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Favorite Angelfish Colors for a Planted Tank


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I've been looking at lots of different angelfish, and knowing that lots of people here keep them, I was curious...what are your favorite colors in a planted tank?  What shows off well against the plants in your experience?  Is there a color you just keep coming back to as your favorite?

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I have never seen those red ones either. They are beautiful!  For myself I keep going back to black ones.  When they mature the iridescent sheen shows up in their white streaks and they usually have red eyes and they impress me every time.  I don’t have any now but hope to have a school of them eventually. 

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My favorite right now are Black.  When I was a kid black was black.  Anymore when I see black they are marbled.  So I started to breed for black -all black....  

But my all time favorite would be the classic original wild.



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13 hours ago, Jollypop4321 said:

Check out Angelmania.    There are many beautiful angels there including high coverage red koi. 

I've actually been looking there and find several of theirs intriguing.  We have quite hard water, which isn't ideal for angels, though the LFS said that they get locally bred ones in that are well adapted to it, so I'm leaning towards looking there first. I am not a Koi angel fan personally, but it's been interesting to see how many people have that preference 🙂 

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