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Habrosus Cory spinning like a torpedo/corkscrew


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What's up with this guy? See video below.  I've had the corys for 6 months. This is my daughter's tank, so admittedly I don't pay as much attention to these fish, but I noticed one of them spinning yesterday, but I watched only briefly and thought it was just excited. Today, the swimming pattern is a lot crazier and obviously something is wrong.


  • PH 8
  • Nitrates 20
  • Hardness 6 dGH
  • Nitrite 0
  • Ammonia 0
  • KH 7 dKH
  • Temperature 75F


Tank is over a year old, no other fish showing symptoms.

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Definitely seems like a swim bladder issue, I had a Cory that had this issue.  I put him into a quarantine tank, and medicated it just to be safe. I treated for internal parasites and just a general bacteria infection (2 of the 3 med trio).  My fish seemed to have an actual injury or maybe it just took a while to come back.   He swam like that for almost 2 months and eventually got better.  I kept him in a small 10g tank with nothing in it except the sponge filter.  After medicating once I just kept the water clean, and eventually re-medicated a few weeks later just to be sure.  When they swim like that it's hard for them to get food, and also easy for them to injury themselves further.  So a bare bottom tank allowed the fish to struggle in food.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi everyone, does anyone have any insight on this? I have a panda cory going through  the same thing - has random bouts of spinning like a torpedo - they acts normally...

OP, how did yours turn out?

Any thoughts on mixing the general cure and salt at the same time?


Thanks all!

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On 1/5/2021 at 6:42 PM, StephenP2003 said:

What's up with this guy? See video below.  I've had the corys for 6 months. This is my daughter's tank, so admittedly I don't pay as much attention to these fish, but I noticed one of them spinning yesterday, but I watched only briefly and thought it was just excited. Today, the swimming pattern is a lot crazier and obviously something is wrong.


  • PH 8
  • Nitrates 20
  • Hardness 6 dGH
  • Nitrite 0
  • Ammonia 0
  • KH 7 dKH
  • Temperature 75F


Tank is over a year old, no other fish showing symptoms.

I have the same issue with pygmy cories(the only kind I have kept) sometimes it goes away sometime the fish dies 😢

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