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Bruce Trathen

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@Cory i found a lil hitchhiker today in my 10 gallon. It is in the cycling stages so no fish and all the plants (and gear) came from Aquarium co-op so it had to come from plants. What snail do you keep in your plant tanks? I just need to know how to care for it. I am grateful as i was hoping to get a few as i love them. It looks like a nerite but it is very tiny only a few MM in size so i cant really tell. Any advece would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Thanks @Cory from shape it looks like a nerite but it also is a baby and I thought they can’t hatch in fresh water? We will see once it grows up, love it all the same. I love all your products and will continue to use you for all my needs. I lived in Edmonds from ‘91-2004 where were you then? LOL. I would have kept you in biz for sure. Thanks for all you and your team do for the hobby/ sickness. 

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Positive it's not a nerite, as they're very hard to hatch and raise to snailhood even in ideal brackish to fresh conditions. It's probably a pond snail if you think it looks like a nerite. Don't worry too much about it. Pond snails are extreme survivors and can reproduce sexually or asexually. The only things that can kill them are intense ammonia spikes or copper or a hungry pufferfish 🙂

Enjoy your new invertebrate assistant in cycling your tank! If you want to ensure their survival (and potential to have uncountable generations of offspring) feel free to sprinkle a little fish food or leave the lights on a little longer than you ought to.

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