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Everything posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. @EricksonAquatics Same! I think I started with like 22, and I’m down to 15 or so. So, we should be back to ~25. Also stocked to boost the Green Neon numbers. Their green stripe really flashes in the Blackwater tank.
  2. Agreed with what @Tony s said. All of my tanks 20 gallons and up have 2 filters. A sponge, and then a HOB/Canister/Internal Filter for the reasons they listed. On top of that, it’s piece of mind. You can service them independently and not worry about ammonia spikes or anything like that.
  3. Lololol. Ya, just a little bit. They look awesome! On one hand it would be cool to have some fish that another forum member bred. On the other, it would be cool to not have to pay for it (use my store credit).
  4. Bagged up 15 Panda Angels, 16 Bristlenose, and a ton of Java Moss and took that up to the LFS. Got the usual $4/Panda, the BNP’s were just a donation, and got $10 for the Java Moss. Traded that towards the 10 Chili Rasboras (buy 5 get one free, so actually walked away with 12), and I still have $161 in credit. Only putting the credit I currently have on here to remind myself as I always forget. That, and just to show that if you find something you’re good at and does well at the LFS you can create a nice little thing for yourself. From there we drove another 30 minutes or so to LFS #2. Picked up 10 Green Neons for $30, and chatted with the boys at the shop. LFS #2 is an RPP store, so it’s always nice to see Coop products out in the wild, and even better that they sell them for the same price as ACO. They even have the brine shrimp and brine shrimp salt now! I asked them what products were selling good for them, and they said, “basically all of them. I guess the one thing people ask for that we don’t have is the usb nano pumps”. I told him I thought ACO discontinued those in favor of their branded back up battery pumps, and told him to point people towards Amazon for those. Sadly, no 5% member discount. At least not yet. We’ll see if they ever make that change in the future! Currently acclimating the new fishes, and then we’ll medicate them and call it a day. Harvest some BBS later and feed everyone and we’re on to the next adventure. Now, if I could just get my hands on some Rummynose Rasbboras we’d be set. Might have to hit up a forum member and see what they’d charge me for a 15 pack and shipping 🤔
  5. I could be wrong, but I believe Monte Carlo would really appreciate CO2. Anubius and Java Ferns should be good. Same with crypts. For me, Java ferns and Crypts simply don’t work well in my water and I haven’t been able to unlock the secret to make them thrive. Outside of epiphytes, remember that you’re paying for the root system. Lots of plants will melt, and then bounce back. Even moving plants tank to tank that will happen. Overall, seems like a good starting point. You’ll have to try plants and see what does well with your water/maintenance schedule/fertilizer/etc.
  6. I’ve never done it as I just freeze mine. Like most fry, they have a yolk sac. I assume that once that yolk sac has been absorbed they would need to be fed. People definitely hatch them out and then raise them to adults. I believe they feed with spirulina powder. Prior to investing in that, though, I would see how long it takes for them to absorb the yolk sac. If it takes a couple days (like a lot of fry) you probably wouldn’t have to worry about feeding the BBS.
  7. Whew, big Wednesday this week! My girlfriend had to leave super early this morning, and I wasn’t able to go back to sleep, so I took advantage and started working on the tanks. I cleaned every air collar and every sponge filter. When you have 14 tanks that’s no small feat! I also trimmed the cube, pulled a TON of Jungle Val and Amazon Sword leaves out of the 55, and got a tank ready for new friends tomorrow. Tomorrow I’m gonna take 15 Panda Angels and all (but one) of my Bristlenose to the LFS. I finally convinced them to take these BN and I’m happy to move them and move on. No more BN babies around here! I plan to pick up 10 more Chili Rasboras for the 20L Blackwater tank. From there, we’ll probably drive down the road and pick up 10 more Green Neons, also for the 20L Blackwater tank. Once I secure those I’m just on the hunt for some Rummynose Rasboras and we’ll be set! Giant Java Moss ball. Gonna take this up to the LFS as well. Panda Angels looking good! 55 gallon finally getting some light. 20 Long. Dumped in a fat pour of the blackwater tea I’ve been saving and really darkened this tank up. The Cube with a fresh trimmed Pearl Weed hedge. Pea Puffer tank with the plants getting a little out of control. Cheers, homies!
