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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 12/1/2023 at 6:48 AM, GoofyGarra said:

    I have to say im really liking Vulcan my new bristlenose pleco.

    I just adopted one too 🙂  A diver friend and fellow hobbyist tank raised them and I have it in quarantine now. I have had it only for a few days. It is sort of a marbled black/white color, and the tips of its fins are white.  The parents have white tipped fins too.  It is too young to have bristles.  It will be cute to see them grow in.

    Also, I'm all caught up on the journal now. I didn't quote all the things but wanted to add some comments.. 🙂 

    Congrats on shrimp eggs (lots of them!) and very sorry to hear about John.  The shrimps must be very happy in your tanks!

    I often use Repashy powder to feed my shrimplets. I pinch it between my fingers and rub my fingers together under the water. The whole tank gets very active when the Repashy powder goes in.  Also shrimps love to eat soggy catappa leaves

    I love turkey basters for removing food and waste. I'm planning to get more so if I'm running more than one quarantine (what I'm doing now) then I don't have to disinfect between the tanks; each tank can have its own dedicated one.

    For hornwort, whenever I plant it, it doesn't do well for me..?  The bottom will melt because it doesn't get enough light.  I float it and have better luck; it lasts a long time. Shrimps love it.

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  2. On 11/13/2023 at 8:14 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    Ok, houseplant holder attempt #3.

    Attempt #1 cut into the strainer and put suction cups in the holes, the suction cups did not stay and the strainer fell, this design did not work.

    Attempt #2 took attempt #1 but used hot glue to secure the suction cups, but i used too much hot glue and couldnt get the suction affect by the suction cups so it didnt work.

    Attempt #3 is so far the best design. It uses a fresh strainer but instead of cutting it, i just stretched the strainer a bit to fit in the suction cups. It took a bit of force but the cups are not coming out. This is the best design as i get the suction of the suction cups, and the suction cups work. Its also the simplest design, something ive learned sometimes works best:


    I built this now as a friend will be giving some Pothos for my tank in a few days and i want to be ready. This will also be nice as i can move it around as needed if i needed nitrogen export in a particular tank.

    What I did was bundle the pothos stems together with a twisty tie.  Then I kept the twisty tie out of the tank but allowed the pothos roots to hang down into the water.  I scotch taped the ends of the twisty tie to the rim of the tank.

    I am behind in reading your journal. Trying to catch up! 🙂 

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  3. On 11/26/2023 at 2:01 PM, Colu said:

    I would consider doing@Odd Ducktreatment protocol for parasitic infections that will treat most commonly encountered parasites 




    Since Spike is eating for 3 days consistently (had white worms again this morning) we are still continuing on with Plan A, the @Odd Duck Deworming Treatment.  I did the 50% water change this morning with a thorough vac. I like to do the water change in the morning and let them relax during the day, then do the next dose at night. The next dose will be levamisole (Expel-P).

    Question - why are we blacking out the tank?  Is it to keep the meds from degrading or is it for fish comfort and stress reduction?

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  4. On 12/2/2023 at 2:25 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Most adorable baffle came in for the Marina S10.



    Phooey. The baffle was a hair off in the measurement. Msgd seller. This seller has always been awesome with customer service. I’m a repeat customer (& the baffle on my Marina 200 is perfect). Also, found a colony of shrimplets in the HOB. They were eating the stuff off the floss. All seemed quite healthy. The s10 is pretty simplistic, so it was easy to see them and just dump the HOB into the tank. COARSE PFS IS INSUFFICIENT for shrimplet safety. Previously I zip tied pantyhose over it, but this time I didn’t because I really needed to polish the water. The HOB was added to solve an issue with a lot of particulates (I believe calcium from foods) in the water column. The water is looking pretty decent now but I still prefer to have the baffle for next time.


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  5. On 12/2/2023 at 7:39 AM, TMartins said:

    Thanks everyone for the replies.  I bought 4 pots from the Co-Op and I might just try both ways.  I have to say that BBA has to be the most evil of all the algae’s because I literally pull clumps of it from below the gravel substrate where no light can reach it…😳.  But at least it’s not growing on the plants and just on the gravel substrate.  

