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Everything posted by Latishcia

  1. Well she looks more bloated this morning. So I just took her a Epsom salt bath I did 1 tablespoon per gallon for 10 minutes. And now she is in my hospital tank. Still, fasting from yesterday. With Catappa leave and API stress coat. With a cover.
  2. I'm new to the fish keeping. But, if when in doubt as for all my research that I have done. Epsom salt works miracles. 1 tablespoon per gallon for 10 to 15 minute. I would try that first, if it worsens I would try after Fritz Aquatics Mardel Maracyn or API E.M. Erythromycin Freshwater... I hope your Betta well. Hopefully with someone with more experience will respond.
  3. Is the aquarium salt. Or Epsom salt or a little bit of both.
  4. Are you doing all these meds in a planted tank? Hope your Betta well.. I know he hasn't been well for days now.
  5. I just got her at my local pet store yesterday. I acclimated her plus my golden mystery snail into my tank when I got them. And today I noticed she has a swelling like she's bloated. I feed her just a little bit this morning. She is in a 5 gallon tank planted tank. Should I put her in a hospital tank and dose her with some general care or what should you think I should do or just leave her be and just watch her. Plus if anyone know what type of betta she is. Please let me know. Now I'm worried about her. I tested yesterday before placing them in my tank Ammonia 0 nitrites 0 Nitrates 5.0
  6. thank you. No fish. Doing a Fishless cycle.
  7. Just tested my tank these are the readings.. Should I siphon my tank or leave it and let it continue doing what it's doing.. No clue what to do next. I have a 5 gallon planted tank.. Ammonia 1.0 PPM Nitrites 2.0 PPM Nitrates 5.0 PPM
  8. I have no clue. When that time come to get my betta is whatever catch my eye just the one that I will get. I do want a female, that all I know for now.
  9. Thank you and unfortunately I did feed my tank today. but I won't feed anymore. Should I add more Fritz 7 or no?
  10. Thank you! Yes I do have a air stone in the area where my filter and heater I put them all in one that corner. Because I'm planning on getting some floating plant, waiting on it in the mail. as well because I have a lot of anubias and low light plants and I don't want to have an alge breakout.. while I'm cycling this tank or even after it's been cycled. And the floating plants would help a lot with that if it ever come up. And having all that stuff in one corner with make it easier for me to contain it the floating plant.
  11. The substrate that I have in my tank is just black sand and black gravel mix. I chose that route because I want to fertilize my plants as they need it. I use liquid fertilizer and I use tabs for my plants. I only got 1 plant in my substrate.. I use this mix so The Roots won't suffocate if it was just sand. I made it like airy substrate. As for the corner I have a air pump that's attached to a box filter and the heater is right there next to my filter, is what you see in the picture. This tank is a 5 gallon tank. So I only put what the bottle suggest which is 4 tablespoons. My ammonia went to 4ppm a couple of days ago so I siphoned out a little bit of water then after adding my water I conditioned it and added more beneficial bacteria or if my water is getting low then I add more beneficial bacteria.
  12. Day 17 Gh 25 KH 40 Ph 7.4 Ammonia 1.0ppm Nitrites 0 Nitrates 0 It just feels like it's taking forever. And I'm using fish food for my ammonia souce and Fritz 7 as my beneficial bacteria. I'm hoping it'll be nice and cycle by the end of next month🤞.I 'm ready to see a colorful betta in this tank..
  13. Nice. Still I have no idea when they overpopulate the tank. What to do with them. For me I wouldn't want to keep them, probably just give them away or to my local fish store
  14. I what suggested to get a frogbit. So I ordered it it will be here later this week. But to my understanding I hear they're kind of a sensitive floating plant. I quarantine using bleach just a little amount barely the amount the lid of the bleach bottle. For 2 minutes would I still be able to do that for this plant. Without killing it off. I just want to kill off whatever that may be attached to them. Hopefully somebody can respond that has experience. I'm a new fish keeper.
  15. Yeah today I check my water it's weird because it's showing a light reading of the nitrates for mines as well. And I'm still doing a fish this cycle and I tested my tank and it's 0 nitrites still.
  16. Latishcia


    Version 1.0.0


    This is a 5 gallon tank for 1 betta fish. I'm in the process of a Fishless cycle. I finished setting up my tank with live plants and decor. My question is do you think I over filled it. With plants and decor?
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