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What is this white stuff?


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Hey guys!!! Looking for some help! My betta seems to have some white stuff on her tail fin and it seems to be more clamped then usual. I just noticed this this morning. Here’s my water parameters: PH 8.2, Nitrate 0, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0.25, KH was 14 drops and GH was 16 drops which is higher then the conversion chart on the test goes so those are at least higher then 200, water temp stays between 76-80 on a heater controller. The only thing I’ve done differently recently was use one banquet block for my mystery snails and add one squirt of easy green instead of the Aqueon fertilizer I was using. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I did what I could for picture but my betta does not like to stay still 







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Looks like she has some clamped fins and some fungus. Knowing that you have plants in that tank salt won't work because it will kill the plants. Maracyn would work for this as it is plant safe, and it would probably do a better job then salt. If you live Canada or another country that doesn't have access to maracyn I would try supertech fish health remedy

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I have the med trio already from when I first got my betta. So maybe I’ll start her on meds then. The meds won’t hurt my mystery snails correct?

12 minutes ago, James Black said:

Looks like she has some clamped fins and some fungus. Knowing that you have plants in that tank salt won't work because it will kill the plants. Maracyn would work for this as it is plant safe, and it would probably do a better job then salt. If you live Canada or another country that doesn't have access to maracyn I would try supertech fish health remedy


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I wanna say thanks for providing all the parameters first and foremost. Next, it looks like hes suffering from bacterial or fungal infections, bettas are especially prone to fin rot, and that appears to be what hes suffering with, and the clamped fins most likely indicate stress. Medication might be needed in order to treat this and knock it out to help him recover, but first we need to tackle the root cause. Bettas typically like more acidic water, around 6.6 to 7.2, amd in order to lower it you can use driftwood or catappa leaves, or many other leaves. This will also add tannins to the water which will help fight off some of the bacteria and fungus. You also might test your tap and if that has a lower ph you could just do a water change as well to lower the ph, and you can also use products made by companies to lower ph. Another thing is the ammonia, idk if your tank is cycled or not but I would stop adding fertilizer until the ammonia goes down to 0 and probably just until your betta is healthy again. That's at least where I would start, as well as treating with the med trio, cant remember which one specifically but I'll go look at that real quick

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Just now, MeggersNCat said:

I have the med trio already from when I first got my betta. So maybe I’ll start her on meds then. The meds won’t hurt my mystery snails correct?


The meds wont hurt your snails, no. But I would worry more so about lowering the ph and getting the root cause fixed first then after fixing that dose meds

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