    Oh man. @nabokovfan87 has been at war with BBA for quite some time now.

  6. On 12/3/2023 at 10:22 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    There was another thread where someone didn't have the opportunity or choice to move the tank and the advice was to throw towels over everything and tarp it as best you can and try to cover it.  Even if you remove everything, I might STILL recommend that as well to protect the tank itself from contamination.  It's going to be a nightmare and it's a tough situation.  I'm sorry for what you're going through!

    You know what I would try to do is take out all the equipment, buy a window seal kit. It’s something that keeps out drafts in the winter time. It’s like a clear plastic that you apply with provided double-sided tape all around a window, then you use a hair dryer on it and all the wrinkles come out of it and it’s tight as a drum. I would do that over the top of the tank.


  7. On 12/3/2023 at 10:08 PM, Kaiju said:

    @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, Love this journal, that tree is awesome btw! If you have small kids or relatives coming over btw for Christmas, you should try a fun family activity our family does, we hide (wrapped) candy-canes in the tree for people to find. But just remember where you put them or else you might have some you find the year after lmao. 22 days till I'm supplied with my new tank and neon signs I can't wait any longer... 😩😮‍💨

    That’s a great idea @Kaiju!  What size tank are you getting?

  8. On 12/3/2023 at 9:54 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Split is normal. The long fins are very delicate and transport splits them. High ph splits and grays them.  Whenever mine have experienced stress the tails split temporarily.  Clean stable water and low stress the heal on their own. 

    Ok, very good. No tankmates, no light, and has big catappa leaf. Knows about the hide but is choosing to stay out in the open. 🖤

    • Like 1
  9. Made 150 poops already 😂

    We have good energy today and we found our hide. Use it like this, right?


    I didn’t notice any bites out of the squash I left overnight, but we rasped on the wood and we like Soilent green Repashy. (We are very wiggly for our Kodak moments..)


    Oh ok, maybe this is how this works. White tail 🤍


    Now I did notice a loooong split in the tail. Hard to tell from web images if that is normal. Using the web image,


    I will draw the split.


    If not the norm I plan to add catappa leaves.

    Also we picked out our Christmas tree and it is being inspected. On staff is a professional inspector, going over every detail for quality assurance.


    We learned years ago about the Christmas tree bags. You put it under the tree and it will be hidden by a tree skirt. End of season, remove base and pull bag up to enclose the tree. No needles everywhere in the home; only some around this area from movement of the tree. 

    Time for lights!

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  10. On 8/8/2022 at 6:53 PM, TMartins said:

    Love Bolivian Rams!!!  I feel they are so underrated…


    Agreed! And such personality. The big box store was selling them as “ruby clown cichlids” for some reason (?) @anitstuk

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  11. I would highly suggest planting the micro sword in a clump; the pot is a good idea (per Cory) if planting in lightweight substrate such as eco complete. In my situation, I have pool filter sand which holds it well. After awhile it will make runners. The runners will lead to new plants that may want to float. Simply tack down the runners with plant weights and guide the micro swords the direction you’d like them to go. This photo shows one or two of the micro sword plants that have grown from a runner.


    • Thanks 2
  12. On 11/30/2023 at 11:11 PM, Odd Duck said:

    No, definitely don’t wait that long.  If he isn’t starting to improve and eat within a week I would start Maracyn-2 or kanamycin in the water.  If he improves but isn’t quite there after, say, 3 weeks (2 deworming with Praziquantal and 3 with levamisole (of fenbendazole or flubendazole), then time to do antibiotics.  I truly hope he’s eating well before 5 weeks.

    I should have been more clear.  That’s what I get for posting late, late after a long shift.

    Thanks @Odd Duck, I know you’re busy. His energy level has been good. Wall surfing, but good. Still hasn’t eaten since I started the deworming treatment. Actually, not true. When I did the 50% water change, then he did eat. Then I put the prazi in, and he stopped again. That was 11/27. So I guess we head toward kanamycin; that’s the one I have in the fish med cabinet. How long of a rest between Prazi & kana?

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