  8. I take my fish to the LFS in the same way I bring them home; fish bags.
  9. Thanks! I’ve always thought the same thing, except more of a “freshly trimmed Pearl Weed hedge”.
  10. Patience. Patience will help you go far in the hobby. Eventually, that piece of wood will become waterlogged and will sink. Outside of that, you could get yourself a piece of slate. Drill some holes through the slate, and then screw the piece of wood to the piece of slate. Bury the slate in your substrate, and voila. Your piece of wood has now “sunk”. Alternatively, you can place some larger rocks on the piece of wood. Eventually, it will become waterlogged and you can remove the rocks.
  11. Nerites for sure eat algae. I just personally think that 5 is too many. I tried 2 in my tank, and they didn’t make it. The Amanos have thrived for years, though. In my opinion, you want to understock the tank. A handful of nano fish, shrimp, and (certain) snails have thrived for me. As long as the plants are acting as the filter and the oxygen source you should be fine. Start small, and add on as necessary/as you want. Just got done trimming my cube. Here’s the most recent pic: Light turns on in about an hour. This is just natural sunlight from the window behind the tank.
  12. I have a 6 gallon cube that is dirted, no filter, no ferts, no CO2. Let your tank get WELL ESTABLISHED before adding anything. Especially with that many Nerites. I personally would chop that number down to 2 at the most. Even with mine being well established I could not keep Nerites in mine. Consider Amano shrimp instead. My cube has a Fluval plant nano on it, and pearls more than any other tank, even those with CO2. It has become a Pearl Weed jungle, is over 2 years established, and continues to crush. My biggest issue has been recurring green water any time I make a change. However, I’ve worked through that again and the tank continues to thrive. Here’s some pics. I think it shows the progression over the past couple years pretty nicely: And this is basically where we sit today. Pearl Weed has taken over the entire tank. It grows out, I trim it, it grows out again, and I trim it again. Rinse and repeat. Currently, I have 8 Blue Axelrodi Rasboras, 2 Amano shrimp, and Ramshorn Snails in here. Fun little experiment over the past couple years
  13. Here’s all my tanks: The 5lb tanks were bought on Amazon, and then I take em to a local welding supply place and swap them out for full tanks. The tank itself is like $75-80, and the swap for a full one is $16. In the second picture, to the left, are the citric acid/baking soda canisters. I would highly suggest NOT trying citric acid and baking soda unless you buy one of these canisters!!! That reaction creates a lot of pressure, and these canisters are designed to handle it. I started with the citric acid canisters just to try it. I liked it, so I bought another one. Then I upgraded to the 5lb tank with 2 bubble counters. I then upgraded one last time to the second 5lb tank and decommissioned the citric acid. I was spending more on citric acid in a year than I was swapping CO2 tanks at the welding supply. Yes, there was the initial start up cost (5lb tank, the regulator, and the initial swap to get a full tank), but in the long run I’m saving money by not buying $30 bags of citric acid and having to make CO2 every 3 or 4 weeks. The 5lb tanks I’ll swap probably once per year. Maybe twice on the one that runs 2 lines.
  14. When it comes to scaping, it’s really dealers choice. If it looks good to you, go for it! Don’t like it? Change it up! My only real comment had to do with it being dirted. One of my 14 tanks is dirted, and doesn’t need liquid ferts whatsoever. In fact, any time I’ve put even a couple of drops in, I get green water. Personally, I would hold off on the liquid fertilizer, and see how it goes without it. Also, changing scapes with a dirted tank can be a challenge and you will disturb the dirt and potentially make a mess. My personal advice is get the hardscape you want and place that where you want it. Then, add plants, and watch that thing go nuts. Mine is a 6 gallon cube that’s over 2 years old, and has become a literal Pearl Weed jungle
  15. I’ve never done the sugar and yeast method, but I have done the citric acid and baking soda with a stainless steel canister. I’ve phased out those canisters (had 2 of them) in favor of 5lb tanks. One of those 5lb tanks has one bubble counter and line to a 29 gallon, and the other bubble counter and line runs to a 55. What I can tell you with absolute certainty is you need more CO2. I have mine at like 3 bubbles per second, and my drop checker does not change color, indicating that I’m not getting a pH change. If I was going for 30ppm, I should up mine to at least 5 bubbles per second. Let me know what other questions you have. Happy to help!
