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Keeping female guppies with White Cloud Mountain Minnows... Yes/No?

Karen B.

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I bought 6 guppy - males. There was a surprise fry in the bag!

From what I can see so far, it’s going to be a female so I don’t want to let her in the 10 gallons with the males.

My other tank is a 20 gallons with 12 white cloud mountain minnows and 1 dwarf crayfish. I would like to put my female there and maybe breed her in a seperate plastic tub once or twice for fun/have few females to add with her in the 20 gallons so she doesn’t stay the only guppy.
Can these two fish species coexist? I know the temperature is a bit at the limit but I’d keep the aquarium at 72.

What are you tought on my project? Doable? Will the fish be happy?

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8 minutes ago, lefty o said:

72 is fine. ive had guppies and white clouds in the same tank before, and never a problem.

Sweet, thanks!

Do they interact with each other?

Guppy are more energetic then White Cloud... does it causes stress to either party?

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3 hours ago, lefty o said:

they pretty much do their own thing, and dont bother each other.

Ditto. I have guppies and white clouds (as well as a few other things) together in my community tank. I'm sure the minnows would prefer a temp lower than 78*F, but I mainly cater to the guppies. Plus the white clouds have been very healthy and happy. I dont see a lot of interaction; honestly each species is mainly only concerned with their own group.

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3 hours ago, Kat_Rigel said:

Ditto. I have guppies and white clouds (as well as a few other things) together in my community tank. I'm sure the minnows would prefer a temp lower than 78*F, but I mainly cater to the guppies. Plus the white clouds have been very healthy and happy. I dont see a lot of interaction; honestly each species is mainly only concerned with their own group.

Thank you very much! I like White Clouds Minnow but as they were supposed to be only my schooling fish to a centerpiece fish that I later learned wouldn’t be compatible temp wise (thank you LFS for bad advice!), I felt a bit disappointed that it would be them only in my 20 gallons.

What else are you keeping with them?

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3 hours ago, Brandy said:

My mutt guppies have been frequently at or below 72. They are tough little nuggets. Not at all the same as the fancy strains. I keep them in an unheated but covered tank, at whatever my normal room temperature is. 

Thank you so much for your answer! Looking forward to my new project now!

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On 12/8/2020 at 7:59 AM, Streetwise said:

@Karen B., I am a huge fan of White Clouds, and I usually pair them with Neocaridina shrimp, bladder snails, and/or ramshorn snails. You could go with orange shrimp for a nice color theme.

My problem is that I have a mexicain dwarf crayfish and he is a psychopath to anything that’s on the ground. He won’t touch the fishes, never raised a pincers at them... but he killed his brother and his father...

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1 minute ago, Streetwise said:

Good point, I missed that!

I don’t know why but all the fish/living creatures I put in that 20 gallons turn psycho. Yet everything I choose is supposed to be peaceful. My dad crayfish killed the female (I was supposed to have 2 females but breeder sent only one... 😡). 5 babies survived for few weeks, then poof they were two. And then the strongest killed (and partly ate... 🤢) his brother and probably his father.

White Clouds Mountain Minnows are known to be peaceful... one of mine in less then a week managed tu hurt every males I had. Part of their fins were gone. I named him Jaws. I did everything I could but eventually had to part with him. Everyone laughs at me tho when I say WCMM and agressive in the same sentence.

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5 hours ago, Karen B. said:

What else are you keeping with them?

I have them in my 55gal community tank, which includes the guppies and white clouds as well as Beckford's pencilfish, bronze corys, and kyathit danios. I used to have neocaridinias and bamboo shrimp too, but I had a fertilizer issue which killed them. 😞

I'm surprised that your crayfish lets anything swimming remain alive; I had always heard they killed everything that moves (well, yours apparently kills everything on the ground!) I love inverts and the only reason I haven't kept crayfish is because I thought they killed everything. I'll still wait a while to get one, but thanks for the info!

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