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Fluval 407 for 55g?

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So right now I have a Fluval 407 for my 55g. It's got a lot of plants and isn't hugely overstocked. But I was wondering if it would be ok if it was just this filter alone.

I have a Aquarium Coop large sponge filter in there as well....but even after cleaning it just doesn't do much, so I was going to replace it with a air stone.

Do you think it'd be ok? Im not SUPER stocked I have 10 corys a few loaches 1 whiptail cat and 2 Raphael cats (and 6 serpae tetras) so there isn't a TON of waste.

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I’d leave the sponge in. Not for any filtration. Leaving it in and going keeps it full of beneficial bacteria. Then if needed you could use it for a quarantine tank. Or even starting a new tank. Just lots of ways to use a seeded sponge 

I currently have 2 spares. Had 3, but instantly cycled a new guppy tank with one.

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I guess a follow up question would be if there are any other sponge filters people like? I just sadly haven't had good lucky with this one. Maybe a smaller one would suffice (this one is a large)

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On 6/4/2024 at 10:50 PM, Mercfh said:

I guess a follow up question would be if there are any other sponge filters people like? I just sadly haven't had good lucky with this one. Maybe a smaller one would suffice (this one is a large)

The ac coop sponge doesn't really do mechanical filtering, especially if you have another finer filter running. It's mostly biological. And one sponge in a 55 gallon just really isn't a huge amount of flow either. I keep both a sponge and a finer internal fine pore filter in my tanks and it seems to work great. That way if I clean out one the other has all the bacteria in it still. Best of both worlds. 

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On 6/2/2024 at 7:31 PM, Mercfh said:

o right now I have a Fluval 407 for my 55g. It's got a lot of plants and isn't hugely overstocked. But I was wondering if it would be ok if it was just this filter alone.

I use one on a 75G.  That filter is designed 100000000% for use on a 55G tank long term.  All the parts "fit" that size tank rim and so on. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is old, but I guess my worry is because I read a lot of threads where people were saying a 407 is not nearly enough for a 55g which seemed odd to me.

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The only reason I could see someone arguing it is not enough for a 55 gallon would be due to flow gallonage.  Some people argue for a minimum 10 times gallonage flow for a planted tank, or 550 gallons per hour for a 55 gallon and a 407 does about 245.  

Nothing says all that flow needs to be filtered flow however.   Flow from a canister filter can be supplemented by flow from a powerhead or wavemaker.

I have read it argued that not having that level of flow increases algae issues.

It certainly has not been my experience. Because of this argument I used to have wavemakers in my 29 gallon tank in addition to a fulval 207. I got tired of having to clean those things daily from leaves clogging the grates and got rid of them and have not noted any difficulty…

I like running my canister filters through a spray bar on the top back of the tank flowing just under the surface to the front and have an inline co2 diffuser to disperse co2 through the spray bar and keep it in suspension in the tank.

I dont much like the look of a large sponge filter myself, though I do like the redundancy.  In a power outage a 3 watt air pump can keep biofiltration going on battery backup for a long time vs 23 watts of a canister filter..


long and shortnof it, I think a Fluval 407 is plenty of filtration for a 55 gallon all by itself.  If you felt you needed more flow an added power head or wa emaker would be plenty…

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Depends on what you’re putting in your tank. If you’re sticking something tall and flat like an angelfish you can throttle down the output tube. That way they won’t get blown around in there. If it’s a faster bunch of rainbows or danios, you’re probably good. I have the fx2 in a 75. I slow it down for the angels. I say do it from the output side because on normal operations the filter has some resistance when it start to get full. The filter is designed to handle that pressure. If you slow it down from the intake side, you’ll create a vacuum. Something the pumps not designed for.

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On 7/2/2024 at 9:28 PM, Mercfh said:

a 407 is not nearly enough for a 55g which seemed odd to me.

Yeah, I’m not sure I agree with them at all. It does seem odd. For a 55g it really is the perfect size, if not too much in some cases.

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Random question, what is the difference between a powerhead and a wavemaker? When searching they seem to be the same thing (and are there any good brands?)

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I run a 407 on my 75g with 1 Pleco and 1 Oscar no plants but alot of decor and it works great I don't like sponge filters they are u-gly. If you want a seeded sponge put one in your top tray. I've been playing around with different things in my trays. 1) First stock black filter in bottom tray took out the white one matrics in the other 3 trays Purigen bag on top of the top tray. 2) took out the matrics in the top tray and replaced it with a 30ppi sponge ( for seeding) with a bag of purigen on top of it  So final result will be from bottom to top. Stock black sponge then pot scrubbers in two middle trays 30ppi sponge in top with purigen on the very top. Oh keep the first two large main intake sponges. If you make any of these changes wait 3 to 4 weeks between each change to give youu BB a chance to grow in the new basket My water is CRySTAL CLEAR. When I do my weekly wc I put a hob on with just filter floss in it for a few hours. These two fish are pigs and alot of poo gets stired up during a wc .

I do the hob to trap the floating poo before I start the 407 keeps me from breaking it down so often might be OCD

https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/what-s-the-difference-between-a-powerhead-and-a-wave-maker#:~:text=A fish tank powerhead typically,full article on water circulation.



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On 7/3/2024 at 6:35 PM, Airborne 82nd said:

I run a 407 on my 75g with 1 Pleco and 1 Oscar no plants but alot of decor and it works great I don't like sponge filters they are u-gly. If you want a seeded sponge put one in your top tray. I've been playing around with different things in my trays. 1) First stock black filter in bottom tray took out the white one matrics in the other 3 trays Purigen bag on top of the top tray. 2) took out the matrics in the top tray and replaced it with a 30ppi sponge ( for seeding) with a bag of purigen on top of it  So final result will be from bottom to top. Stock black sponge then pot scrubbers in two middle trays 30ppi sponge in top with purigen on the very top. Oh keep the first two large main intake sponges. If you make any of these changes wait 3 to 4 weeks between each change to give youu BB a chance to grow in the new basket My water is CRySTAL CLEAR. When I do my weekly wc I put a hob on with just filter floss in it for a few hours. These two fish are pigs and alot of poo gets stired up during a wc .

I do the hob to trap the floating poo before I start the 407 keeps me from breaking it down so often might be OCD

https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/what-s-the-difference-between-a-powerhead-and-a-wave-maker#:~:text=A fish tank powerhead typically,full article on water circulation.

I think of this when someone says wavemaker


and this as a power head


They both move water just in a different pattern for different reasons. I use a wavemaker at the bottom to help with dead spots. I like the ones with magnets so I can move it around from the outside




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On 7/3/2024 at 5:02 PM, Mercfh said:

Random question, what is the difference between a powerhead and a wavemaker?

Powerheads create powerful focused flow.  Can often be used to flow water through a sponge filter or Under Gravel Filter riser tubes etc.  you van also route that flow through a spray bar to diffuse it…


Wavemakers are designed to make wide area flow patterns.  Flow is a bit gentler and wider area.  More expensive models can vary the strength and timing…generally they feature a propeller surrounded by a cage… they can not beplumbed into a filter or spray bar or such…

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Posted (edited)
On 7/3/2024 at 8:04 PM, Pepere said:

powerhead and a wavemaker

The difference is wave maker's are made to rotate and create wave like movement of the water. They do make power heads that can move side to side. Most power heads just shoot a straight jet of water. 

Edited by Tlindsey
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