  16. Sounds like you’re ready! Personally, I would do a 50% water change to get your nitrates in the 20-25ppm range and throw some fish in there.
  17. Well, you get varying schools of thought here, too. Welcome to the internet! I’ve always focused on consistency vs. chasing parameters. I also have super soft water, with little to no buffer, and a lower pH. Because of this, I water change consistent every week. I want to replace the trace amounts of minerals that my water has. If I go on vacation or something I have no problem skipping a week. But if I’m home, I water change the same amount on every tank, every week.
  18. Same. I should’ve just cleaned the filter! When I pulled it out, it was suuuuuper heavy, and your journal entry was ringing in my head. A classic! I’ll have to add it to the list for when I’m done crushing through everything I already have.
  19. The usb nanos definitely have their place. I could totally see the Coop getting rid of them in favor of their battery back up pumps, though. That being said, you can get the nano’s on Amazon for a more preferred price point.
  20. Personally, I don’t feed for 4 days, and then I start to feed very lightly. I think for most, it’s that quarantine tanks aren’t usually seasoned, so you want to avoid ammonia spikes. I think another school of thought is that meds can crash your cycle, but I’ve never personally seen it. I always bring fish home on Thursdays, and I’ll start feeding very lightly on Monday or Tuesday. Wednesday I do a 50% water change to get rid of the meds. I quarantine for a total of 6 weeks, so I’ll gradually up the feeding throughout those 6 weeks.
  21. On top of what @Shrimp Doggy Dogg said (excellent name, by the way) I would suggest additional hardscape, and more plants. Short plants to the front, medium tall plants in the middle, tall plants in the back. Doing so will create depth. There are many many different aquascaping techniques. Maybe look into some of those and try to replicate them.
  22. I feel this, and I don’t even have a fishroom! However, I do have 14 tanks and am maxed out. I’m maxed out on both space and the time I want to dedicate to my tanks. Currently, I do maintenance to all of them on a weekly basis. Depending on what needs to be done, it’s somewhere between 3 and 6 hours of work. If it’s just water out and water in, it’s about 3 hours. If I have to clean sponges, clean canisters, scrape glass, etc it can get up to the 5 or 6 hour range. Either way, I have a routine, and I throw in my headphones and get to work. I enjoy listening to podcasts and singing to my favorite songs as I get my hands wet and do what needs to be done. I still enjoy this work. That being said, I’m perfectly fine where I’m at. I’ve spent the past 4 years setting up very healthy systems that mostly take care of themselves. I only really have to scrape glass on my Pea Puffer tank as snails are snacks. All other tanks are never to maybe once every few months. Although I’m currently content where I’m at, I don’t want to add any more. I don’t want to do more maintenance and take more of my time. There are definitely days where work ran long and the last thing I want to do is more work when I get home, but I still feed the fish. The only way I would ever consider an actual fish room is under specific circumstances. I would need to own my home (I currently do not). Additionally, I would only do it if I could set up auto water change. Having that would cut down on maintenance time tremendously, and would make it less of a “job” to actually take on more. The dream for me is to buy a house. In said house, I want a couple large display tanks on the main level. This would still satisfy the urge to actually do water changes and maintenance and get my hands wet. Then, in the basement, fishroom with auto water change. However, without auto water change I’ll never have that fishroom. Thanks for sharing your experience and educating all of us. I know I jumped right in the deep end when I got my first tank. I quickly got to the double digits in tanks, and then slowly added the couple more that I wanted. I’m thankful I was able to strike the right balance and not overdo it as a lot seem to do.
