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How long does it take for new fish to settle in? + anything you know about cherry barbs :)

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Just picked up 8 cherry barbs from my LFS last night. I decided to use the plop and drop method of acclimating since my water is pretty dang close to that of the fish store (and I've heard good things about this versus drip acclimating). They look pretty healthy and happy. The only thing is - they've all been hiding at the very bottom of the tank. Last night they were all sort of cautiously exploring in a group, now they're all spread out just hanging out behind the rocks, not moving a whole ton. I left the light off all evening last night but I figured they would be alright if I let the light come on today. Was I wrong?

I'm guessing they just need time to settle in. The tank has been running for almost 8 weeks getting the plants growing and doing their thing. No ammonia or nitrite. 

I don't think I could get them to come up to the top to feed them if I wanted to, which makes me a little worried. 

Thanks for any experience/thoughts!


Edit to add: also bought a Hillstream Loach last night and he seems to be doing great - much more in your face than the barbs.

Edited by EricksonAquatics
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Give them a week and they will be out and about. My Cherry barbs do not feed from the surface.  They feed lower mid level to foraging.  I release their granules below the water so they slowly sink in one area.  They all come running. 

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On 9/11/2024 at 5:41 PM, Guppysnail said:

My Cherry barbs do not feed from the surface.  They feed lower mid level to foraging

So, what do you feed them? Every time I try feeding a midwater pellet, it sinks way too fast. The corys finish it, but the ones I'm trying to feed miss out. Was looking at getting some cherry barbs for the angel tank. Haven't tried them before.

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I feed Ken’s high protein green granules and growth granules as well as golden pearls 500-800 

Size depends on how big your barbs are. They will also accept Xtreme nano and sera growth. 

I feed mostly white worms, grindle worms, live baby brine shrimp, moina and daphnia but I do occasionally feed the other stuff I listed and see them come eat it or forage it from the bottom. 

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On 9/11/2024 at 6:00 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

ny other suggestions on what to feed them?

I feed my tiny chili ras the AC fry food , x treme micro pellets , krill flakes but I crush them all with a tiny spoon. The powdery result makes it sink more slowly and they hunt it down at all levels. I’m debating to start hatching baby brine. I only have two tanks tho. 10, 5 gal

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I think you are right that your barbs just need time to settle down. Mine come out and join the fray at feeding time, eating mid-water, then foraging later. They are with rasboras, tetras, otos, rams, a mystery snail and amano shrimp.

They get the same as everyone in the community, mostly a variety of foods like live daphnia/moina, grindal worms, frozen brine shrimp and crumbled Xreme Nano pellets.

For the nano pellets, I drop crumbles below the surface or, it and other foods into the rear, permanent feeding tube diy-ed black pipes with mesh covering the bottom ends. The barbs and the cory are able to suck food out through the mesh covers. I flush the pipes a little each feeding time with a pipette, so the rams can eat.

I also sometimes drop to the substrate a weighted inverted feeding cone with dried tubifex worms. The barba are usually the first to successfully suck them out, while the other fish eat the scraps.

Edited by HelplessNewbie
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On 9/11/2024 at 5:55 PM, Tony s said:

So, what do you feed them? Every time I try feeding a midwater pellet, it sinks way too fast. The corys finish it, but the ones I'm trying to feed miss out. Was looking at getting some cherry barbs for the angel tank. Haven't tried them before.

I have a bunch of them with my Tiger Barbs and I feed them a small granular food that slowly sinks from the surface just over feeding because the tiger barbs are piggies. Watch the videos in my sig.  They tend to hang mid tank.

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