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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Today, I introduced snails to the Beans’ diet. Petco was happy to give me a bag full of bladder and MTS to take home. The Beans don’t quite know what to do with them just yet so, I crushed a few and added them to the tank. The biggest Bean, Cheddar (I call her/him The Big Cheese… cuz he/she eats the most and is tank boss) did nibble at the snails and has been circling and eyeing them up (all while still passing this morning’s breakfast… little glutton). The rest check it out, but interest. I’m hoping they catch on soon (cuz I’m about to be up to my ears in bladder snails and the whole point was to feed these Beans).
  2. Love my nerites, even though they snow my tank glass with their snaily love fests. They are the best little tank cleaners, I had to move them out of my 29g because… Murder Beans (pea puffers) moved in. They now live amongst several other tanks in the house.
  3. Anyone culture their own black worms? I need advice on where to source, how to start, how to maintain! I’ve got pea puffers and want to add more live foods to their diet but looking for the easiest options.
  4. My roses, jasmine and elephant ears all love the “fishy poopoo” water 😂. WC change day has become plant watering day here
  5. I think it’s safe to say the snails are happy 😂
  6. And here I was worried about having enough snails… by the looks of it, I’m about to be overrun with them in a few weeks 😂
  7. I currently have 5 tetra whisper air pumps of various power. The oldest is 5 years and the newest is 2 years. All run without any noticeable sound. However, if left on an unlevel or smooth surface, they will scoot until they come in contact with something that stops them - in which case you can hear the unit vibrating against whatever solid object it’s come in contact with. I solved this issue by cutting a small square of rubber shelf liner and placing it under the pump so they can’t move. Haven’t had any sound issues since
  8. photos help to see what might be going on. 1) what are your water parameters? 2) are the plants new or have they been established for awhile? 3) what lighting are you using? 4) what substrate are you using? 5) what fish or invertebrates do you currently have in the tank?
  9. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Not just of losing pets, but all the months/ years of work and money poured into your passion to have it all suddenly be gone literally overnight. It’s disheartening at the least. I hope you can at least figure out what might have caused it and hopefully prevent it from happening again. Hopefully you can restock your tank with more beautiful, peaceful fish soon! 🙏
  10. 1) I have a group of 14 2) I’ll try looking for smaller ones. I do thaw them in a small container of tank water before I feed. 3) I feed blood worms once a week to everyone but the Pea Puffers. They also get frozen bbs, freeze dried daphnia, Vibrabites, nano pellets and bugbites 4) water stays at a consistent 76F because everywhere I have read has a temp range of 73 - 80 for cardinals.
  11. So, I’ve been attempting to feed my Cardinal Tetra blood worms for some time, but it’s like they have no clue what to do with them. At first I thought they were too big, so I cut them up into tiny pieces, but even then, they just follow it around the tank as it floats to the bottom then Lise interest. I’ve seen one or two grab one then just spit it right back out. I thought all fish liked BW?
  12. No, Pea Puffers are the only freshwater Puffer whose teeth won’t continuously grow.
  13. Well, I will tell you to be overly prepared for your Murder beans in advance. buy (or find someone willing to give you) a bunch of Bladder Snails, Ramshorn Snails or Malaysian Trumpet Snails or all of those and start a colony in a separate tank about 2-3 months before you get Puffers. Maybe start a Scud culture and Live Black Worm Culture at the same time. Stock up on Frozen Blood Worms and Brine Shrimp when it goes on sale. Build an alter to the Bean Gods and make offerings of incense and Worms regularly. Greet them every morning with affirmations of undying loyalty and never ending dedication to the servitude of Beankind. Then and only then, will you be somewhat prepared for the awesomeness that are Murder Beans 😉
  14. Well, they seem to be settling in . Gobbling up Blood Worms like they’re candy!
  15. For my area, Seachem Prime and Fritz Complete run about the same price for a 8 ounce bottle. I predominantly use Prime because it’s available at my local BBPS, but if I am putting in an ACO order and happen to be running low on water conditioner, then I’ll order Complete from the ACO website. I’m not loyal, what can I say. 😁
  16. Day 2 Everyone seems to be doing well. I was worried that they wouldn’t eat the blood worms if they weren’t floating around in the water column appearing to be “alive”, but they dont seem to have a problem picking them up from leaves or even the substrate. I’ve ordered a worm feeder for easier feeding and less mess , but for now the turkey baster will have to do. So far, their Bladder Snail farm is off to a good start. Got eggs already! Woot!
  17. Awesome! I’m trying to grow a sizable colony for my Pea Puffers! Less than 24 hours and they are already laying eggs! Woot!
  18. Bladder Snails have been in their tank less than 24 hours and I just found this on the PSO! I hope I got babies coming!
  19. I’ll keep a good eye on them, but I’ve been guaranteed that they have been dewormed and treated for 30 days before being sold.
  20. Here ya go @Chick-In-Of-TheSea! Today is the Day!!! My little Murder Bean Mob arrived safe and sound and they brought an extra friend ! So I now have seven little adorable Peas! I admit, they are tinier that tiny. I’ve never actually seen a Pea Puffer in person, but I had no idea they were actually the size of a real pea! Got them out, made sure they were alright, acclimated them and carefully transferred them to the 29g aquarium. They made themselves right at home and after a few hours, I gave them a little snack of blood worms. All seemed to eat well. I’ll feed them a little more tomorrow, but for now I’m going to let them settle into their new home. So stinking cute, these guys! Meet Cheddar, Feta, Gouda, Swiss, Queso, Brie and Bleu!
  21. Those appear to be Bladder Snails from the photos.
  22. The Murder Beans have arrived!!!!! It is my pleasure to introduce to you… the Bean Gang Cheddar, Feta, Gouda, Swiss, Brie, Bleu and Queso!
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