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Quick Question about Sparkling Gourami


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Does anyone have Sparkling Gourami in their community tanks?

I'm considering moving mine from the 5-gallon Marineland Portrait tank to my 55-gallon. I just can't get the 5-gallon to cycle...or to stay cycled. I don't know. It may be the glass beads I used. It's got tons of plants, but I'm still spiking ammonia of 2.5+ just about every other week. It's very frustrating.

So, I'm thinking of adding them to the community tank. It has the following inhabitants:

  • 3 Siamese Algae Eaters
  • 2-3 Dwarf Chain Loaches (I can never see them all at once in order to count them!)
  • Assorted guppies
  • 6 Honey gourami
  • 13 Albino cherry barbs
  • Nerite, mystery, ramshorn and pond snails
  • Various neocaridina shrimp

How do you think 10 sparklers would do in this set up? They are still quite young, none are making bubble nests or courting yet. The 55-gallon is a very peaceful tank. The only chasing is male guppies chasing female guppies. 

I'd love to hear if you have a similar set up and how it's worked out for you.

Thank you so much,


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Hi Alesha! I had trouble with cycling my 5 gallon minibow originally bought as a quarantine tank. It was so awful I shelled out bucks for a whole new 10 gallon setup! I put the minibow away for maybe a future shrimp tank or super-emergency hospital tank. 

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25 minutes ago, Maggie said:

Hi Alesha! I had trouble with cycling my 5 gallon minibow originally bought as a quarantine tank. It was so awful I shelled out bucks for a whole new 10 gallon setup! I put the minibow away for maybe a future shrimp tank or super-emergency hospital tank. 

I have an identical one, to the sparkler's tank) that I've used as a q-tank, with no trouble and no spiking ammonia. Go figure! 

It is comforting to know I'm not the only one with the same problem. 🙄

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35 minutes ago, Daniel said:

I have kept sparking gourami in community tanks including several 40 breeders recently. The even breed successfully in one of the tanks! They always had plenty of floating hornwort and water sprite to lurk in, in all the tanks.

Thanks, Daniel. As always, I really appreciate your input. If we make the move, I'll be sure to have floaters in there for them. 

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I think they would do well as long as they had some fairly dense foliage to lurk in.  Mine are happily spawning in a crowded community tank, but they tend to keep themselves well hidden except at feeding time.   Lovely and peaceful little fish, with the extra surprise of chirping!    

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43 minutes ago, James Black said:

Just a question,

How many sparkiling gouramis do you have in your 5 gallon, I am wondering because I have sometimes thought of getting a little 5 gallon for a sparkiling gourami.

I have 10 in there...most of the time. LoL! They are little champs at hiding in the leaves of the plants. Most of the time I can only count 8 or so. But on a good day, when they're hungry, I can see all 10. 🙂 

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