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Friends, I decided to let Onyx go humanely. This is a photo of her beforehand. This was as large as I was willing to let her become.


The process took about 3-5 seconds and then I left her in the soak for maybe 2 hours (longer than needed, and mainly because it’s just.. sad). I don’t make it a standard practice to do necropsy, nor do I have the anatomical knowledge to know exactly what I’m looking at. However, because we were guessing at the real issue: egg binding, a body mass, organ failure, etc, I felt it was worth trying to find out (and also validating my decision, I suppose). The body cavity was completely filled with fluid which released upon incision, and we can therefore say organ failure or perhaps even blockage. Either way, Onyx was not able to expel waste fluids, and it would not have been a good ending for her had I not intervened. 

She did receive a wonderful last meal of brine shrimps and had a little service in the garden to celebrate her life and time with me and all of her fishy friends.


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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