sure to post them to Home -> General -> Fish Swap - Buy/Sell/Trade. Maybe someone would be interested 🙂 Both fish are nice and usually liked by many hobbyist.
  17. Usually rocks dissolve when your ph is acidic. I already have high ph of 8.0, and no rocks, shells or cuttlebone dissolve in my water. So no effect on parameters That being said, I also have a high kh of 20. So Even with a combination of aquasoil, catappa leaf, and alder cones as well as with some RO water changes, the lowest I have ever seen was 7.5 ph 😄 If you have a high kh, you barely can benefit from the buffer capacity of botanicals and aquasoil in my experience. For this, I'm tagging the seiryu guy @nabokovfan87 😄
  18. Depends what kind of a tap you have, and what kind of fish/shrimp you wanna keep, or even more specifically you wanna breed, if you want to. some fish can manage to live in a bigger range of parameters but to breed they need more specific ranges. Like I have been keeping my rams on 8.0 high kh/gh tank but they won't breed there. Now I'm setting them a breeding tank and using RO for it because they usually breed better in softer low ph water. Some fish can be wild caught so you may need to imitate their natural environment and your tap may not allow that. Your tap may have unwanted stuff like ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, or super high or low ph like above 8.5 or lower than 6. Your tap can be rock hard but maybe you really need that soft water. Or, for example when you wanna keep majority of caridina shrimp, you will again need to have RO ideally. Because their ranges are veery limited.
  19. I created a topic before where people shared their experiences based on the nerites they have: I agree with Gup. I would get 3 or 4 too if you really want nerites.
  20. I'm from Türkiye. Majority of people in this forum are from US. I sometimes lose so many opportunities due to living far away 😄 Hope you can find your lil friends a great home. If I was living nearby, I would love to take them 🙂
  21. I can understand why you like this look. Very cool. But, I'm not sure how much fish enjoy being in these type of tanks. To grow short good carpet with co2, super high light. Fish is always exposed to high light and has nowhere to hide if they want to, even to take some rest. I personally think these type of look is good for human eye, but not sure if it makes fish happy. I can't think of any fish that enjoys being under super high light, without anything around to take cover or hide to feel safe if needed.
  22. You can also check blyxa japonica. And echinodorus bolivianus. I forgot its more common name
  23. Def it is. I have never been able to stick with my stocking plan. NEVER. Whenever I enter to my LFS, if I am buying in person, there is always change of plans. Pictures online vs fish irl change a lot. I mean ofc, fish color up in your lovely tank at home much better with good care, higher quality foods, less stress, etc. That's not what I mean. What I mean is, for example, I always thought CPD (celestial pearl danios) are very cool looking fish. When I saw them irl, I was not even slightly impressed. I would personally regret hard if I ordered them online. It is just not my type of fish I realised. Also in person, you can observe their behavior, eating, swimming, potential signs of any diseases, etc. Is the fish buly? Is it going for the food? Is is active and looking healthy, or not? You get the idea. I also think you can connect with fish irl in person. There is a bounding that appears. Same with snails. When I got my Rick (my blue mystery snail, RIP) and my Morty, my gold mystery, I legit connected them with both. Rick saw me and climbed to the front glass never left until I leave. Well, at that point we had to leave together. 😄 I never felt this sort of connection with my snails I got online. I like them, but I just like them. They don't even have names. If you know what I mean :') Btw, You can easily keep a SAE there. Don't be demotivated if you wanna keep one. That tank size can surely home it. I have 3 SAEs in my 100cm ( so a bit longer than yours) but shorter tank.
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