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Anyone have any experiance with this light?


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I'm wanting to setup a new aquarium, I wanted to purchase this light but I wanted to make sure its reliable. The reviews look good on it, but I wanted to ask the nerms if you guys have tried this light, and if you enjoyed it?

heres the link to the light I'm refering too



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If you read the reviews, it's confirmed that this light doesn't have the UV leds. Which are real and will hurt your fish. Lights like these in the saltwater world are referred to as "black box lights" They are very powerful, and life expectancy can be from 5 minutes to forever. They are crazy high light output, but it's a gamble. Usually far too much light for any freshwater tank.

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17 minutes ago, Cory said:

If you read the reviews, it's confirmed that this light doesn't have the UV leds. Which are real and will hurt your fish. Lights like these in the saltwater world are referred to as "black box lights" They are very powerful, and life expectancy can be from 5 minutes to forever. They are crazy high light output, but it's a gamble. Usually far too much light for any freshwater tank.

They have a good warranty and based on reviews good customet service.

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