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On 5/18/2024 at 4:06 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Hmmm, well that is super helpful!! Thanks @macdaddy36, they have been trying to fight for the one female I have, there’s 4 males, and 1 female, they always are chasing each other. And they always chase the female constantly. I will wait and see, if it gets worse, I might take action then. Again thanks

Once your ammonia is for sure gone, get some more females. Your tank is big enough

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Treatment is up to you of course. If you think it’s slightly injured, observe and don’t treat. If you’re not sure, or it definitely looks like s, treat if you think it’s necessary. Treatment can affect your cycle. It doesn’t have to, but definitely can. You have to make that call. We can only see pictures, you get the first hand view 

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On 5/18/2024 at 9:01 PM, Tony s said:

Treatment is up to you of course. If you think it’s slightly injured, observe and don’t treat. If you’re not sure, or it definitely looks like s, treat if you think it’s necessary. Treatment can affect your cycle. It doesn’t have to, but definitely can. You have to make that call. We can only see pictures, you get the first hand view 

I have decided to wait, if it gets significantly worse, then I will treat, the ammonia has been 0 for a whole week, first time that’s happened in 2-3 months! Will continue to test and monitor tho.


On 5/18/2024 at 7:04 PM, macdaddy36 said:

Once your ammonia is for sure gone, get some more females. Your tank is big enough

Thanks @macdaddy36, I will 

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I read on your other post about feeding snails that you are getting a Nerite snail. Congratulations on the new addition to your aquarium! Here are some final things to know:

1. Nerite snails are nocturnal. They will spend most of the day hiding, which leads me to my second point.

2. They enjoy dark spots. I unfortunately learned that the hard way. My Nerite snail was burying itself, and I thought it was stress. If you don't have any tunnels or anything of the sort, they will bury themselves I substrate.

3. Be sure to pick a snail that is on the wall, because those are healthier.

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On 5/22/2024 at 12:45 PM, Guupy42 said:

I read on your other post about feeding snails that you are getting a Nerite snail. Congratulations on the new addition to your aquarium! Here are some final things to know:

1. Nerite snails are nocturnal. They will spend most of the day hiding, which leads me to my second point.

2. They enjoy dark spots. I unfortunately learned that the hard way. My Nerite snail was burying itself, and I thought it was stress. If you don't have any tunnels or anything of the sort, they will bury themselves I substrate.

3. Be sure to pick a snail that is on the wall, because those are healthier.

Thanks! I would’ve never knew that the healthy ones would be on the walls of the aquarium, I have plenty of decor for them to hide in, and I read a article about them, I think I’m all set!!!! Thanks @Guupy42!

Here is pictures  of my tank now.







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Yea, algae is taking over. But anyway, I have one thing I wanted to add. I just realized there is several pictures of my fish that the white stuff on their lip, a long time ago, is it a problem, or this breeding or ? Idk, I finally got my ich-X. @Colu, should I hold of on treatment? Thanks 

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If they have always had it, then it might not be a disease. You never said anything about your White Clouds being lethargic, so that's a positive sign. I don't know about the Ick X, though.

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On 5/23/2024 at 7:24 AM, Guupy42 said:

If they have always had it, then it might not be a disease. You never said anything about your White Clouds being lethargic, so that's a positive sign. I don't know about the Ick X, though.

Yeah no their not, they have acted the same since I got em. Yes I was thinking that too. 

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On 5/23/2024 at 12:20 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Yea, algae is taking over. But anyway, I have one thing I wanted to add. I just realized there is several pictures of my fish that the white stuff on their lip, a long time ago, is it a problem, or this breeding or ? Idk, I finally got my ich-X. @Colu, should I hold of on treatment? Thanks 

If the white on the mouth has a fuzzy appearance I would go ahead and treat with ick X if it doesn't I would just monitor for now 

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On 5/23/2024 at 9:27 AM, Colu said:

If the white on the mouth has a fuzzy appearance I would go ahead and treat with ick X if it doesn't I would just monitor for now 

Ok. Is it snail safe? I am getting one today, also I will check in a bit, the light is going through the sunrise phase @Colu

I will treat maybe if it’s fuzzy, but here is what it looks like now kinda hard to tell …








The third picture is the best,  just making sure that my new snail would not be stressed out of getting to my tank , then all the sudden I do constant water changes thanks btw

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On 5/23/2024 at 2:56 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

I looked it up, it’s snail safe and plant safe, but I can’t tell if ts fuzzy, they are so tiny and fast, but now they are yawning….I have a airstone plus strong filter….. idk what to do, plz help @Colu.

It's difficult to tell off your picture if it's fuzzy or not I would have the medication to hand and monitor for now 

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On 5/23/2024 at 10:07 AM, Colu said:

It's difficult to tell off your picture if it's fuzzy or not I would have the medication to hand and monitor for now 

Ok, got it, thanks! If it gets worse (it hasn’t yet) I will start the treatment, btw my paremeters are still good, nitrite 0 and ammonia 0. Plus my nitrates are 15. I a, back to weekly changes now. Thanks @Colu!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been the same lately, no improvements, nothing. But nothing has gotten worse, 3 have it, but I think there are 2 females and they don't have it, so thinking the males are trying to attract the females? I have a lot of plants and i have read, the more plants, and better diet, the better chance of breeding these WCMMs. So maybe just breeding? They are healthy as they can be, swim, are active, they are very active in fact. But ich x is still on hand just in case,

Mini update 🙂

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Hi! I have WCMM and my males have those same two spots on the mouth. I think it's part of their markings.  I posted two pictures from each side of my male WCMM. He won't cooperate with a front face picture.



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On 6/5/2024 at 9:05 PM, shawnkissed said:

Hi! I have WCMM and my males have those same two spots on the mouth. I think it's part of their markings.  I posted two pictures from each side of my male WCMM. He won't cooperate with a front face picture.



Wow! That’s a HIGE RELIEF!!!!!! Thanks soooooo much @shawnkissed! I am very glad you clarified this. Thanks! No worries now I guess!

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