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Holes in plants


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Over the last few weeks, I have some holes in my Dwarf Aquarium Lily, and Banana Plant. They started as pin hole size, and have gotten larger. Nothing added to the tank recently. My snail population seems to be growing, but I'm really trying to cut back on food.

It's a 10g that was started in May; substrate was changed in July. My current stock list is:

6 Chili Rasboras, 7 Ember Tetras, 3 Kubotai Rasboras, Anubias Nana Petite, Crypt Wendtii Green, Crypt Parva, Rosette Sword, Bacopa Caroliniana, Anubias Frazeri, Crypt Lutea, Banana Plant, Ammania Gracilias, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, 5 Blue Dwarf Shrimp, 1 Nerite Snail, 6 Malaysian Trumpet snails.

Consistently on a weekly basis, parameters are: 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 40ppm Nitrates, 7.6 Ph.

I dose Easy Iron three times a week, and Easy Green twice a week. I've been doing this for months now...so I haven't changed this weekly plan in a while. I do 20% weekly water changes. Lights are on a timer for 7 hours per day. It's been like this since day one. 

It's mostly these two....but it kinda looks like my Pogostemon Stellatus is slowly being affected. No other plants seem to be affected at all.

Any thoughts?




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I would start by looking at nutrient deficiency.  


Do you have the perfect planted aquarium setup, but your plants are still dying one by one? Even if you’re regularly dosing fertilizers, your plants might still be missing key nutrients. In this article, we want to teach how...


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28 minutes ago, Ken Burke said:

Not sure if you have a potassium issue or some other trace element is off.  Recommend adding root tabs and using some kind of liquid fertilizer.  I love the easy line from Aquarium Coop.  

@Cory designed it with all the trace elements, and one pump per 10 gal.  

I dose Easy Green. 2x per week

Maybe increase to 3 or 4 times a week?

Edited by Jeff
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