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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Spike is having some kind of color explosion; I began to notice it yesterday.

    Day 1 Spike:


    Today, in natural light and LED:



    I’m in love with those reds poppin, but the stripes.. I raise an eyebrow. Time to do some water tests. First up, ammonia liquid test.


    [insert several EXPLETIVES here]

    Now, was I doing my due diligence along the way? Indeed. But you see, 


    Things were looking great. (This test taken immediately after liquid test above). Upon receiving said strips and first use, I had reported them as possibly faulty. Said I’ve used these before but this time the strips looked more yellow than previous orders. I mentioned that possibly moisture affected the contents of the container? Even though sealed with silica gel. Was reassured the coloration of strips is fine/normal. Accepted this response at face value and have been using them for 1+ month, but today was the true test/proof; no longer a hunch.

    Anyway, after the expletives kerfuffle, I did a 50% water change with a few extra dashes of Prime, and the new tank dosage amount of Fritz Zyme 7 (Dear past self, thank you for helping present self by thinking ahead and replacing the near empty container of Fritz Zyme 7, despite not having a specific purpose for it at the time.) 

    Everything else is cool (normal readings) and these kids are ok too, but they grouped up because they didn’t like the siphon in their vicinity, plus the additional light.





    Spike did eat some worms for me today. When I get home again I will be moving some seeded filter media to this tank).

    • Like 2
  2. On 12/7/2023 at 9:08 AM, Guppysnail said:

    If someone offered me a choice of steak or spam I’m headed for the steak

    Right, this is why I’m not feeding the worms every day. Also trying to let the worm population grow.  Spike may have a hard time when he goes in the main tank if he only wants worms because there’s 18 tetras in there.

    We have to get this sorted out before he moves.

    For now, I’m just glad he’s accepting some kind of food.

    • Like 2
  3. On 12/7/2023 at 9:06 AM, Guppysnail said:

    The second I open the drawer and light hits the container mine retract into substrate. Same goes for other cultures in the stackable drawers with vibration  as I work my way up the drawers the top cultures I rarely see worm above surface other than on lids and sides  

    I worried at first about never seeing them on bread. I opened a drawer in the dark very gently popped the lid and hit it with a flashlight. The worms were congregated around the bread. As soon as the flashlight show they evacuated below the surface. 
    Im glad all the worms are doing well for you both. 

    Friend is experienced with worm cultures: larger worms. Right now she has another culture going for the axolotl. They are just a bit smaller than earthworms; I forget what they are called. Axolotl has been eating those and guppy fry. Occasionally the meat Repashy.

    I ate a banana on the drive to her house and told her to throw out the peel but she cut it into bits and gave it to those worms.

    • Like 1
  4. The worm colonies are doing well. This weekend I will upgrade the container for the grindal worms.



    Friend asked why it seems like she never sees the white worms on the bread. I have no idea, but regardless the white worms are doing well and are nice and active.  @Guppysnail?

    Friend was very excited today when she found a clutch in her grindal worm culture. She sent a pic:


    • Love 1
  5. I spiked the Repashy with garlic guard today and it doesn’t seem like anybody wanted it!  I left it in there and will check on it later. Spike ate worms directly from the tongs!  I really wish Spike would start eating some more commercial foods. I think he did take a bite of the Repashy though right as I was leaving. The Repashy was right next to where he ate the worms. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 12/6/2023 at 5:02 PM, TeeJay said:

    Actually there is not much moss in that tank it's mostly guppy grass and hornwort.  If it does not look like a jungle then your not doing it right 😆

    In one of Irene’s aquascaping style videos, she does mention a category called jungle tanks!   And it’s literally how it sounds: let the plants do whatever.

    Love those killis!

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 12/6/2023 at 10:55 AM, HelplessNewbie said:

    That looks like a neat product, but I don't see how it keeps the other fish from eating the food intended for the pygmy cory. Are you suggesting that I place the tube against the plate strategically, so that only the cory can squeeze into the tube?

    What I do is use the tube without the suction cups, and I point it at the fish I am trying to target feed.

    • Like 1
  8. I found this helpful as far as getting fish to eat when they are ill. He’s using different meds, but I like the technique he’s using to make the food appetizing.

     I have medicated flakes that have garlic, but Spike would not eat them. Maybe if soaking in the garlic guard as well, he would consume more foods.

    • Love 1
  9. I have a couple ACO heaters. They are 100% silent. Shrimps go in and out of one of them and there is still no noise at all. The one flashing EL is suctioned to the side wall so I don’t have to see it unless I look that direction. I use a floating thermometer to check temp. When I’m being redundant I will use an instant-read meat thermometer.

    I don’t mess around with heaters. If there is even a hint of something being wrong with it, I throw it away or try to return it. It is not worth the risk to my animals.

    • Like 1
  10. Hi @Katherine! Hope you are well. The new shell on the blue guy is very pretty. It’s amazing what some good nutrition can do for them, isn’t it?  I adopted a few snails also vs. hatching. I don’t have open tanks right now for rearing snails, and I haven’t had the time to commit to baby snail care. Two of my new ones are purple; the other is blue. I lost all my originals to old age, except one magenta named Romeo who is, um, well, still pretty frisky… lol.

    I like the hill streams. Don’t they “blink” also, like cories do?

    • Like 1
  11. On 12/5/2023 at 7:59 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Looks like a feisty boy! Is that redness on the cheek/gill plate any sort of thing or just normal?

    I am not sure but I did notice it. Maybe caused by his flashing against the sand? Perhaps I will get a catappa leaf back in there for healing benefits, just in case.

    • Like 1
  12. On 12/4/2023 at 2:01 PM, Guppysnail said:

    That’s why I was thinking my frogs. They are not fast eaters and they ignore everything but live food. Only other things are neocaridina and 2 nerites. 

    I think that would work well.  And maybe the ram will enjoy the occasional worm too when you feed the frogs.

    • Love 1
  13. On 12/4/2023 at 1:48 PM, Guppysnail said:

    My Bolivian rams are doing fabulous. I’m so tickled with them. They are still very young but I can see a touch of red on the tail sides. It’s not enough to show in photos yet. 

    One little on as it puts on size is showing a minor spinal defect towards the tail. Still spunky , eats well and is very friendly and fearless. However it has an odd gate to its swim and tires easily.  Then it rests on the substrate and scoots along. 

    It will need removed from the group when they get near sexual maturity.  Maybe it can live with my frogs as long as the defect is not severe enough to degrade quality of life to discomfort. 

    Yesterday I upgraded them to a 15 gallon to grow out more. I need to get more plants for them. 

    They are all nosey and playful. Not shy or nervous at all. As soon as I sit in front of the tank they come running. Little beggars 🐷.  So I do t feel it’s a rush for plants.  They will grow in. I did get a few tiny crypts from the club auction this weekend.  I’ll put those in with them. 









    What a bunch of cuties. Interesting the juveniles have a bunch of spots.  

    As far as the cull, fortunately Bolivian rams are great community fish!  The only thing is, they are not very assertive in feeding, so if you put them in with others that are greedy with food, they may just hang back and not get any.  I use a glass feeding tube for Snoopy so I can send food down past the tetras to get to her.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 12/4/2023 at 1:01 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    I have hornwort growing floating well in multiple tanks. In my main 20high i have a piece of hornwort planted and its not doing much, im having success with planted hornwort in the school tank though.

    It looks like your school tank is getting light from the window too, and I am sure the hornwort likes that.

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