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A couple of days ago one of my five corydora catfish died. The days before he had a weird lump looking thing on his gill. I was medicating him with "Esha 200" and it seemed to be working because the lump got smaller. Suddenly he stopped eating and wasn't swimming much. After two days of him not eating he died. Does anyone know what sickness or infection this could be?

Her are some pictures of the fish and the tank.


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Ow really, i didn't know that. Although i think it did help something also with my honey gourami, he had starting fin rot and Esha2000 treated it. After a week or so he was healthy again. 

I will definitely do more research after the disease of the fish and "Esha2000". Thank you for the information!

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It could be caused by a bacterial infections it's difficult to say for sure The active ingredients in Esha 2000 will treat fungal infections some mild bacterial infections one of the active ingredients proflavine is a acriflavine derivative its a disinfectant bacteriostatic against many  gram positive bacterial  I would get holed of Sera bactopur direct tablets active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment it readily available in Europe you can usually get it from ebay or Amazon or I would order kanaplex or maracyn2 from eBay it can take a couple of weeks to get here from the usa there good medication to have to hand 


Edited by Colu
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