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Guppies Slaughtering Cherry Shrimp?!?


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I got 5 guppies recently. None are more than 1" or so. They are fed Hikari Fancy Guppie food daily.

Yesterday, my daughter says "The guppies are biting the heads off your shrimp!" No way! I figured she was making up stories. Then tonight I found a pile of just tails from full grown cherry shrimp collected at the base of my filter.


Edited by ChrisD
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Well, I questioned the guppies and they adamantly denied any anti-shrimp activity and pinned it on the clown killifish. The clown killifish made the compelling argument that they hang out at the top of the tank and pointed fins at the amano shrimp. The amanos said they saw the guppies going after the shrimp. Someone is lying.


Edited by ChrisD
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My cherries live with guppy females with no victims so far. Might be due to the thick carpet of moss at the bottom.  I would suggest adding additional cover for your shrimp if your fishes are of murderous disposition indeed and you still want to keep them together. 

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