  23. Increasing the numbers could work. I had 6 in my 55. 2 got taken out as they formed a breeding pair. The reminding 4 were exactly as you’d expect. The only real aggression is when the pair in that tank spawns, but I just pull the eggs and by the following day it’s back to normal. Eventually I held back 2 Angels that I raised and put them back in the 55 to bring the total back to 6. No problems adding the fish as I grew them out enough before adding them. The male that was paired with a different female is now paired with a female from the 2 I added back. Again, the only real aggression is when they spawn as they protect their clutch.
  24. It’s Wednesday. You know what that means. I’m gonna start this week with the things I learned. I learned that you can leave your canister filter off for 24 hours and not have an ammonia spike. I turned my canister filter off to feed, and forgot to turn it back on. I didn’t realize until the following day (last night) when I went to turn it “off”, and it kicked back on. I figured today was maintenance day anyways, so I turned it back on after feeding and let it ride. This morning, I tested for ammonia and the test came back 0. This leads me to believe one of two things happened. Either the bacteria in the canister didn’t die, and therefore didn’t create an ammonia spike or any ammonia that was produced was converted by the tank overnight. I’ll never know which one is true, but one of them is. I also learned that a sponge filter can become clogged in a fashion that makes your air collar/easy flow kit glug. One of the sponge filters in the grow out tank has been glugging, and I just couldn’t figure it out. From everything I tested, I figured it had to be the air pump. So, this morning I ripped off the Hygger 10 watt and put it out on the rack to run the 55 and the 29. Hooked it up, and both ran like a dream. Thought it was strange, but whatever. Hooked the grow out tank to independent Tetra 150’s, and what do you know. No glug! The one that was glugging wasn’t pushing as much air, but I chalked that up to the pump starting to go out. All day the filter was fine. I go to feed tonight, and it starts to glug worse than it ever had! I could visually see the bubbles coming out of the air collar going hard, stopping for a split second, and then going again, causing a massive glug. I figured it had to be the pump so I opened it up, inspected everything, took a couple of things apart, and put it back together. Hooked it back up. Same thing. I figured it had to be the airline. I thought maybe there was a kink or something. I ran a whole new line. Still glugging. Figured it had to be the air collar so I popped that off and cleaned it. STILL GLUGGING! At this point the only thing that was left was the sponge. I popped the air collar off and noticed (this time, finally) that it was producing air at a steady rate with no glug. Cleaned the sponge, hooked it back up, and voila. Running like a dream with fill air and flow coming out of it. I feel like an idiot as I literally bought that Hygger pump because of this issue and it took me weeks to figure it out when all I had to do was clean the filter. It’s just literally the last thing that made sense to my brain. The more you know… Outside of that it was a normal maintenance sesh. Water out, water back in. Cleaned all the pre filter sponges (and the one sponge in the grow out tank lmaooooo!). Boiled some Indian Almond Leaves and hucked those in the blackwater tanks. Next week I’ll probably clean all the sponges. I guess with the Easy Flow I’m collecting more detritus and need to clean them more often. Lesson learned. Still having a ton of fun with my RG405V as well! Crushed Pokémon Silver, and learned that there’s a second half of the game AFTER the Elite Four that my little 8 year old brain didn’t know about back in 1999. Moved on to Killer7. It’s another game I played when I was super young and never beat. So far, I’ve only found one game that doesn’t run very well. I think I might have to turn up the speed in the settings just a little bit. Audio is perfect, but game runs like it’s in slow mo. Still having tons of fun. 29’s looking nice: I love the Black Neons schooling around in the back. This thing is turning into a jungle and I love it. Java Fern finally growing some, too. Some tips have BBA, but baby Ferns are growing out of them so I’m gonna see if the baby Ferns becoming a thing before I go chopping. I hope you’re having fun with your tanks!
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