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Everything posted by Robstar

  1. That's so cool! I din't think to check YouTube. Thank you
  2. That's a really pretty fish and I like the ring idea. I will have to try it!
  3. Not sure how big that tank is, but it might be fun to try placing a mirror behind it. I've see betta keepers do that to get the fish to bow up.
  4. What a tough fish species they are. This thread makes me want to get some. Thank you for sharing.
  5. Like you said, if the roots are still moist, you may be able to save them by putting them back into the aquarium if you so choose.
  6. Hmmm, I wonder if the red comes from dosing Iron? Have you tried that?
  7. Not sure about the yo-yo's, but in my experience guppies are definitely a "top water" fish. They will go anywhere in the water column but prefer to stay up top. I hope some more people with loach experience can help you out. It's no fun having fish you can't normally see.
  8. Yes, guppies and tetras. I will have to try some! Thank you
  9. Nothing too tall unless you have a lid. I hear they are escape artists. I love this idea, keep us posted!
  10. Great looking fish! What is your favorite food to supplement the algae they eat?
  11. This is a cool project. How long do they have to stay in saltwater?
  12. That looks great! Everything looks well thought out.
  13. I've heard old fishkeepers say it dissolves too slow to make much difference. Have you tried wondershell? Or banquet blocks? Not sure if you are able to get those from across the pond.
  14. I think it would be a cool experiment if you added another sword and see if it shares the same fate. Maybe you could catch something eating it.
  15. I'm curious, do you root feed those? Or do they just look that good with no maintenance? Does seem to be a sword.
  16. I learned something interesting today. Cory said in his live stream today that stems should be planted 1" apart from each other to give the leaves room to spread out.
  17. That is interesting. I wonder if it will continue to eat them, or is this a once is enough thing. Please keep us posted!
  18. Does anyone here have experience with growing plants in an open top with the idea that the plants grow tall out of the water and flower? If so, what plants would you recommend?
  19. Not familiar with the difference. Is it clearer?
  20. Black conceals best, but there is just something about that fish store blue that I love and always go back to.
  21. What color is your substrate? If you have any.
  22. Wow, I can't believe how good they look! What a great addition to any shrimp keeping room.
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