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Feeding nano fish

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I’ve read and watched many videos but need experienced first hand opinion. 
New chili rasboras ( now total of 15) -some seem pretty skinny/ small. Should I feed small amts 2-3 x day or is that too much? I powder up the different varieties and they always seem ravenous. I just don’t want to overfeed but they are so tiny I feel like they don’t have much “ reserves” . I could be wrong however. 
need input- thank you!


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On 7/24/2024 at 9:29 PM, Guppysnail said:

I feed small juveniles 3x a day very small amounts.  Try Kens high protein tropical green .2 & .2 mm, or northfin fry or hikari first bites

To put on weight and grow them fast live new hatched baby brine shrimp and grindle worms are best. 

Oh good I feel like my instinct wasn’t way off. Being diurnal, should I not feed at night tho or does that not matter? I tend to overthink a bit I know. 8am, 2 pm, 8 pm  or get three feedings in more daytime hours, spaced differently.  In your opinion.

grindle worms? Never heard of those. I do have some frozen daphnia - yes/no?
been using AC FRY food, nano pellets crushed, krill flakes crushed. All crushed to powder.

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Fish are opportunistic feeders in the wild. If there's food there, they'll eat it. I'd feed them often. For my CPDs, I feed them frozen baby brine (half of a mini-cube per day), some crushed-up Tetra-Min, and some micro-pellets. 

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I would feed my chilis with a plastic pipette too it’s easier to give them as much as they can eat with little waste.


I would do this 2x daily for about a minute or until their appetite slowed whichever came first. Chili rasbora have a fast metabolism

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